
背景 / Background




关于我们 / About Us

OpenTEKr 是一家以推广开源软件和开放硬件技术为核心的开放式非营利组织,致力于构建可持续发展的开放科技生态圈。我们基于“众有、众享、众治”的信念,依循「自由与规则同在,免费与商业共生」的原则,憧憬科技普惠的美好未来,帮助个人和组织通过变革性的技术创新来成就其远大抱负。


OpenTEKr is a non-for-profit open organization with advancing open-source software and open hardware technology at its core, dedicated to shaping a sustainable open technology ecosystem. We envision a better tomorrow for all mankind with individuals and organizations inspired and empowered to realize their aspirations through transformative technologies and world-class innovation.



我们做什么/ What We Do



We are committed to shaping a sustainable ecosystem by advocating open source culture, nurturing and fostering the collaboration between multidisciplinary talents, open source communities, and end users in our ecosystem to advance the human civilization in science and technology. Thus, OpenTEKr is focused upon four core endeavors:


1. 软件应用工程化:将开源技术支持的软件商业应用工程化和方案化助力组织和企业数字化转型;

Solution Engineer: We engineer and nurture leading open source solutions, solving critical business challenges for established organizations and global entrepreneurs.

2. 激活创新:孵化、进化开源技术,以应用迭代产品,赋能创业各阶段的团队和企业,助力其技术社区化和商业化的发展;
Innovation Booster: We help incubate ideas, evolve prototypes, and commercialise fund-raised start-ups, powering the growth of open source technological development.

3. 凝聚社区:联结人工智能、云计算、区块链、大数据、物联网和机器人等前沿科技领域的各大社区,汇聚思想领袖和技术极客,分享并传播世界级的技术洞见和知识;

Community HUBer: We bring together and collaborate with a dynamic community of thought-leaders and experts in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Big Data, The Internet of Things and Robotics.

4. 赋能个人成长:推动个人在开放技术领域的学习成长,为其提供培训和职业发展机会,使个人充分发挥潜力,实现人生目标。

Growth Enabler: We empower individuals to attain their goals and reach their full potential by providing training and career development opportunities. 

OpenTEKr 使命愿景


Vision: We envision a better tomorrow with every individual and organization inspired and empowered to reach higher through transformative and accessible technology.



Mission: We are on a mission to shape a sustainable open technology ecosystem for the betterment of all mankind.



  • 成为最具创新与活力的无边界开放科技社区
  • 成为颠覆性开放科技创新的首发摇篮和商业化落地基地


Goals: We aim to build the most innovative, dynamic, and borderless open technology community and become the cradle of disruptive open technology innovation and base camp for its commercial applications.








