
fvwm-themes 的应用

fvwm-themes 的应用

1 废话

在使用fvwm-themes时遇到了一些问题,现在大都已经搞定,做下记录。这不是配置教程,如果想看教程,这儿有一个王垠的:FVWM简明使用教 。本文的读者是刚用fvwm的菜乌。

2 安装


sudo apt-get install fvwm
sudo apt-get install fvwm-themes
sudo apt-get install fvwm-themes-extra


sudo apt-get install wm-icons

3 如何使用fvwm-themes

3.1 启动fvwm-themes

在“桌面“单击,弹出"Root Menu",再"Quit Fvwm"->"Restart Other"->"fvwm-themes-start"。这时就启动了fvwm-themes。这时在你的家目录下应该会有一个.fvwm目录,里面有一些你现在使用的fvwm-themes主题配置文件。

3.2 如何配置主题

"Root Menu"->"Theme Management"里面有很多主题,其中Current是正在使用的主题。选中一个主题,选择"All"使用这个主题。选择它的一个部件就使用它的这个部件的配置。这样你就可以用多个主题的部件搭配成一个新的主题。比如我的就是Minimal的windowlook,CDE的menustyle和colors等构成的。 当然也可以在Current主题里直接设置想要的配置。等配置令你满意之后,这时你可以在.fvwm里面新建一个文件.fvwm2rc,加上一句Read themes-rc-2。其中Read就如C/C++里的include,java里的import和c#里的Using,它 是引用themes-rc-2里的配置。(其实themes-rc-2是在你配置时系统自动生成的相应配置文件,里也有好多Read语句)这时保存退出,以后再进入系统就是默认启动fvwm-themes的主题了,至于.fvwm2rc文件,你可以到网上找个别人的,参照别人的 配置,往里面加入自已相要的东西,使其逐渐完善。下面是我的.fvwm2rc,很简单:

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc       InitFunction
+ I Exec exec xscreensave -no-splash
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc   StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmAnimate
+ I Exec exec fcitx
DestroyFunc ExitFunction
AddToFunc   ExitFunction
+ I All (fcitx) Close
+ I All (xscreensaver) Close
Read themes-rc-2
Read hwb.stroke
Read hwb.bind
Style * NoTitle
#Style * !Borders

Exec exec fvwm-root ~/.fvwm/images/fvwm-tiger-tail.xpm
Key Left        A       SM      -
Key Right       A       SM      -
Key Up          A       SM      -
Key Down        A       SM      -
*FvwmAnimate: Delay 25
*FvwmAnimate: Effect Random
*FvwmAnimate: Width 3

4 汉字显示问题


Read "/usr/share/fvwm/themes/multichoice/fonts/default"


5 手势绑定

其实火狐有个手势插件,好像是叫firegesture,可以自定义手势,很不错。幸运的是fvwm下也能用手势。到libstroke的官网去下载专门为提供的那个包,安装。其实源里也有个libstroke包,但不是专门为fvwm准备的,不建议安装。 手势的使用要求Stroke模块运行,可以在"Root Menu"->"Theme Management"->Current->Settings->Stroke里Enable。当然也可以在.fvwm2rc里打开。手势的定义可以在.fvwm2rc里,也可以另建一个文件,在.fvwm2rc里Read一下。 下面是我的绑定,其中4指的是Super键(上面有ms的logo):

