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<title>Ext JS in Action Chapter 02 |Listing 2.3 Advanced XTemplate usage</title>
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Ext.onReady(function() {
     * The purpose of this example is to demonstrate how to implement an Ext.XTemplate using inline methods.  This
     * implementation will loop through the cars array inside of each data object provided to the XTemplate.  The
     * nested if tag for the tpl element will execute the dynamically added isCamry method, which if true, will append
     * "(same car)" to the text on screen. 
    var tplData = [{
        color : "#FFE9E9",
        name  : 'Naomi White',
        age   : 25,
        dob   : '03/17/84',
        cars  : ['Jetta', 'Camry', 'S2000', "M3"]
        color : "#E9E9FF",
        name : 'John Smith',
        age  : 20,
        dob  : '10/20/89',
        cars : ['Civic', 'Accord', 'Camry']

    var myTpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
        '<tpl for=".">',
            '<div style="background-color: {color}; margin: 10px;">',
                '<b> Name :</b> {name}<br />',
                '<b> Age :</b> {age}<br />',
                '<b> DOB :</b> {dob}<br />',
                '<b> Cars : </b>',
                 '<tpl for="cars">',
                    '<tpl if="this.isCamry(values)">',
                      '<b> (same car)</b>',
                    '{[ (xindex < xcount) ? ", " : "" ]}',
                '<br />',
           isCamry : function(car) {
               return car === 'Camry';

    myTpl.append(document.body, tplData);



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