Linux 下有很多 *top 工具,收集一番? 。
apachetop atop biotop cachetop ctop dnstop filetop gtop hatop htop iftop iotop itop jnettop kerneltop latencytop logtop lttngtop mtop mytop ntop numatop pgtop powertop ptop qtop radeontop 。。。
图片来源:Monitor Your Website in Real-Time with Apachetop
ApacheTop watches a logfile generated by Apache (in standard common or combined logformat, and generates human-parsable output in realtime.
读取Apache 的日志,实时分析,生成统计数据。Nginx 也有一个GoAccess,更加酷炫:
和top 很像,不过强大一些,有不同的视图,内存、命令、磁盘、网络等,具体可以看截图。
为了分析进程的网络使用情况,atop 带了一个内核模块netatop:
The optional kernel module netatop can be loaded to gather statistics about the TCP and UDP packets that have been transmitted/received per process and per thread.
biotop - Block device (disk) I/O by process top.
biotop 是iovisor/bcc 项目里一段Python 脚本,代码见:bcc/tools/biotop.py,
show Linux page cache hit/miss statistics including read and write hit % per
展示Linux page cache 的命中情况,脚本地址:bcc/tools/cachetop.py,使用说明:bcc/tools/cachetop_example.txt
Top-like interface for container metrics
ctop 用来在宿主机上统计、获取docker container CPU/内存/网络等指标,比较新的项目,非常酷炫。
dnstop - displays various tables of DNS traffic on your network
监听网卡,抓包,统计分析DNS 相关的流量,可以用来分析本机出去的DNS 查询请求,也可以在DNS 服务器上分析入的查询请求。 项目地址:dnstop
filetop shows reads and writes by file, with process details.
展示进程对每个文件(包括普通文件,socket,管道等)的读写次数、读写量。filetop 和 cachetop、biotop一样,都是iovisor/bcc 这个项目中的脚本。
System monitoring dashboard for terminal.
一个用Node.JS 写的系统仪表盘,没什么特殊,项目地址:aksakalli/gtop
HATop is an interactive ncurses client and real-time monitoring, statistics displaying tool for the HAProxy TCP/HTTP load balancer.
可以用于HAProxy 的分析工具,应该是基于HAProxy 提供的socket api 开发的,除了流量、状态统计,还可以开关server 节点、更改权重等,项目地址:feurix.org/projects/hatop/。
This is htop, an interactive process viewer for Unix systems. It is a text-mode application (for console or X terminals) and requires ncurses.
非常厉害,非常强大,非常酷炫的top 替代品,居家旅行必备,值得拥有,项目地址:hisham.hm/htop/。
iftop - display bandwidth usage on an interface by host
iftop 是一个实时监控网络流量的工具,可以非常方便的看到连接的来源与目的、端口、接收/发送速度等信息,项目地址:www.ex-parrot.com/~pdw/iftop/。
iotop is a Python program with a top like UI used to show of behalf of which process is the I/O going on
用iotop 可以看到每个进程具体的IO,类似top 的页面,能很方便的找出是哪些进程在占用磁盘IO,项目地址:guichaz.free.fr/iotop/。
图片来源:itop – Interrupts ‘top-like’ utility for Linux
itop 是一个perl 脚本,统计各个中断源的中断次数,项目地址:kargig/itop。
jnettop - View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic
参考:nethogs 以及 jnettop 的使用
nethogs 可以用来监控进程消耗的带宽,而 jnettop 则使用来记录每个 IP 的带宽的使用情况。
用户手册:jnettop(8) ,项目地址已经无法打开。
shows kernel function usage in an interactive style like 'top'
LatencyTOP is a Linux* tool for software developers (both kernel and userspace), aimed at identifying where in the system latency is happening, and what kind of operation/action is causing the latency to happen so that the code can be changed to avoid the worst latency hiccups.
Display real time statistics of whatever you want.
