7.27 章节大笔记

PART 1Words and Expressions


①An authentic person, object, or emotion is genuine.    adj.真实的

②a painting, document, book etc that is authentic has been proved to be by a particular person   


此处联想到author, 作家,创始人。

e.g.Her love for him is anthentic.


someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt  adj.感情脆弱的;易受伤的


be vulnerable to sth.易受…的伤害

e.g.Infants are vulnerable to diarrhea.


to think of a new idea, plan etc and develop it in your mind    v.构思;设想;想出〔新的主意、计划等〕

con-, 强调。-ceive, 词源同cap, 抓住,理解,词源同capable. 指形成思想和概念的。conceive还有怀孕的意思。

e.g.I conceived a new idea.

PART 2 Summary

Habit 6 is synergy which meaning that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and is the essence of Principle-Centered Leadership.We can fish for The A Third Alternative in a synergistic communication  combined of the high Emotional Bank Account, thinking win-win,seeking first to understand and valuing the differences.According to "Force Field Analysis"model, we use the motive of Habit 4, the skill of Habit 5, and the interaction of Habit 6 to work directly on the restraining forces.

Habit 7 is sharpening the saw in the four dimensions of your nature-physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional.And We should be a positive scripter of other people and keep balance and synergy in renewal.

Real change comes from inside-out.And we should become a transition person in intergenerational living.

PART 3 Thoughts

We feel the key to staying in love is to talk.让我想起一句话,一个人幸福与否的决定因素就是人际关系。人是最名副其实的社会动物,不仅是一种合群的动物,而且是只有在社会中才能独立的动物。 每个人都不可能孤立存在,我们需要交流,需要良好的人际关系,并从中获得愉悦感。




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