windows桌面动态主题_学习Windows 7:桌面主题和背景

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When getting a new Windows computer, the first thing many people do is tweak the background and themes to change the look and feel. In this article we will show you how to change themes and backgrounds, find hidden themes, and create a background slideshow on your desktop.

购买新的Windows计算机时,许多人要做的第一件事就是调整背景和主题以更改外观。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何更改主题和背景,查找隐藏的主题以及如何在桌面上创建背景幻灯片。

Change Themes and Backgrounds


Here we take a look at the default theme for Windows 7. It’s actually not that bad looking and some of you may want to keep it.

在这里,我们看一下Windows 7的默认主题。实际上,它的外观并不差,有些人可能想要保留它。

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If you want to customize the look and feel of Windows 7, a great place to start is with Themes and Backgrounds. To change the appearance right click an empty area on the desktop and select Personalize.

如果要自定义Windows 7的外观,那么主题和背景是一个不错的起点。 要更改外观,请右键单击桌面上的空白区域,然后选择个性化。

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In the screen that opens you can go through and try out different ones from Aero Themes to High Contrast Themes.

在打开的屏幕中,您可以浏览并尝试从Aero主题到High Contrast主题的不同主题。

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For example here we take a look at the Landscapes Aero Theme. You’ll notice it changes the Background and color of the window border colors. It also changes the sounds specific to the Landscapes theme.

例如,在这里我们看一下Landscapes Aero主题。 您会注意到它会更改背景和窗口边框颜色的颜色。 它还会更改特定于“风景”主题的声音。

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The Background will change images periodically. You can adjust time intervals by going into Personalization and clicking on Desktop Background, which will be set to Slide Show by default.

背景将定期更改图像。 您可以通过进入“个性化”并单击“桌面背景”来调整时间间隔,默认情况下会将其设置为“幻灯片放映”。

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Here you can decide which background pictures are shown, how often they change, and the picture position. In this example one of the Landscapes pictures is unselected, it will change every 10 minutes, and are set to shuffle.

在这里,您可以决定显示哪些背景图片,更改的频率以及图片位置。 在此示例中,未选择任何一张风景照片,它将每10分钟更改一次,并设置为随机播放。

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You don’t have to use the pictures for the specific Themes either. You can go through all of the pictures and select the ones you want in different categories like something in Characters for example.

您也不必将图片用于特定主题。 您可以浏览所有图片,然后在不同类别中选择所需的图片,例如“字符”中的内容。

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There are several different default pictures to choose from. Click the Picture location drop down menu to explore different categories.

有几种不同的默认图片可供选择。 单击图片位置下拉菜单以浏览不同的类别。

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Create a Custom Theme


So now you’ve played around with the default pictures and themes but you want to make your own and customize it up a bit. You can use your own pictures…click on the Browse button then navigate to the directory where your pictures are located.

因此,现在您已经使用了默认的图片和主题,但是您希望自己制作并对其进行一些自定义。 您可以使用自己的图片…单击“浏览”按钮,然后导航到图片所在的目录。

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Then the images in that folder will be displayed and you can use them for backgrounds.


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Once you have a picture selected for the Background Screen you can then start customizing other features like the Window color.


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You have several choices of different colors and can mix them around to get it to your liking.


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You can change the sounds of your theme too.


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Here you can go through different sound schemes and see how they will sound for different program events like logon, system notifications, low battery alarm…etc.


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You might also want to select a screensaver to go along with the theme.


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Choose the Screen Saver you want to use and customize its settings then hit OK.


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If you end up with a theme you like you can save it under the My Themes category.


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You can also share your custom themes with friends, family, and co-workers. Right-click on the theme you want to share and select Save theme for sharing.

您还可以与朋友,家人和同事分享自定义主题。 右键单击要共享的主题,然后选择“ 保存主题以共享”。

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Give it a name and it will be stored in My Documents folder, then you can share it with your family via Homegroup or email the file to them.


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To use the custom theme, they will just need to double click on the theme pack file.


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Create Background Slide Show


By this time you have probably figured out that you can easily create a customized Background Slide Show. This comes in handy while you’re at work or home and want to easily show off some pictures. Or you just might be bored and want to play around with the settings. We already have a guide that you can read — How To Turn Your Desktop into a Picture Slideshow in Windows 7.

到此时,您可能已经发现可以轻松创建自定义的背景幻灯片放映了。 当您在工作或在家中并想要轻松展示一些图片时,此功能非常方便。 否则,您可能会很无聊,并且想玩这些设置。 我们已经有您可以阅读的指南- 如何在Windows 7中将桌面变成图片幻灯片 。

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Discover Hidden Themes


Usually the version of Windows 7 you receive includes region specific themes based on your country and language. You can access other regional Aero themes that are hidden deep in the system also. In the example below it’s a theme for South Africa. To find out how to access these hidden themes read our article – Access Hidden Regional Themes in Windows 7.

通常,您收到的Windows 7版本会根据您所在的国家/地区和语言包含特定于区域的主题。 您还可以访问隐藏在系统深处的其他地区性Aero主题。 在下面的示例中,它是南非的主题。 要了解如何访问这些隐藏的主题,请阅读我们的文章-Windows 7中的“访问隐藏的区域主题” 。

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This guide should get you started using the themes feature in Windows 7. You might find something appealing with the default themes offered by Microsoft, but the real fun comes when you create your own. If you’re looking for some awesome wallpapers to use in creating your own themes, check out our list of collections below. Have fun!

本指南应该使您开始使用Windows 7中的主题功能。Microsoft提供的默认主题可能会吸引人,但是真正的乐趣来自于创建自己的主题。 如果您正在寻找一些很棒的壁纸来创建自己的主题,请查看下面的收藏列表。 玩得开心!

How-To Geek Awesome Wallpaper Collections


  • Totally Awesome Lego Wallpapers for Your Desktop


  • Awesome Desktop Wallpapers: Windows 7 Edition

    令人敬畏的桌面壁纸:Windows 7版


