
使用QueryPerformanceFrequency的API,指定每秒的频率。Q ueryPerformanceFrequencyFunction查询每秒的行为频率,这个频率在整个系统运行过程中不被改变。

The QueryPerformanceFrequency function retrieves thefrequency of the high-resolution performance counter, if oneexists. The frequency cannot change while the system isrunning.


BOOL QueryPerformanceFrequency(      
    LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency);


[out] Pointer to a variable that receives thecurrent performance-counter frequency, in counts per second. If theinstalled hardware does not support a high-resolution performancecounter, this parameter can be zero.

Return Value

If the installed hardware supports a high-resolution performancecounter, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extendederror information, call GetLastError. Forexample, if the installed hardware does not support ahigh-resolution performance counter, the function fails.

Function Information

Minimum DLL Version Header Import library Minimum operating systems Unicode
Declared in Winbase.h, includeWindows.h
Windows 95, WindowsNT 3.1
Implemented as Unicode version.

See Also

Timers Overview, QueryPerformanceCounter






#include "CTimer.h"

//---------------------- default constructor------------------------------
CTimer::CTimer(): m_FPS(0),
 //how many ticks per sec do we get

 QueryPerformanceFrequency( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&m_PerfCountFreq);
// m_TimeScale 为每频率占用的秒数
 m_TimeScale = 1.0f/m_PerfCountFreq;

//---------------------- constructor-------------------------------------
// use to specify FPS
CTimer::CTimer(float fps): m_FPS(fps),

 //how many ticks per sec do we get

 QueryPerformanceFrequency( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&m_PerfCountFreq);

 m_TimeScale = 1.0f/m_PerfCountFreq;

 //calculate ticks per frame


 m_FrameTime = (LONGLONG)(m_PerfCountFreq /m_FPS);

// call this immediately prior to game loop.Starts the timer (obviously!)
void CTimer::Start()
 //get the time
 QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&m_LastTime);

 //update time to render next frame


// m_NextTime为下次定时到了的时间.
 m_NextTime = m_LastTime + m_FrameTime;


// returns true if it is time to move on to thenext frame step. To be used if
// FPS is set.
bool CTimer::ReadyForNextFrame()
 if (!m_FPS)
   MessageBox(NULL, "No FPS set in timer", "Doh!", 0);

  QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&m_CurrentTime);

 if (m_CurrentTime >m_NextTime)

//  m_TimeElapsed为本次定时用了多少秒

//更新定时开始前的时间 m_LastTime 

  m_TimeElapsed =(m_CurrentTime - m_LastTime) * m_TimeScale;
  m_LastTime  =m_CurrentTime;

  //update time to render nextframe
  m_NextTime = m_CurrentTime +m_FrameTime;

  return true;

 return false;

//--------------------------- TimeElapsed--------------------------------
// returns time elapsed since last call to thisfunction. Use in main
// when calculations are to be based on dt.
double CTimer::TimeElapsed()

 QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&m_CurrentTime);
 m_TimeElapsed = (m_CurrentTime -m_LastTime) * m_TimeScale;
 m_LastTime  =m_CurrentTime;

 return m_TimeElapsed;








#ifndef CTIMER_H
#define CTIMER_H
//  Name: CTimer.h
//  Author: Mat Buckland 2002
// Desc: Windows timer class for the book GameAI
//  Programming with Neural Nets and GeneticAlgorithms.


class CTimer


 LONGLONG m_CurrentTime,

 double  m_TimeElapsed,

 float   m_FPS;


 CTimer(float fps);

 //whatdayaknow, this starts the timer
 void  Start();

 //determines if enough time has passed to moveonto next frame
 bool  ReadyForNextFrame();

 //only use this after a call to theabove.
 double GetTimeElapsed(){returnm_TimeElapsed;}

 double TimeElapsed();






int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance,
                   HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                   LPSTR    szCmdLine,
                   int      iCmdShow)
    //handle to our window
  HWND      hWnd;
   //our window classstructure
  WNDCLASSEX    winclass;
    // first fill in the window class stucture
   winclass.cbSize       = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);        = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
    winclass.lpfnWndProc   =WindowProc;
    winclass.cbClsExtra   = 0;
    winclass.cbWndExtra   = 0;
    winclass.hInstance    = hInstance;
    winclass.hIcon        = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
    winclass.hCursor      = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
    winclass.hbrBackground = NULL;
    winclass.lpszMenuName  = NULL;
    winclass.lpszClassName = g_szWindowClassName;
   winclass.hIconSm      = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);

   //register the windowclass
   MessageBox(NULL,"Registration Failed!", "Error", 0);

   //exit theapplication

   //create the window andassign its ID tohwnd   
    hWnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL,                // extended style
                           g_szWindowClassName,  // window class name
                           g_szApplicationName,  // window caption
                           WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,  // window style
                           0,                   // initial x position
                           0,                   // initial y position
                           WINDOW_WIDTH,        // initial x size
                           WINDOW_HEIGHT,       // initial y size
                           NULL,                // parent window handle
                           NULL,                // window menu handle
                           hInstance,           // program instance handle
                           NULL);               // creation parameters

    //make sure the window creation has gone OK
      MessageBox(NULL, "CreateWindowEx Failed!", "Error!", 0);
    //make the window visible
   ShowWindow (hWnd,iCmdShow);
    UpdateWindow (hWnd);

    // Enterthe message loop
    bool bDone =false;

    //create a timer

   //start the timer

    MSG msg;

    while(PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )
    if( msg.message == WM_QUIT )
     // Stop loop if it's a quit message
     bDone = true;

     TranslateMessage( &msg );
     DispatchMessage( &msg );

    //**any gameupdate code goes in here**
     //this will call WM_PAINT which will render our scene
   InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL, TRUE);

    UnregisterClass( g_szWindowClassName, winclass.hInstance );

    return msg.wParam;
