[论文笔记] On Construction of Cloud IaaS for VM Live Migration Using KVM and OpenNebula (ICA3PP, 2012)

Timespan: 1.28
Chao-Tung Yang, Shao-Feng Wang, Kuan-Lung Huang, and Jung-Chun Liu. 2012. On construction of cloud iaas for VM live migration using KVM and opennebula. In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing - Volume Part II (ICA3PP'12), Yang Xiang, Ivan Stojmenovic, Bernady O. Apduhan, Guojun Wang, and Koji Nakano (Eds.), Vol. Part II. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 225-234. (gs:0)

    作者Chao-Tung Yang是台湾东海大学的教授,研究兴趣是"grid and cluster computing, parallel and high-performance computing, and internet-based application"。


  • 有一个管理VM的web界面
  • 监控CPU utilization、host loading、memory utilization、VM等信息(S3.1)
  • 支持VM动态迁移
