苹果现在正在销售独家Belkin充电器。 AirPower死了吗?

苹果现在正在销售独家Belkin充电器。 AirPower死了吗?_第1张图片

Apple won’t talk about AirPower, their revolutionary, multiple-device wireless charging pad that missed the ship deadline—but now they are selling a new Belkin wireless charging pad that both looks really nice and is exclusive to Apple. Is this supposed to be a replacement for AirPower?

苹果不会谈论AirPower ,他们革命性的多设备无线充电板错过了交付截止日期,但现在他们正在出售一种新的Belkin无线充电板 ,既美观又是苹果独有的。 是否应该替代AirPower?

AirPower什么? (AirPower What?)

For the uninitiated, we’ve been really excited about AirPower since it was first announced because it was supposed to solve the biggest problem with wireless charging: support for multiple devices. If you’re invested in the Apple ecosystem, you probably have at least an iPhone and an Apple Watch, and if you really love magical products, you’ve switched to using Airpods (seriously, they are amazing). But plugging in 3 separate devices is a pain, and that doesn’t even count your laptop, tablets, and other gear.

对于刚起步的人,自从AirPower首次发布以来, 我们就感到非常激动,因为它应该解决无线充电的最大问题:支持多种设备。 如果您对Apple生态系统进行了投资,则可能至少拥有iPhone和Apple Watch,并且如果您真的喜欢神奇的产品,那么您会改用Airpods(确实如此,它们很棒)。 但是插入3个单独的设备是一件很痛苦的事,甚至还不算您的笔记本电脑,平板电脑和其他设备。

苹果现在正在销售独家Belkin充电器。 AirPower死了吗?_第2张图片 AirPower was a revolutionary new multiple-device charging pad that will probably never ship AirPower是革命性的新型多设备充电板,可能永远不会发货

Airpower was supposed to solve that problem. But it missed the spring deadline. And then it missed the fall iPhone event. And now you can barely find it mentioned anywhere. There are lots of rumors on the twitters that the tech from the company they bought just doesn’t work. All indications point to one thing: that AirPower is probably dead, or at least delayed like Duke Nukem, Forever.

空中力量应该解决这个问题。 但是它错过了Spring截止日期。 然后错过了秋天的iPhone活动。 现在,您几乎找不到任何地方提到它。 在推特上有许多谣言说,他们从公司购买的技术无法正常工作。 所有迹象都指向一件事:AirPower可能已经死了,或者至少像Nukem,Forever那样延迟了。

现在,Apple推荐这款独家Belkin无线充电板 (Now Apple is Recommending This Exclusive Belkin Wireless Charging Pad)

苹果现在正在销售独家Belkin充电器。 AirPower死了吗?_第3张图片 This Belkin wireless charger looks “Apple-y” 这款Belkin无线充电器看起来像“ Apple-y”

Like every good Apple zealot, I set an alarm on my Apple Watch for 3:01AM EST so that I could wake up and finish my pre-order. During the checkout process, Apple immediately recommended that I buy this exclusive Belkin wireless charger—which looks awfully “Apple-y”. It comes in both white and black, has chrome metal on the sides, and it looks like a much higher end product than the average cheap wireless charger that inevitably comes in only black. The edges even have a similar bezel style.

像每个出色的Apple狂热者一样,我在美国东部时间凌晨3:01在Apple Watch上设置了闹钟,这样我就可以醒来并完成预订。 在结帐过程中,苹果公司立即建议我购买这款独家的Belkin无线充电器 -看上去非常“ Apple-y”。 它有白色和黑色两种颜色,侧面有Chrome金属, 看起来比普通廉价无线充电器不可避免的只有黑色的产品要高得多。 边缘甚至具有相似的边框样式。

So Apple partnered with Belkin, a leader in accessories, to make a product that looks a lot like something Apple would make themselves. It supports fast 7.5W wireless charging. And it’s exclusively sold on Apple’s website and recommended when you’re buying a new iPhone. It’s not multiple-device, but it looks like something that fits with your other Apple products.

因此,苹果与配件领导者贝尔金(Belkin)合作,制造出了看起来很像苹果自己制造的产品。 它支持7.5W快速无线充电。 它仅在Apple网站上出售,建议在购买新iPhone时使用。 它不是多设备设备,但看起来可以与您的其他Apple产品配合使用。

Yeah, this is probably as close as we’re going to get to the AirPower we were promised. So did their recommendation work?

是的,这大概和我们承诺的AirPower差不多。 那么他们的推荐工作了吗?

苹果现在正在销售独家Belkin充电器。 AirPower死了吗?_第4张图片

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/apple-is-now-selling-an-exclusive-belkin-charger.-is-airpower-dead/
