流利阅读 2018年12月20日

Angry young women: A new generation of activists is challenging misogyny


Activist /ˈæktɪvɪst/  n. 积极分子, 活跃分子   e.g. an animal rights activist

misogyny  /mɪˈsɑːdʒɪni/  n. 厌女症,女性贬抑

流利阅读 2018年12月20日_第1张图片

“My life is not your porn,” read one poster. “We should be able to live, not survive,” declared another. The womenbrandishingthem in the centre of Seoul wore red clothes and large sunglasses. Theyhad coveredtheir headswithbaseball caps orbroad-brimmed hats.Theheadgearand glassesserve mainly tomake the protesters unrecognisable to men who mightbe hostile to(对…有敌意)their cause: thefight against(针对…的斗争)molka,videos which are filmed usingcameras hidden in public toilets, school changing rooms or even women’s homes,and then posted on the Internet.

Brandish /ˈbrændɪʃ/ v. 挑衅地挥舞, 激动地挥舞 e.g. = wave

broad-brimmed hat 宽檐帽 e.g. Her eyes brimmed with tears. (v.)

headgear  /ˈhedɡɪr/  n. 帽子,头上戴的东西

cause /kɔːz/ n. 目标,事业

e.g. Animal welfare campaigners raised £70 000 for their cause last year.

一张海报上写道“我的人生不是你的色情片”。另一张海报则宣称“我们应该有权利生活,而不是生存”。在首尔市中心挥舞这些海报的女性穿着红色的衣服,戴着大大的墨镜。他们用棒球帽或宽檐帽遮住头部。这些帽子和墨镜的主要作用是,让可能会对抗议者的诉求产生敌意的男性认不出她们。她们的诉求是对抗 molka,也就是用隐藏式摄像机拍摄并上传到网上的影片。这些摄像机通常隐藏在公厕、学校更衣室甚至是女性住所里。

Thered-clad women are the most visiblepart of a wave ofactivismagainstsexismin South Korea, which was ranked 118th out of 144 countries last year in the World Economic Forum’s measure of equality between the sexes.

Clad /klæd/ adj. 穿…衣服的;…覆盖的

e.g. = dressed  She is clad in green velvet.  snow-clad hills(白雪覆盖的山峦)

activism /ˈæktɪvɪzəm/ n. 行动主义;行动主义行为(activist n.)

sexism /ˈseksɪzəm/ n.(尤指对女性的)性别歧视,性别偏见(sexist adj.)

e.g. an article about the sexism in AI              a sexist attitude(adj.)

在韩国这次对抗性别歧视的活动浪潮中,这些红衣女子是最引人注目的成员。去年,在世界经济论坛对两性平等程度的估算中,韩国在 144 个国家里排第 118 名。

In terms of appearance and behaviour, women and menare held towildly different standards. A YouTube star who used her make-up tutorial channel to announce that she was giving up make-up to join the “corset-free” movement, which challenges unrealistic beauty standards, received atorrentof online threats.

sb. be held to sth. 某人被动地遵从...(标准)  e.g. hold someone to something

corset /ˈkɔːrsɪt/ n. (尤指旧时妇女束腰的)束身衣,紧身内衣               

torrent /ˈtɔːrənt/ n. 连珠炮似的话语          e.g. a torrent of abuse / criticism

就外貌和行为而言,女性和男性遵从的标准迥然不同。一位 YouTube 红人在她的化妆教程频道上宣布,她将为了加入“脱下束身衣”运动放弃化妆,而这次运动旨在挑战对美貌不切实际的标准。随后,她收到了大量来自网友的威胁。

“Misogynyis still common sense in South Korea,” says Yun Kim Ji-yeong of Konkuk University in Seoul. “Peopledo not accept that women are worth the same as men.”

misogyny  /mɪˈsɑːdʒɪni/  n. 厌女症,女性贬抑


But women are increasingly challenging thisconviction. Many arecropping their hair,crushing their eyeshadowandthrowing away their lipstick—andpostingvideos of theirrebelliononline.

Conviction /kənˈvɪkʃn/ n. 坚定的看法,信念

e.g. a conviction that all would be well in the end

crop /krɑːp/ v.(把头发)剪短(crop n.)

e.g. She had her hair closely cropped.     

    He had a thick crop of black hair. (n.)  

Rebellion /rɪˈbeljən/ n. 反抗,不服从(rebel v./n.)

e.g. rebellion against sexist values


Ms Yun Kim believesthe individual focus of the(=the focus of the individual)movement is its strength. She thinks the anti-spycam protests have drawn such crowds because theyspeakdirectlytowomen’s daily experience. “If you cannot evenbe safe from(免受…的侵害)intrusionin the bathroom or in your own home, then where are you safe?” She says.

Spycam /ˈspaɪkæm/ n. 隐藏式摄像机

speak to sth. 与某物相关,对某物有感染力

intrusion /ɪnˈtruːʒn/ n. 扰乱,侵犯(intrude v.;intrusive adj.)

e.g. The noise from the new airport is an intrusionon/upon their lives.


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