star glitter

reform reform  改革,变革

inform    inform  通知,告知

efficient  heating equipment is  necessary for  the harsh winter.

there past few years have  been  a living hell.

hold on and you will reap the benefits of exercise.

withdrawal    n.撤回,取回

sneak  偷偷做,溜

this tardy  student  sneaks in the  classroom  through  the  back  door.

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expect  期望,预计

my office is well  ventilate.  ventilate

a loud noise  diverted  my attention.

divert  v.使分心,使转移

someone had forged  her  signature  on the cheque.

goods  of a  high  quality.  quality  n.质量,优质,  adj. 高品质的

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goods of a high quality

relate    relate,  relate  v. 联系,讲述

relation      n. 关系,亲属,叙述

medi ocre ,  mediocre

medirate          rumor ,      rumor

throw.  throw    扔,抛

i am  sorry  disturb  you,  but  can  i take you  for a moment.

water  vapor    水蒸气。

from  one  place  to another.

realize    v.实现,意识到,领悟

you realize your cann't  change it.

resign      v. 辞职,        mixture  混合


convince    convince    v.说服,使……相信

you'll need to convince them of enthusiam  your for the job.

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you should  convince  other by logic,not bluster.

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graduate    毕业

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