Prior to the twentieth century , women in novels were stereotypes of lacking any features that made them unique individuals and were also subject to numerous restriction imposed by the male-dominated culture.
1.prior to = before ,是高级用法;
2. ---ior 的单词:
inferior、superior 、junior、senior、prior和to连用表示比较,是高级用法
3. subject to 屈服于……
object to 反对……
4. 在翻译中尽量不用: 使,当, 被
Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century , because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements , most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity .
1. 英语中的其中一种句型,长句多标点
2. 翻译的时候,注意句子之间的层次关系
3. for which it 翻译成:因为这两种物质之间有很强的亲和力 / 因为铝和氧之间有很强的亲和力
The poor are the first to experience technological progress as a curse which destroys the old muscle-power jobs that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.
1. 中心句+定语从句1+定语从句2 是定语从句唯一的首句译法
The number of the young people in the United States who can't read is incredible one in four.
Television , it is often said , keeps one informed about current events , allowing one to follow the latest developments in science and politics , and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and entertaining.
1. 插入语是表示观点的要放在句首翻译
2. it is + done 的句式:人们 + done
3. 三大规律之一:******强势动词(中文)和弱势动词(英文)********
Taking his cue from Ibsen's A Doll's House , in which the heroine , Nora , leaves home because she resents her husband's treating her like a child the wtiter Lu Xun warned that Nora would need to support herself , must have economic rights to survive .
1. 代词的间隔译法:奇数的译为代词;偶数的译为具体的名词