【每日英语听力】20180902 English Pod 口语精讲 D15-Going To The Dentist # Monster


Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Going To The Dentist




A: Hey, Gary, great to see you again. Please have a seat. So tell me, what seems to be the problem?

B: Thanks, doc. I’ve got a really bad toothache! I can’t eat anything, and look, my face is all swollen. I think it might be my wisdom tooth.

A: Well, let’s have a look. Open wide. Hmm... this doesn’t look good. Well, it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose. We’ll need to put in a filling before it gets any worse, and the crown probably needs to be refitted. I’m going to order some x-rays.

B: Is it gonna hurt?

A: No, not at all! Just lay back and relax.

A: Ok, spit.

1、 牙疼:

I have a toothache.\I’ve got a really bad toothache.


My tooth aches\hurts. 牙疼。

My tooth is killing me. 疼死了。

2、 I can’t eat anything, and look, my face is all swollen.


swell v (身体部位)肿,肿胀

His ankle is starting to swell. 他的脚踝开始肿起来了。

swollen adj (身体部位)肿起的,肿胀的

Her eyes are swollen from crying. 她的眼睛哭肿了。

3、 牙齿小词典:(了解下即可)

incisor [ɪnˈsaɪzər] 门牙

canine [ˈkeɪnaɪn] 虎牙

milk teeth 乳牙

wisdom tooth 智齿

caries [ˈkeri:z] 龋齿,蛀牙

cavity [ˈkævəti] 龋齿洞,蛀牙洞

chipped  有缺口的

crooked [ˈkrukɪd] 歪斜的;不整齐的

pull out a tooth\extract [ɪkˈstrækt] a tooth 拔牙

fill a tooth 补牙

4、 看牙和治疗:

Well, let’s have a look. Open wide. Hmm... this doesn’t look good. Well, it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose.


We’ll need to put in a filling before it gets any worse, and the crown probably needs to be refitted.


cavity n (龋齿引起的)蛀洞

I have no cavities.= I have no holes in my teeth. 我没有龋齿洞。

crown n ①王冠;花冠;冠冕;顶部;


The crown is loose and we’ll have to refit it.


5、 spit 吐口水,吐唾沫;吐出(饮料,食物等);(婴儿)呕吐

The crowd spat on the thief when he was caught.


No spitting. 禁止随地吐痰。

Emma starts crying and spitting up again.


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