各位 Linux 爱好者,Linux 的吉祥物企鹅 Tux 遭人误用并被丑化(还被卖钱!),让我们通过合理合法的手段保卫 Tux 吧!
从图中可见代表国内某公司并且被丑化的企鹅形象竟然使用的是 Linux 吉祥物 Tux!
那么这样使用 Tux 图案十分恰当? 请参看 Tux 形象作者 Larry Ewing 的博客:
Feel free to do whatever you see fit with the images, you are encouraged to integrate them into other designs that fit your need. ... Permission to use and/or modify this image is granted provided you acknowledge me [email protected] and The GIMP if someone asks.
依照文中所述, Tux 形象可以被自由使用到任何地方,但是对其的修改需要电子邮件通知作者(甚至GIMP项目如果需要的话)并取得授权。
更严重的是,修改者用被丑化的 Tux 去牟利! 截止目前为止,已经有15名不明真相的朋友预定了该 T恤,按照商品页面上的说明该 T恤将在11月12日发货。
你好! 今早通过微博看到贵店的新商品:http://item.taobao.com/auction/item_detail.htm?item_num_id=8233108436 相信店主也是抱着一颗玩笑的心态对于眼下中国IT业界的风波,然后未经授权就修改(甚至可以说是丑化) Linux 的吉祥物 Tux 的行为对于国内众多 Linux 爱好者来讲是难以接受的。 按照 Tux 形象作者要求,任何对 Tux 形象的修改需要经过其本人电子邮件授权:http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/ 在此请求店主在获得作者授权之前,立即停止该产品的销售。 黑日白月
言论1:关于新T恤那支企鹅看起来是 Linux 吉祥物的问题,答案是:我太知道 Tux 是谁了,我只不过是不想用 QQ 那只难看的企鹅而已。
言论2:还有,我很讨厌某些 Linux 用户身上那股子「用其他操作系统的都是傻逼」的劲儿。
颇感无奈,于是在下只好向 Linux 基金会以及 Larry Ewing 发信请求协助,原文如下(删去文中超链接):
Hello, Tux the Penguin has been acknowledged as the general mascot for Linux. However, today the lovely appearance of Tux is aggressively distorted by an online shop selling personalized T-shirt in China. Here is the link: http://item.taobao.com/auction/item_detail.htm?item_num_id=8233108436 The item is believed to mock the on-going fiercely dispute between two ITcooperationcorporations: Tencent and 360. Instead of using the penguin mascot of Tencent, the designer of this T-shirt used Tux the Penguin for his mocking purpose. According to the designer's twitter timeline, he was prior aware of the his misusing action but still conducted this distorted modification on Tux without any authorization. A letter was sent to the designer personally. So far no response was received. From his tweet he seems to be unwilling to terminate the violation of Tux. By the time of written, 15 T-shirts with distorted Tux were pre-ordered from the designer's online shop. The shipping date of these goods is 12 Nov. As an individual member of Linux Foundation and on behalf of rapidly growing Linux users and contributors, I urge immediate intervention from Linux Foundation to help terminating this heart-breaking activity. Thank you. Kind regards, Tommy He
Q:丑化 Tux 没什么吧,Linux 用户不是也经常丑化 Windows 的徽标么? A:本次事件中,修改者的原始意图并不是为了丑化 Linux ,这里 Tux 实际上不幸地成为某公司胖企鹅的替罪羊被丑化了,并且,作者还将丑化的结果用于商业行为谋取个人利益。故而无法等同于粉丝团体间常见的口水战。
Q:网上那么多叫 Tux 的企鹅,难道都要朝 Larry 取得授权么? A:仅限事件所涉及的 Tux 形象,那个被 Linux 基金会所认可的官方吉祥物,也只有那个是 Larry 设计的。其他的诸如 Crystal XP 设计的 Tux Factory 系列是另外的独立创作,有它自己的使用授权。
09/Nov/2010 更新:
今日再次给 Linux 基金会去了一封邮件:
Dear Madam, The issue with distorted Tux T-shirts is getting worse. Assistance is highly demanded before the public image of Tux is completely ruined in China. I would like to make the issue a bit clearer. What the T-shirt represented is the largest dispute over user privacy in China. Tux was distorted and used to symbolize Tencent corporation, the accused privacy hijacker in the dispute. If the T-shirts with this distorted Tux prevails (by now 31 were pre-ordered), the general public will misunderstand Linux as the privacy hijacker because of "Tux"! I don't think that's something Linux Foundation and the community members want to see. A public appeal letter was published on LinuxTOY: http://linuxtoy.org/archives/protect-tux.html This issue was fully exposed to the Linux community in China and many of them stood up voluntarily with me to protect the Tux. Several appeal letters were sent to the designer, the designing team and all the online retailing stores. Unfortunately they chose to ignore our justly request and continued to sell the T-shirt through various distributed channels. Of course this product was reported to the site administrator and custom service center as a copyright violation case. However, the staff there said that they can not enforce retiring the product unless it was filed by the specific copyright owner or her/his authorized personnel. I am here to ask the assistance from Linux Foundation. If possible, file the copyright violation report to the site administrator. Or guide me to be the authorized personnel to do the same. One more T-shirt was sold, one more spot for public image for Linux in China. I am looking forward to your respond. Urge action is demanded to protect the Linux future in China. Kind regards, Tommy He
同时开始尝试联系 Linux 基金会中国区负责人 Cliff Miller。如果有认识的朋友请帮忙转告,谢谢!
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