kindle4.1.1_来自提示框:免费Kindle电子书,iPad上的Windows 3.1和DIY HDTV天线

kindle4.1.1_来自提示框:免费Kindle电子书,iPad上的Windows 3.1和DIY HDTV天线_第1张图片


kindle4.1.1_来自提示框:免费Kindle电子书,iPad上的Windows 3.1和DIY HDTV天线_第2张图片

Every week we round up some tips from our inbox and share them with everyone; this week we’re looking at more  kindle books, running Windows 3.1 on the iPad, and some DIY antenna builds.

每周我们都会从收件箱中收集一些提示,并与所有人分享; 本周,我们将寻找更多的kindle书籍,在iPad上运行Windows 3.1,并构建一些DIY天线。

免费Kindle图书 (Free Kindle Books)

kindle4.1.1_来自提示框:免费Kindle电子书,iPad上的Windows 3.1和DIY HDTV天线_第3张图片

Uri writes in with a free-books tip:


Love all the Kindle/ebook reader stuff you guys share! I’m all about getting as much free reading material on my Kindle as possible so I thought I’d pass along a site I’ve been using (although I admit the Hundred Zeros ones is a lot prettier to look at). Keep up the good work!

喜欢你们共享的所有Kindle / ebook阅读器! 我全力争取在Kindle上获得尽可能多的免费阅读材料,所以我想我会通过一个我一直在使用的网站 (尽管我承认“一百个零”网站看起来很漂亮)。 保持良好的工作!

When it comes to free books, we’re all about new material and sources too. Thanks for sharing!

当涉及到免费书籍时,我们也都在关注新材料和新资源。 感谢分享!

在iPad上运行Windows 3.1 (Running Windows 3.1 On the iPad)

Steve writes in with the following emulation tip:


I saw your OS X 7 on Nook post earlier this week… did you know you can run Windows 3.1 on your jailbroken iPad? All you need is a copy of DOSPad and your old Windows 3.1 files (and by your old Windows 3.1 files I mean whatever files you can scrounge up online because I sure as heck don’t have my old disks). It’s surprisingly easy fun to dink around with Windows 3.1 on the iPad like this… it’s just enough nostalgia without a whole lot of work.

我在本周早些时候的Nook上看到了您的OS X 7……您知道您可以在越狱的iPad上运行Windows 3.1吗? 您所需要的只是一份DOSPad和旧的Windows 3.1文件的副本(以及旧的Windows 3.1文件,我的意思是,您可以在线上压缩的任何文件,因为我敢保证没有旧的磁盘)。 像这样在iPad上使用Windows 3.1进行浏览非常有趣,这很有趣……没有太多工作就足够了。

Maybe computing will go full circle and we’ll all be using the computers of tomorrow to emulate the operating systems of yesteryear. Nice find Steve!

也许计算将全面发展,我们都将使用明天的计算机来模拟过去的操作系统。 很高兴找到史蒂夫!

DIY HDTV天线设计 (DIY HDTV Antenna Designs)

Nicky writes in with a HDTV reception tip:


While the see-through antenna you shared definitely wins in the looks department, you can build a bigger and better antenna on the cheap if you know how. I used these plans to build a DIY antenna. It cost me like $20 in parts to build the same huge antenna internet retailers were hawking for $100.

虽然您共享的透明天线肯定在外观部门中胜出,但是如果您知道如何的话,可以以便宜的价格制造更大,更好的天线。 我用这些计划制造了一个DIY天线。 建造同样巨大的天线零售商要花100美元,我花了大约20美元的零件费。

That’s a nice chunk of change to save and still enjoy superior reception; thanks for sharing!

这是节省下来的一大笔钱,而且仍然可以享受卓越的接待。 感谢分享!

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and look for it on the front page.

有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址是[email protected],并在首页上查找它。


