
index.cpp:59: in-class initialization of static data member of non-integral type `const string'
index.cpp:60: in-class initialization of static data member of non-integral type `const string'
index.cpp:61: in-class initialization of static data member of non-integral type `const string'


Static Class Members may not be Initialized in a Constructor

A common mistake is to initialize static class members inside the constructor body or a member-initialization list like this:

class File



static bool locked;





File::File(): locked(false) {} //error, static initialization in a member initialization list

Although compilers flag these ill-formed initializations as errors, programmers often wonder why this is an error. Bear in mind that a constructor is called as many times as the number of objects created, whereas a static data member may be initialized only once because it is shared by all the class objects. Therefore, you should initialize static members outside the class, as in this example:

class File



static bool locked;


File() { /*..*/}



File::locked = false; //correct initialization of a non-const static member

Alternatively, for const static members of an integral type, the Standard now allows in-class initialization:

class Screen



const static int pixels = 768*1024; //in-class initialization of const static integral types


Screen() {/*..*/}


