chapter2 techniques ---- 2.2 partial template specialization

template <class Window, class Controller>
class Widget
   ... generic implementation ...

template <>
class Widget<ModalDialog, MyController>
   ... specialized implementation ...

// Partial specialization of Widget
template <class Window>
class Widget<Window, MyController>
   ... partially specialized implementation ...



Unfortunately, partial template specialization does not apply to functions—be they member or
nonmember—which somewhat reduces the flexibility and the granularity of what you can do.

•  Although you can totally specialize member functions of a class template, you cannot partially
specialize member functions.

•  You cannot partially specialize namespace-level (nonmember) template functions. The closest
thing to partial specialization for namespace-level template functions is overloading. For practical
purposes, this means that you have fine-grained specialization abilities only for the function
parameters—not for the return value or for internally used types. For example,
template <class T, class U> T Fun(U obj); // primary template
template <class U> void Fun<void, U>(U obj); // illegal partial
//        specialization
template <class T> T Fun (Window obj); // legal (overloading)


This lack of granularity in partial specialization certainly makes life easier for compiler writers, but has
bad effects for developers. Some of the tools presented later (such as Int2Type and Type2Type)
specifically address this limitation of partial specialization.

可以通过Int2Type and Type2Type等弥补。
