优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?

优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第1张图片

优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第2张图片




Brian Donnelly (born 1974), known professionally as Kaws (stylized as KAWS), is an American artist and designer. His work includes repeated use of a cast of figurative characters and motifs, some dating back to the beginning of his career in the 1990s, initially painted in 2D and later realised in 3D. Some of his characters are his own creations while others are reworked versions of existing icons. (From Wikipedia)

优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第3张图片

原来,Kaws 实际上是位艺术家、设计师,原名Brian Donnelly,是街头涂鸦艺术的代表。他创作了许多广为传播的艺术作品和独具特色的代表元素,在进军潮流服饰市场后,更是受到年轻消费者的热烈追捧。


1) 表示装饰的基调,基本图案”,英文解释为“a small picture or pattern used to decorate something plain举个:a white T-shirt with a red fish motif 印有红色鱼图案的白色T恤衫。

2) 表示书、电影、美术作品等的主题,主旨,中心思想,动机,英文解释为“an idea, subject, or image that is regularly repeated and developed in a book, film, work of art etc举个:

The theme of creation is a recurrent motif in Celtic mythology.


优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第4张图片

Not only have its references to popular culture captured the essence of zeitgeists past and present, its associations to mainstream fashion and other entertainment labels have also ingeniously turned the KAWS brand into a household name. (From harpersbazaar)


zeitgeist /ˈzaɪtɡaɪst/ 表示“(某一特定历史时期的)时代思潮,时代精神”,英文解释为“the general set of ideas, beliefs, feelings, etc. that is typical of a particular period in history”

优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第5张图片

再来看看Uniqlo官网对这次 Uniqlo x KAWS 联名商品的介绍:

优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第6张图片

优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第7张图片

UNIQLO has rejoined forces with contemporary artist KAWS to bring his sculptures to life in a new UT collection. Follow BFF and COMPANION in a series of designs based on new artworks as well as reinterpretations of iconic classics.

combine/join forces

表示“合力,协力,合作”,英文解释为“to work with someone else in order to achieve something that you both want举个:

 Local schools have joined forces with each other to share facilities.



1) 表示“雕像,雕刻品,雕塑作品”,英文解释为“an object made out of stone, wood, clay etc by an artist”,如:an exhibition of sculpture 雕塑展。

2) 不可数名词,表示“雕刻艺术,雕塑艺术,英文解释为“the art of making objects out of stone, wood, clay etc”。

UT collection

collection,熟词僻义,表示“(时装公司季节性推出的)时装;(某位服装设计师的)一系列新装作品”,英文解释为“the clothes designed by a fashion company for a particular season;a range of new clothes produced by one clothes designer”,如:Donna Karen's new spring collection 唐娜·凯伦的春季时装新款。

那么UT什么意思呢?UT是优衣库T恤(Uniqlo T-shirt)的缩写。

优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第8张图片

其中的hard-pressed表示“处于困境的;遭受巨大压力的;窘迫的;很难的”(having a lot of problems and not enough money or time; If you will be hard-pressed to do something, you will have great difficulty doing it.)举个:

This year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit.


The new exams will only add to the workload of already hard-pressed teachers.


优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第9张图片

This latest 21-item collection of adult and kid UTs is all about KAWS: SUMMER, a career-spanning collection to showcase the influential contemporary artist's work. The designs are a curated selection from the wide range of sculptures and artworks which span Kaws' lauded career.

Of course, his beloved COMPANION and BFF characters make appearances. The collection drops June 3 at Uniqlo stores and at midnight on June 3 on Uniqlo.com. Here it is for your viewing pleasure. (From todayonline)

curated selection

curate这个词柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)中有两个意思,似乎都不是很说得通:

1) 作名词,表示“(英国国教的)助理牧师”,英文解释为“A curate is a clergyman in the Anglican Church who helps the priest.”

2) 作动词,表示“组织”,英文解释为“If an exhibition is curated by someone, they organize it.”举个:

The exhibition has been curated by the artist Bernard Luthi.


另外,可以查到牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)中有这么一条,curate something表示:to select, organize and look after the objects or works of art in a museum or an art gallery, etc. 以及在互联网上常见的含义:to collect, select and present information or items such as pictures, video, music, etc. for people to use or enjoy, using your professional or expert knowledge (especially on the Internet). 举个:

This is a curated collection of articles to help you choose the right technology to further your business.



优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第10张图片

Whatsonweibo网站中给出了报道:Chinese Shoppers Are Going Absolutely Crazy over UNIQLO x KAWS Collection.

优衣库联名款遭哄抢 KAWS到底是什么意思?_第11张图片

ThatsMags网站则用了:All hell breaks loose这个说法,再恰当不过了,表示“顿时乱作一团(尤指人们突然争吵、打斗起来)”,英文解释为“If all hell breaks loose, a situation suddenly becomes violent and noisy, especially with people arguing or fighting.举个:

One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke loose.


或者也可以说 All hell is let loose. 含义与all hell breaks loose一样(Said of a chaotic or disruptive situation, especially one that begins suddenly or unexpectedly.)

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