GitHub - casinthecloud/cas-pac4j-oauth-demo: Demo webapps to test CAS/OAuth/OpenID/SAML client support and OAuth server support in CAS version >= 4.0.0

This  cas-pac4j-oauth-demo project is a web demo for the CAS server to test authentication delegation for the OAuth, OpendID, CAS, SAML and OpenID Connect protocols. It's composed of two modules (web applications):

  • the  cas-pac4j-oauth-client-demo module is a CAS server which uses the  cas-server-support-pac4j-webflow module to delegate authentication to Facebook, Twitter, another CAS server... See
  • the  cas-pac4j-oauth-server-demo module is a CAS server which uses the  cas-server-support-oauth module to act as an OAuth server:

Start & test

To start quickly, build the project:

cd cas-pac4j-oauth-demo
mvn clean install

and launch the two web applications:

java -jar cas-pac4j-oauth-client-demo/target/cas.war


java -jar cas-pac4j-oauth-server-demo/target/cas2.war

To test:

  • call the  http://localhost:8080/cas url and click on the appropriate login link
  • authenticate at your favorite provider (Facebook, Twitter...) or at the OAuth wrapped CAS server ( jleleu/jleleu or  leleuj/leleuj, url : _ http://localhost:8081/cas2)
  • be redirected to the first CAS server and successfully authenticated.

你可能感兴趣的:(GitHub - casinthecloud/cas-pac4j-oauth-demo: Demo webapps to test CAS/OAuth/OpenID/SAML client support and OAuth server support in CAS version >= 4.0.0)