

83.Leachateis a solutions, frequently highly contaminated, that develops when waterpermeates a landfill site, If and only if the landfill's capacity to holdliquids is exceeded does the leachates escape into the environment, generallyin unpredictable quantities, A method must be found for disposing of leachate.Most landfill leachate is send directly to sewage treatment plants, but not allsewage plants are capable of handling the highly contaminated water.

Which one of the following can be inferredfrom the passage?

(A) The ability to predict the volume ofescaping landfill leachate would help solve the disposal problem.

(B)If any water permeates a landfill,leachate will escape into the environment.

(C) No sewage treatment plants are capableof handling leachate.

(D) Some landfill leachate is send to sewagetreatment plants that are incapable of handling it.

(E) If leachate does not escape from alandfill into the environment, then the landfill's capacity to hold liquids hasnot been exceeded.

84.Theaverage level of fat in the blood of people suffering from acute cases ofdisease W is lower than the average level for the population as a whole.Nevertheless, most doctors believe that reducing blood-fat levels is aneffective way of preventing acute W.

Which one of the following, if true, doesmost to justify this apparently paradoxical belief?

(A) The blood level of fat for patients whohave been cured of W is on average the same as that for the population atlarge.

(B) Several of the symptoms characteristicof acute W have been produced in laboratory animals fed large doses of asynthetic fat substitute, though acute W itself has not been produced in thisway.

(C) The progression from latent to acute Wcan occur only when the agent that causes acute W absorbs large quantities offat from the patient's blood.

(D) The levels of fat in the blood ofpatients who have disease W respond abnormally slowly to changes in dietaryintake of fat.

(E) High levels of fat in the blood areindicative of several diseases that are just as serious as W.

