【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 4(IV)词汇 Leadership Theories 2

【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 4(IV)词汇 Leadership Theories 2

situational leadership theory   情境领导理论

The situational theory of leadership believes that no single leadership style is the best.  领导情境理论认为,没有单一的领导风格是最好的。

Leaders should adopt the most effective leadership style based on the situation. 【跟读】领导者应该根据情况采取最有效的领导风格。

To do so, leaders need to take into account their employees' ability and willingness to complete a task.

If a team lacks the skills required for a task and is not motivated to complete it, the team leader needs to emphasize directing.   【填空】   如果一个团队缺乏完成任务所需的技能,并且没有完成任务的动力,那么团队领导者需要强调指导。

This means giving specific directions and monitoring the entire work process.  这意味着给出具体的指导并监控整个工作过程。

This management style is task-oriented and has little concern for human relationships and support.  这种管理风格是面向任务的,很少关注人际关系和支持。

If a team is experienced but lacks the willingness or confidence to take on responsibility, managers can adopt a supporting style.   如果一个团队有经验,但缺乏承担责任的意愿或信心,管理者可以采取支持的风格。

This involves encouraging team members and having them participating in the decision-making process.   这包括鼓励团队成员并让他们参与决策过程。

By doing so, they will be more likely to accept responsibility and work independently.  这样,他们更有可能承担责任,独立工作。

【选择】-How will a leader manage with employees with a directing approach?   -They would make decisions and guide employees on their work.

【选择】The directing management style is effective for employees who have... low competence and commitment.

【跟读】The directing management style has little concern for human relationships and support.  

A coaching management style is high in both supportive and directive behavior. 【跟读】  教练管理风格在支持型和指令型行为中都很重要。

In this style, the leader continues to provide directions but offers greater support to encourage people to think for themselves.  在这种风格中,领导者继续提供指导,但提供更多的支持来鼓励人们独立思考。

This style is effective for employees who have a desire to work independently but are not yet capable of doing so.  这种风格对于那些想要独立工作但还没有能力这样做的员工是有效的。

It is ideal for employee development but requires large effort from the leader.  这对于员工的发展是很理想的,但是需要领导者付出很大的努力。

A delegating management style, on the other hand, is low in both supportive and directive behavior.  另一方面,授权管理风格在支持性和指令性行为方面都很低。

It's effective when a team is competent and willing to take responsibility for the task. 【填空】 当一个团队有能力并愿意承担任务时,它是有效的。

Under this management style, employees are trusted to complete tasks on their own, which often results in a high job satisfaction.  在这种管理风格下,员工被信任可以独立完成任务,这通常会带来很高的工作满意度。

【选择】-In which situation would the delegation management style be most effective?   -when employees want and are able to carry out tasks independently.

【选择】-Which management style is high in both supportive and directive behavior?   -coaching

【填空】In a coaching style, the leader offers greater support to encourage people to think for themselves.   在指导风格中,领导者提供更多的支持来鼓励人们独立思考。

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