Mouse 3 R N StrokeFunc DrawMotion
Mouse 3 A M StrokeFunc DrawMotion
Mouse 3 W 4 StrokeFunc DrawMotion
Mouse 3 W C StrokeFunc DrawMotion
# A - from the left
Stroke N456     0 R N   Exec exec thunar
Stroke N456     0 A M   Exec exec thunar
# A - from the right
Stroke N654     0 R N   Exec exec gnome-terminal
Stroke N654     0 A M   Exec exec gnome-terminal
# A | from the top
Stroke N852     0 R N   FuncFvwmEditor
Stroke N852     0 A M   FuncFvwmEditor
# A | from the bottom
Stroke N258     0 R N   FuncFvwmProcess
Stroke N258     0 A M   FuncFvwmProcess
# A f from the top right
Stroke N98521   0 R N   Exec exec firefox
Stroke N98521   0 A M   Exec exec firefox
# A H 
Stroke N741456963 0 R N FuncFvwmHelp
Stroke N741456963 0 A M FuncFvwmHelp
# A C from the top right
Stroke N9874123 0 R N Exec exec gcalctool
Stroke N9874123 0 A M Exec exec gcalctool
# A clockwise box from the top left
stroke N78963214 0 R N FuncFvwmQuitVerify
stroke N789632147 0 R N FuncFvwmQuitVerify
stroke N78963214 0 A M FuncFvwmQuitVerify
stroke N789632147 0 A M FuncFvwmQuitVerify
# A +
stroke N9514753 0 A M   Exec xkill
# A \ from the bottom right
Stroke N357     0 R N   Iconify
Stroke N32547   0 R N   Iconify
Stroke N36587   0 R N   Iconify
Stroke N357     0 A M   Iconify
Stroke N32547   0 A M   Iconify
Stroke N36587   0 A M   Iconify
# A \ from the top left
Stroke N753     0 R N   All (CurrentPage,Iconic) Iconify
Stroke N78563   0 R N   All (CurrentPage,Iconic) Iconify
Stroke N74523   0 R N   All (CurrentPage,Iconic) Iconify
Stroke N753     0 A M   All (CurrentPage,Iconic) Iconify
Stroke N78563   0 A M   All (CurrentPage,Iconic) Iconify
Stroke N74523   0 A M   All (CurrentPage,Iconic) Iconify
# A / from the top right
stroke N951     0 R N   All (CurrentPage,!Fvwm*B*,!Iconic) Iconify
stroke N98541   0 R N   All (CurrentPage,!Fvwm*B*,!Iconic) Iconify
stroke N96521   0 R N   All (CurrentPage,!Fvwm*B*,!Iconic) Iconify
stroke N951     0 A M   All (CurrentPage,!Fvwm*B*,!Iconic) Iconify
stroke N98541   0 A M   All (CurrentPage,!Fvwm*B*,!Iconic) Iconify
stroke N96521   0 A M   All (CurrentPage,!Fvwm*B*,!Iconic) Iconify
# A / from the bottom left
Stroke N159     0 R N   Maximize
Stroke N14589   0 R N   Maximize
Stroke N12569   0 R N   Maximize
Stroke N159     0 A M   Maximize
Stroke N14589   0 A M   Maximize
Stroke N12569   0 A M   Maximize
# A -| from the bottom right
Stroke N36987   0 R N   Close
Stroke N36987   0 A M   Close
#A |-| (an arch) from the bottom left
Stroke N1478963 0 R N   All (CurrentPage,!Fvwm*B*) Close
Stroke N1478963 0 A M   All (CurrentPage,!Fvwm*B*) Close
# 关机
Stroke N98741236 0 R N  Exec exec gksu -m "想关机?是要密码滴:" halt
Stroke N98741236 0 A M  Exec exec gksu -m "想关机?是要密码滴:" halt
Stroke N987412369 0 R N Exec exec gksu -m "想关机?是要密码滴:" halt
Stroke N987412369 0 A M Exec exec gksu -m "想关机?是要密码滴:" halt
## 窗口的移动(本页)
# Move to the top
Stroke  N258      0 W 4 AnimatedMove keep 0p
# Move to the bottom
Stroke  N852      0 W 4 AnimatedMove keep -0p
# Move to the left
Stroke  N654      0 W 4 AnimatedMove 0p keep
# Move to the right
Stroke  N456      0 W 4 AnimatedMove -0p keep
# Move to the center
Stroke  N45654    0 W 4 Pick PipeRead "echo AnimatedMove `expr \\( $[vp.width] - $[w.width] \\) / 2`p \
                                                         `expr \\( $[vp.height] - $[w.height] \\) / 2`p"
Stroke  N65456    0 W 4 Pick PipeRead "echo AnimatedMove `expr \\( $[vp.width] - $[w.width] \\) / 2`p \
                                                         `expr \\( $[vp.height] - $[w.height] \\) / 2`p"
Stroke  N25852    0 W 4 Pick PipeRead "echo AnimatedMove `expr \\( $[vp.width] - $[w.width] \\) / 2`p \
                                                         `expr \\( $[vp.height] - $[w.height] \\) / 2`p"
Stroke  N85258    0 W 4 Pick PipeRead "echo AnimatedMove `expr \\( $[vp.width] - $[w.width] \\) / 2`p \
                                                         `expr \\( $[vp.height] - $[w.height] \\) / 2`p"
# Move to the top left
Stroke  N357      0 W 4 AnimatedMove 0p 0pAnimatedMove 0p 0p
Stroke  N36587    0 W 4 AnimatedMove 0p 0p
Stroke  N32547    0 W 4 AnimatedMove 0p 0p
# Move to the top right
Stroke  N159      0 W 4 AnimatedMove -0p 0p
Stroke  N14589    0 W 4 AnimatedMove -0p 0p
Stroke  N12569    0 W 4 AnimatedMove -0p 0p
# Move to the bottom left
Stroke  N951      0 W 4 AnimatedMove 0p -0p
Stroke  N98541    0 W 4 AnimatedMove 0p -0p
Stroke  N96521    0 W 4 AnimatedMove 0p -0p
# Move to the bottom right
Stroke  N753      0 W 4 AnimatedMove -0p -0p
Stroke  N78563    0 W 4 AnimatedMove -0p -0p
Stroke  N74523    0 W 4 AnimatedMove -0p -0p
## 窗口的移动(跨页)

