
LiveData overview

LiveData 持有的数据与 activities, fragments, or services 等的生命周期同步。

Activity 或者 Fragment 实现 LifecycleOwner 接口,在继承的方法中进行生命周期管理。在最新的SDK中,AppCompatActivit 和 Fragment 已经实现了 LifecycleOwner 接口,并进行了生命周期的管理。

1. 确保 UI 与数据状态相匹配。
2. 不会发生内存泄漏
Lifecycle 对象被销毁时,会取消订阅者和 Lifecycle 对象的关联。
3. 不需要再去处理生命周期中的数据
4. 始终保持最新数据
5. 正确处理数据
即使是在 Activity 或者 Fragment 的 reOncreate 后,也会接收最新的有效数据
6. 共享数据
如:继承 LiveData


  1. 通常在 ViewModel 中,创建 LiveData 实例持有数据。
  2. 在观察者对象中,创建 onChanged()方法。当数据放生变化时,调用 onChanged()方法。通常在 Activity 和 Fragment 中,创建观察者对象。
  3. 使用 observe()方法,关联观察者对象和 LiveData 对象。调用 observe()方法需要一个 LifecycleOwner 对象,所以通常在 Activity 或者 Fragment 中关联观察者对象。
  4. LiveDada 是任何实现了集合(Collections)接口对象的包装。
public class NameViewModel extends ViewModel {

// Create a LiveData with a String
private MutableLiveData mCurrentName;

    public MutableLiveData getCurrentName() {
        if (mCurrentName == null) {
            mCurrentName = new MutableLiveData();
        return mCurrentName;

// Rest of the ViewModel...

public class NameActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private NameViewModel mModel;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Other code to setup the activity...

        // Get the ViewModel.
        mModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(NameViewModel.class);

        // Create the observer which updates the UI.
        final Observer nameObserver = new Observer() {
            public void onChanged(@Nullable final String newName) {
                // Update the UI, in this case, a TextView.

        // Observe the LiveData, passing in this activity as the LifecycleOwner and the observer.
        mModel.getCurrentName().observe(this, nameObserver);
        mButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                    String anotherName = "John Doe";
                    mModel.getCurrentName().setValue(anotherName);// mNameTextView 显示的内容发生改变

5.结合 Room 使用。在 Room 章节中进行介绍.
6.继承 LiveData

public class StockLiveData extends LiveData {
    private StockManager mStockManager;

    private SimplePriceListener mListener = new SimplePriceListener() {
        public void onPriceChanged(BigDecimal price) {

    public StockLiveData(String symbol) {
        mStockManager = new StockManager(symbol);

    protected void onActive() {

    protected void onInactive() {


  • onActive()当 LiveData对象有一个活跃的观察者时,此方法调用。
  • onInactive() StockManager 与 LiveData 不在有联系
  • The setValue(T) 当数据改变时,刷新UI


public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
    public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        LiveData myPriceListener = ...;
        myPriceListener.observe(this, price -> {
            // Update the UI.

LiveData 使用单例模式(Kotlin 中单例在伴生对象中设置):

public class StockLiveData extends LiveData {
    private static StockLiveData sInstance;
    private StockManager mStockManager;
    public static StockLiveData get(String symbol) {
        if (sInstance == null) {
            sInstance = new StockLiveData(symbol);
        return sInstance;
public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
    public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        StockLiveData.get(getActivity()).observe(this, price -> {
            // Update the UI.

数据转换(Transform LiveData)


LiveData userLiveData = ...;
LiveData userName =, user -> { + " " + user.lastName


private LiveData getUser(String id) {

LiveData userId = ...;
LiveData user = Transformations.switchMap(userId, id -> getUser(id) );
class MyViewModel extends ViewModel {
    private final PostalCodeRepository repository;
    public MyViewModel(PostalCodeRepository repository) {
       this.repository = repository;

    private LiveData getPostalCode(String address) {
       // DON'T DO THIS
       return repository.getPostCode(address);
class MyViewModel extends ViewModel {
    private final PostalCodeRepository repository;
    private final MutableLiveData addressInput = new MutableLiveData();
    public final LiveData postalCode =
            Transformations.switchMap(addressInput, (address) -> {
                return repository.getPostCode(address);

  public MyViewModel(PostalCodeRepository repository) {
      this.repository = repository

  private void setInput(String address) {

上面的例子中,postalCode 属性是 final 修饰的。如果需要可变的LiveData,可以使用 MediatorLiveData。它是 LiveData的子类。
当从网络或者数据库中加载数据,更新 UI界面时,则使用MediatorLiveData

//a generic class that describes a data with a status
public class Resource {
    @NonNull public final Status status;
    @Nullable public final T data;
    @Nullable public final String message;
    private Resource(@NonNull Status status, @Nullable T data, @Nullable String message) {
        this.status = status; = data;
        this.message = message;

    public static  Resource success(@NonNull T data) {
        return new Resource<>(SUCCESS, data, null);

    public static  Resource error(String msg, @Nullable T data) {
        return new Resource<>(ERROR, data, msg);

    public static  Resource loading(@Nullable T data) {
        return new Resource<>(LOADING, data, null);
// ResultType: Type for the Resource data
// RequestType: Type for the API response
public abstract class NetworkBoundResource {
    // Called to save the result of the API response into the database
    protected abstract void saveCallResult(@NonNull RequestType item);

    // Called with the data in the database to decide whether it should be
    // fetched from the network.
    protected abstract boolean shouldFetch(@Nullable ResultType data);

    // Called to get the cached data from the database
    @NonNull @MainThread
    protected abstract LiveData loadFromDb();

    // Called to create the API call.
    @NonNull @MainThread
    protected abstract LiveData> createCall();

    // Called when the fetch fails. The child class may want to reset components
    // like rate limiter.
    protected void onFetchFailed() {

    // returns a LiveData that represents the resource, implemented
    // in the base class.
    public final LiveData> getAsLiveData();

public abstract class NetworkBoundResource {
    private final MediatorLiveData> result = new MediatorLiveData<>();

    NetworkBoundResource() {
        LiveData dbSource = loadFromDb();
        result.addSource(dbSource, data -> {
            if (shouldFetch(data)) {
            } else {
                        newData -> result.setValue(Resource.success(newData)));

    private void fetchFromNetwork(final LiveData dbSource) {
        LiveData> apiResponse = createCall();
        // we re-attach dbSource as a new source,
        // it will dispatch its latest value quickly
                newData -> result.setValue(Resource.loading(newData)));
        result.addSource(apiResponse, response -> {
            //noinspection ConstantConditions
            if (response.isSuccessful()) {
            } else {
                        newData -> result.setValue(
                                Resource.error(response.errorMessage, newData)));

    private void saveResultAndReInit(ApiResponse response) {
        new AsyncTask() {

            protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {
                return null;

            protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) {
                // we specially request a new live data,
                // otherwise we will get immediately last cached value,
                // which may not be updated with latest results received from network.
                        newData -> result.setValue(Resource.success(newData)));

    public final LiveData> getAsLiveData() {
        return result;

class UserRepository {
    Webservice webservice;
    UserDao userDao;

    public LiveData> loadUser(final String userId) {
        return new NetworkBoundResource() {
            protected void saveCallResult(@NonNull User item) {

            protected boolean shouldFetch(@Nullable User data) {
                return rateLimiter.canFetch(userId) && (data == null || !isFresh(data));

            @NonNull @Override
            protected LiveData loadFromDb() {
                return userDao.load(userId);

            @NonNull @Override
            protected LiveData> createCall() {
                return webservice.getUser(userId);
