Client-Server Model

  • A click handler in the view would send a request to the server (in JavaScript) from the client browser.
  • A client could request more data and a different view to be rendered (with the data).
  • A server process listens to the request sent from the view. It fetches the data and chooses what to render next, using the fetched data.

HTML 代码 (client)

<div id="one" data-id="1">

document.getElementById("one").onclick = function () {
	var request = new Request();
	request.send("GET Product One details", 1);

Python 代码 (Server)

application.listen_on("GET Product One details")

print( # -> 1

# ... get more information about object with
# ... data

application.render_view('product_detail.html', data)
  • The client sends a request to the server, including information about the request type and any user input data.
  • The server receives the request, and uses the user input data to determine how to shape its request to the database, and sends a request to the database
  • The database processes this request, and sends a response back to the web server
  • The server receives the response from the database, and uses it to determine the view + powers the view template with the fetched data, sending it back to the client’s browser.
  • The client is responsible for rendering something to the user, that represents both the data and its representation.
