如果返回结构体类型变量(named return value optimisation,NRVO)


测试环境:Linux IOS 3.2.0-45-generic-pae #70-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 29 20:31:05 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

                 gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3
                 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
                 This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
                  warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.




 1 //该程序引述自:http://bbs.chinaunix.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&action=printable&tid=1651248

 2 //此链接中也有关于此文的讨论

 3 #include <stdio.h>

 4 #include <stdlib.h>

 5 #include <string.h>



 8 const char *str = "Hello World\n";

 9 typedef struct

10 {

11     int m_Member1;

12     int m_Member2;

13     char m_String[20];



16 FUNCTION_STRUCT ReturnStruct(void)

17 {

18     FUNCTION_STRUCT internalData;

19     internalData.m_Member1 = 1;

20     internalData.m_Member2 = 2;

21     strcpy(&(internalData.m_String[0]), str);


23     return internalData;

24 }


26 int main(void)

27 {

28     FUNCTION_STRUCT externalData;

29     externalData = ReturnStruct();


31     int a = externalData.m_Member1;

32     int b = externalData.m_Member2;

33     int c = a + b;

34 #if 0                                                                                                              

35     printf("%d, %d, %s",

36            externalData.m_Member1,

37            externalData.m_Member2,

38            &externalData.m_String[0]);

39 #endif


41     return 0;

42 }



       ReturnStruct中internalData在ReturnStruct函数的栈空间,当其执行到“return internalData"之前,会把internalData中的数据一个一个的拷贝到隐含参数所指向的空间中。那么开始传入的隐含参数与externalData的地址空间是否相同呢?答:当为”#if 0“时隐含参数与externalData的地址空间相同,故此时只有”一次“生成internalData+”一次“拷贝到externalData(编译器完成),当为“#if 1"时,隐含参数与externalData的地址空间不同,因此当从ReturnStruct中返回时,在caller中由编译器插入一些操作,将隐含参数指向的空间拷贝到externalData的地址空间,故此时只有”一次“生成internalData+"两次”拷贝(编译器完成);如果我们用指针作为传入传出参数,对C而言,效率可以大大提高,因为只需”一次“赋值到externalData。对于C而言,如果函数返回大的结构提类型,将callee中的栈帧的相应值拷贝到caller中的临时参数的地址空间是不可避免的,可能的区别就在于:在caller中是否要将临时参数所所指的地址空间的数据拷贝到目标空间(临时参数所指的地址空间与目标空间相同,则不用拷贝)。




 1 When certain criteria are met, an implementation is allowed to omit the copy construction of a class object,

 2 even if the copy constructor and/or destructor for the object have side effects. In such cases, the implementation

 3 treats the source and target of the omitted copy operation as simply two different ways of referring to

 4 the same object, and the destruction of that object occurs at the later of the times when the two objects

 5 would have been destroyed without the optimization.111) This elision of copy operations is permitted in the

 6 following circumstances (which may be combined to eliminate multiple copies):

 7in a return statement in a function with a class return type, when the expression is the name of a

 8 non-volatile automatic object with the same cv-unqualified type as the function return type, the copy

 9 operation can be omitted by constructing the automatic object directly into the function’s return value

10 — when a temporary class object that has not been bound to a reference (12.2) would be copied to a class

11 object with the same cv-unqualified type, the copy operation can be omitted by constructing the temporary

12 object directly into the target of the omitted copy


14 [Example:

15 class Thing {

16 public:

17 Thing();

18 ˜Thing();

19 Thing(const Thing&);

20 };

21 Thing f() {

22 Thing t;

23 return t;

24 }

25 Thing t2 = f();

26 Here the criteria for elision can be combined to eliminate two calls to the copy constructor of class Thing:

27 the copying of the local automatic object t into the temporary object for the return value of function f()

28 and the copying of that temporary object into object t2. Effectively, the construction of the local object t

29 can be viewed as directly initializing the global object t2, and that object’s destruction will occur at program

30 exit. —end example]


 1 #include <iostream>                                                                                                


 3 class BASE

 4 {

 5     private:

 6         int val;

 7     public:

 8         BASE(void):val(5)

 9     {

10         std::cout << "BASE constructor" << std::endl;

11         std::cout << "own address: " << this << std::endl;

12     }


14         BASE(const BASE& base)

15         {       

16             std::cout << "BASE copy constructor" << std::endl;

17             std::cout << "parameter address: " << &base << std::endl;

18             std::cout << "own address: " << this << std::endl;

19             val = base.val;

20         }       


22         BASE& operator= (const BASE& base)

23         {       

24             std::cout << "BASE assignment" << std::endl;

25             std::cout << "parameter address: " << &base << std::endl;

26             std::cout << "own address: " << this << std::endl;

27             val = base.val;

28             return *this;

29         }       


31         ~BASE(void)

32         {       

33             std::cout << "BASE deconstructor" << std::endl;

34             std::cout << "own address: " << this << std::endl;

35         }       

36 };


38 BASE getBASE(void)

39 {

40     BASE base;

41     std::cout << "in getBASE base address:  " << &base << std::endl;

42     return base;

43 }


45 int main(void)

46 {

47     BASE base_one = getBASE();

48     std::cout << "***********" << std::endl;

49     BASE base_two;

50     std::cout << "***********" << std::endl;

51     base_two = getBASE();

52     return 0;

53 }                  
 1 BASE constructor

 2 own address: 0xbfecb0d4

 3 in getBASE base address:    0xbfecb0d4

 4 ***********

 5 BASE constructor

 6 own address: 0xbfecb0d8

 7 ***********

 8 BASE constructor

 9 own address: 0xbfecb0dc

10 in getBASE base address:    0xbfecb0dc

11 BASE assignment

12 parameter address: 0xbfecb0dc

13 own address: 0xbfecb0d8

14 BASE deconstructor

15 own address: 0xbfecb0dc

16 BASE deconstructor

17 own address: 0xbfecb0d8

18 BASE deconstructor

19 own address: 0xbfecb0d4



“BASE base_one = getBASE();"

"1 BASE constructor

 2 own address: 0xbfecb0d4

 3 in getBASE base address: 0xbfecb0d4

 4 ***********"


注意g++的命令行参数 -fno-elide-constructors