Stroke  N654  0  W C    MoveToPage  -1p +0p
Stroke  N456  0  W C    MoveToPage  +1p +0p
Stroke  N258  0  W C    MoveToPage  +0p -1p
Stroke  N852  0  W C    MoveToPage  +0p +1p

6 快捷键绑定


  • 不与Emacs冲突,因此大多都是用Super来绑定
  • 相同的功能尽量与手势所用的键相同,其中让窗口上下移动用的hjkl与vi的键相同


Key t A 4       Exec exec gnome-terminal
Key f A 4       Exec exec firefox
Key e A 4       FuncFvwmEditor
Key d A 4       All (CurrentPage,!Fvwm*B*,!Iconic) Iconify
Key i A 4       Iconify True
Key m A 4       Maximize
Key space A 4   Exec exec gmrun -g 380 330
Key d A 4       All (CurrentPage,!Fvwm*B*,!Iconic) Iconify
Key h W 4       AnimatedMove 0p keep
Key j W 4       AnimatedMove keep -0p
Key k W 4       AnimatedMove keep 0p
Key l W 4       AnimatedMove -0p keep
Key left   W C  MoveToPage  -1p +0p
Key right  W C  MoveToPage  +1p +0p
Key up     W C  MoveToPage  +0p -1p
Key down   W C  MoveToPage  +0p +1p

7 其他

7.1 想修改配置

当你配置好后,再次修改时,是不起作用的。我不知道是不是有更好的方法,我的方法是先将.fvwm目录移走,Restart Fvwm,这样就又成配置前的状态。等配置好后,再将我的配置文件(.fvwm2rc,hwb.bing和hwb.stroke)移过来。

7.2 想更改壁纸


Exec exec fvwm-root /home/huwenbiao/.fvwm/images/fvwm-tiger-tail.xpm


7.3 为什么配置没起作用


7.4 光标聚焦问题

可能你更喜欢gnome下的聚焦方式,可以"Root Menu"->"Configuration"->"Global Feel GUI"里设置,那里还能设置一些其他的东西。

7.5 如何启动程序


7.6 Fvwm是如何确定有哪些窗口按钮的


Author: Hu Wenbiao <[email protected]>

Date: 2011-08-30 23:04:12 CST

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