
7th, May, 2019 Tueaday Sunny



As we humans grow older and wiser, it's notunusual to feel as if time were whizzing by,quietly gathering speed with every year.

Mechanical engineer Adrian Bejan from DukeUniversity now thinks he has figured out why,and just like ageing, he suspects the experience is both universal and inescapable.
来自杜克大学的机械工程师Adrian Bejan现在认为他已经找到了原因,就像衰老一样,他怀疑这种体验是普遍的,也是不可避免的。

Adhering to the physical laws of life andevolution, Bejan argues that as our eyes fatigue and our brains grow slower, it is onlynatural to feel as though we are losing time.

"People are often amazed at how much theyremember from days that seemed to lastforever in their youth," he said.

"It's not that their experiences were muchdeeper or more meaningful, it's just that theywere being processed in rapid fire."

Anyone who has ever watched water come toboil knows intuitively that their "sense of time"is only a perception. Far from being a reliablemeasurement, it's more like a mental construct, constantly changing over time.

This essentially means that the seconds, minutes, and hours we keep in our heads areinherently different to the ones we count onour clocks.

"The time that you perceive is not the same asthe time perceived by another," writes Bejan.“

"Why? Because the young mind receives moreimages during one day than the same mind inold age."

Put simply, an older brain takes longer toprocess the present. Just look at any babyand you'll notice that their eyes dart aboutmuch faster than your own, taking in thescene at a rapid pace.

"Said another way, if the lifespan is measuredin terms of the number of images perceivedduring life, then the frequency of mentalimages at young age is greater than in oldage," writes Bejan.
