【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 2(II)Vocabulary: E-Commerce Terms

【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 2(II)词汇E-Commerce Terms

Traffic  通信量,交通,贸易

Traffic describes the number of people who visit a website or app.

It is the start of all transactions in e-commerce.

One way to make use of traffic is called conversion.

Conversion 兑换,换算,转变

In e-commerce, a conversion refers to making a visitor into a paying customer.

Companies can try to increase their conversion rate by improving customer sevice or marketing.

The vast majority of visitors do not actually purchase anything.

So companies need to find ways to convert them into paying customers.

retention  保留力

A business's ability to keep its customers is called retention.  企业留住顾客的能力叫做“保留力”。

Businesses employ different strategies to retain customers.

For example, loyalty programs reward customers who make frequent purchases with coupons and discounts.

【选择】-How might a company try to increase its conversion rate?   -By improving marketing strategies.

【选择】One way a company tries to keep its customers is through...  loyalty programs.

【填空】If a website is listed first by a search engine, its traffic will likely be high.

【填空】They needed advice on how to generate site traffic and increase sales.

【填空】【跟读】Traffic is the start of all transactions in e-commerce.

transaction 交易

A transaction is an exchange of goods and services between a buyer and a seller.

In China, it's popular for customers to use their digital wallets to make transactions.

web analytics 网络分析

Web analytics refers to the collection and analysis of website data.

It is used to analyze traffic and other data to provide a better user experience and increase transactions.

For example, a company can analyze its traffic after a marketing campaign to see if it increased.例如,一个公司可以在营销活动后分析它的流量,看看是否增加了。

【选择】An exchange of goods or services between a buyer and a seller is called a transaction.

【选择】The collection and analysis of data is called analytics.

【选择】A business's ability to keep its customers is called .....  retention.

【填空】In China, cash is being used less frequently in transaction due to alternative methods of payment.

【填空】Successful digital marketers need a strong knowledge of analytics to increase website traffic.

【填空】We used analytics to track the conversions from our latest marketing campaign.

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