Asking the Right Questions 11th——CH8&9读书笔记

Asking the Right Questions 11th——CH8&9

——How good is the evidence?

Like a gold prospector closely examining the gravel in her pan for potentially high-quality ore, we must closely examine the evidence to determine its quality.

大部分推论(reasoning)都包含事实断言(factual claims),断言越可靠,沟通者的论证越有说服力。评判推论是否合理,就要判断支撑推论的断言是否可靠。断言是否有证据支撑?如果有,这些证据有多充分?

证据的可靠性取决于证据的种类,只要证据使用恰当,每种证据都会是有效的好证据。重要的是我们要学会如何评估每种证据。学会问: How is the the evidence? 这个证据可靠吗?


Words & Phrases (每日五词)

1. made inroad into

to make some progress towards achieving something difficult


2. rave about

赞不绝口;极力夸奖;If you rave about something, you speak or write about it with great enthusiasm.

3. discrepancy

an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts

悬殊, 迥异, 差异, 不符


irrelevant or unrelated to the subject or matter being dealt with

无关的:5. sleight of hand

5. cornucopia

丰盛;丰富;丰饶;A cornucopia of things is a large number of different things.

Summary of chapter 8&9

In chapter 8 and 9, the author tells us, as a critical thinker, how to ask questions about factual claims. The more dependable the factual claims, the more persuasive the communications.

To judge the claims, we need to ask three questions

Why should I believe it?

- Does the claim need evidence to support it?

- If yes, how good is the evidence?

- What is evidence?

Evidence is explicit information shared by the communicator that is used to back up or to justify the dependability of a factual claim. In prescriptive arguments, evidence will be needed to support reasons that are factual claims; in descriptive arguments, evidence will be needed to directly support a descriptive conclusion.

To evaluate evidence, we need to ask two questions below:

-  what kind of evidence it is?

-  Does an author’s evidence provide dependable support for her claim?

Eight kinds of evidence are listed in the two chapters as below:

-  intuition

- personal experiences

-  case examples

-  testimonials

-  appeals to authorities or experts

-  personal observations

- research studies

-  analogies

Please keep in mind, each kind of evidence can be good evidence if appropriately used. It can help support an author’s claim. On the other side, if not properly used, the evidence will not support the claim. we must evaluate evidence with caution.

Asking the Right Questions 11th——CH8&9读书笔记_第1张图片


现在我们购物、吃饭、旅行总是离不开的是看评论、查攻略。购物要去研究评论,吃饭要去看点评,旅行要查攻略。我们经常被诸如”某某地最不能错过的十大美食美景“之类的文章蛊惑。看过、吃过后才知道just so so。巨大的信息量给我们带来便捷的同时,也给我们筛选有效证据带了巨大的困难。



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