可以用来代替uniq -c|sort
图片来源:LTTngTop view of I/O activity
Lttngtop is an Ncurses interface for reading and browsing traces recorded by the LTTng tracer and displaying various statistics.
lttngtop 可以把LTTng 的分析结果以top
mtop (MySQL top) monitors a MySQL server showing the queries which are taking the most amount of time to complete.
一个用于MySQL 的工具,以top 的方式展示当前的查询语句与耗时,项目地址:mtop.sourceforge.net。
a top clone for MySQL
也是一个用于MySQL 的工具,直观的展示当前数据库的状态,项目地址:http://jeremy.zawodny.com/mysql/mytop/。
High-Speed Web-based Traffic Analysis and Flow Collection
ntop一个网络流量监控分析工具,提供了web 页面,非常美观,项目地址:ntop.org。
图片来源:NumaTop: A NUMA system monitoring tool
NumaTOP is an observation tool for runtime memory locality characterization and analysis of processes and threads running on a NUMA system.
NUMA 的机器,内存是按照处理器进行分配的,有本地内存(LMA)与非本地内存(RMA)的区别,numatop 可以统计进程对RMA和LMA 的使用情况,项目地址:intel/numatop。
pgtop, display PostgreSQL processes in `top' style
类似mytop,pgtop 是一个用于PostgreSQL 的监控工具,项目地址/使用手册:search.cpan.org/dist/pgtop/pgtop。
a tool that helps you find what software is using the most power
PowerTOP 是一个Intel提供的在用户空间、内核和硬件层面的节电工具。它可以监视进程,并显示哪些进程利用CPU并从空闲状态唤醒它,从而识别具有特殊高功率需求的应用程序。
用Python 写的类似top 的工具,项目地址:darxtrix.in/ptop/。
qtop (pronounced queue-top) is a tool written in order to summarize the state of an LRMS (Local Resource Management System)
View your GPU utilization, both for the total activity percent and individual blocks.
查看GPU 的使用情况,项目地址:clbr/radeontop
slabratetop shows the rate of allocations and total bytes from the kernel memory allocation caches (SLAB or SLUB), in a top-like display that refreshes.
slabratetop 统计展示SLAB 和SLUB 分配器分配内存的情况,项目地址:bcc/tools/slabratetop.py,使用手册:bcc/tools/slabratetop_example.txt。
display kernel slab cache information in real time
slaptop 是procps 里的一个工具,用来查看系统slab 的分布情况。
simple network top
一个简单的工具,可以配置一些地址,使用fping 探测地址的可用性,然后统计展示,项目地址:sntop.sourceforge.net。
Show top control groups by their resource usage
systemd-cgtop 是systemd 带的一个工具,展示systemd 下各个单元文件(slice,service,scopt 等)的资源使用情况,操作说明:systemd-cgtop。
display top TCP network packets by process
统计展示本地tcp 连接情况,项目地址:linux-bcc-tcptop。
Tiptop reads hardware performance counters and displays statistics about running processes, such as IPC, or cache misses. The statistics are shown in real time, in a way very similar to the "top" utility.
tiptop 读取CPU 硬件数据(IPC,cache missess等),可以看到每个进程的情况,项目地址:tiptop.gforge.inria.fr。
display Linux tasks
top 就是top 啦,无需介绍,使用手册:man top。
accurate memory and CPU usage stats for a linux process tree.
treetop ,可以很方便的统计出进程,以及它的子进程的资源占用情况,项目地址:turbo/treetop。
'top'-like utility for virtualization stats
wmtop is a windowmaker dock app to display the top 3 processes running on a unix box displaying the cpu usage or memory usage in an attractive graphical way using little screen real estate. It's a kind of mini 'top'.
Xrestop uses the X-Resource extension to provide 'top' like statistics of each connected X11 client's server side resource usage
Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative.
类top 工具,强大、酷炫值得拥有,不过个人觉得对于运维来说好像不太实用,项目地址:nicolargo/glances。