
invoke postmessage,hwnd,msg,wparam,lparam
invoke sendmessage,hwnd,msg,wparam,lparam


The PostMessage function places (posts) a message in the messagequeue associated with the thread that created the specified windowand returns without waiting for the thread to process themessage.

To post a message in the message queue associate with a thread, usethe PostThreadMessage function.


BOOL PostMessage( HWND hWnd,
WPARAM wParam,

[in] Handle to the window whose window procedure is to receive themessage. The following values have special meanings.

The message is posted to all top-level windows in the system,including disabled or invisible unowned windows, overlappedwindows, and pop-up windows. The message is not posted to childwindows

The function behaves like a call to PostThreadMessage with thedwThreadId parameter set to the identifier of the currentthread.

[in] Specifies the message to be posted.
[in] Specifies additional message-specific information.
[in] Specifies additional message-specific information.
Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.成功返回非0

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extendederror information, call GetLastError. 错误返回0


Messages in a message queue are retrieved by calls to theGetMessage or PeekMessage function.

Applications that need to communicate using HWND_BROADCAST shoulduse the RegisterWindowMessage function to obtain a unique messagefor inter-application communication.

The system only does marshalling for system messages (those in therange 0 to WM_USER). To send other messages (those above WM_USER)to another process, you must do custom marshalling.

If you send a message in the range below WM_USER to theasynchronous message functions (PostMessage, SendNotifyMessage, andSendMessageCallback), its message parameters cannot includepointers. Otherwise, the operation will fail. The functions willreturn before the receiving thread has had a chance to process themessage and the sender will free the memory before it isused.

Do not post the WM_QUIT message using PostMessage; use thePostQuitMessage function.

Windows 2000/XP: There is a limit of 10,000 posted messages permessage queue. This limit should be sufficiently large. If yourapplication exceeds the limit, it should be redesigned to avoidconsuming so many system resources. To adjust this limit, modifythe following registry key:

2、SendMessage Function


The SendMessage function sends the specified message to a window orwindows. It calls the window procedure for the specified window anddoes not return until the window procedure has processed themessage.
To send a message and return immediately, use theSendMessageCallback or SendNotifyMessage function. To post amessage to a thread's message queue and return immediately, use thePostMessage or PostThreadMessage function.


LRESULT SendMessage( HWND hWnd,
WPARAM wParam,

[in] Handle to the window whose window procedure will receive themessage. If this parameter is HWND_BROADCAST, the message is sentto all top-level windows in the system, including disabled orinvisible unowned windows, overlapped windows, and pop-up windows;but the message is not sent to child windows.
[in] Specifies the message to be sent.
[in] Specifies additional message-specific information.
[in] Specifies additional message-specific information.
Return Value

The return value specifies the result of the message processing; itdepends on the message sent.


Applications that need to communicate using HWND_BROADCAST shoulduse the RegisterWindowMessage function to obtain a unique messagefor inter-application communication.

The system only does marshalling for system messages (those in therange 0 to WM_USER). To send other messages (those above WM_USER)to another process, you must do custom marshalling.

If the specified window was created by the calling thread, thewindow procedure is called immediately as a subroutine. If thespecified window was created by a different thread, the systemswitches to that thread and calls the appropriate window procedure.Messages sent between threads are processed only when the receivingthread executes message retrieval code. The sending thread isblocked until the receiving thread processes the message. However,the sending thread will process incoming nonqueued messages whilewaiting for its message to be processed. To prevent this, useSendMessageTimeout with SMTO_BLOCK set. For more information onnonqueued messages, see Nonqueued Messages.
szdestclass db 'notepad',0
_sndtontoepad proc _lpsz
local @hwinntoepad

invoke findwindow,addrszdestclass,null;找到指定应用程序即WINDOWS的记事本程序的句柄

The FindWindow function retrieves a handle to the top-level windowwhose class name and window name match the specified strings. Thisfunction does not search child windows. This function does notperform a case-sensitive search.

To search child windows, beginning with a specified child window,use the FindWindowEx function.


HWND FindWindow(
  LPCTSTR lpClassName,;窗口类名
LPCTSTR lpWindowName;窗口标题名称

[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the classname or a class atom created by a previous call to theRegisterClass or RegisterClassEx function. The atom must be in thelow-order word of lpClassName; the high-order word must bezero.
If lpClassName points to a string, it specifies the window classname. The class name can be any name registered with RegisterClassor RegisterClassEx, or any of the predefined control-classnames.

If lpClassName is NULL, it finds any window whose title matches thelpWindowName parameter. 如果窗口类名为NULL,则按标题名称查找

[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the windowname (the window's title). If this parameter is NULL, all windownames match.
Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to thewindow that has the specified class name and window name.

If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extendederror information, call GetLastError.


If the lpWindowName parameter is not NULL, FindWindow calls theGetWindowText function to retrieve the window name for comparison.For a description of a potential problem that can arise, see theRemarks for GetWindowText.
To check if the Microsoft IntelliType version 1.x software isrunning, call FindWindow as follows:

To check if the IntelliType version 2.0 software is running, callFindWindow as follows:

FindWindow("Type32_Main_Window", NULL);
If the IntelliType software is running, it sends WM_APPCOMMANDmessages to the application. Otherwise the application must installa hook to receive WM_APPCOMMAND messages.
Microsoft Windows 95 or later: FindWindowW is supported by theMicrosoft Layer for Unicode (MSLU). To use this, you must addcertain files to your application, as outlined in Microsoft Layerfor Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems.

.if eax
mov ecx,eax


ChildWindowFromPoint Function


The ChildWindowFromPoint function determines which, if any, of thechild windows belonging to a parent window contains the specifiedpoint. The search is restricted to immediate child windows,grandchildren, and deeper descendant windows are notsearched.


HWND ChildWindowFromPoint( HWND hWndParent,

[in] Handle to the parent window.
[in] Specifies a POINT structure that defines the clientcoordinates (relative to hWndParent of the point to bechecked.
Return Value

The return value is a handle to the child window that contains thepoint, even if the child window is hidden or disabled. If the pointlies outside the parent window, the return value is NULL. If thepoint is within the parent window but not within any child window,the return value is a handle to the parent window.
.if eax ;获得了子窗口即编辑窗口的指针
mov @hwinnotepad,eax
mov esi,_lpsz
or al,al
jz @F ;如果结束符号是0,则表示字符串结束退出循环
movzx eax,al
invoke postmessage,@hwinnotepad,WM_CHAR,eax,1
jmp @B
_setndtonotepad endp
