Leetcode 141,Leetcode 142环形链表快慢指针解法

Leetcode 141 与 Leetcode 142 题类似,Leetcode 141 为判断链表是否有环,而Leetcode 142在判断若有环基础上返回起始环的节点。

  1. Leetcode 141:
    Given a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in it.
    Follow up:
    Can you solve it without using extra space?

分析: 设置一个快指针fast、一个慢指针slow。由于我们知道若有环,快慢指针将一直"跑"下,没有终点,并且快慢指针一定会相遇;如同在没有设置终点暂停的情况下,两人从同一起点出发以不同速度在环形跑道上跑步,跑得快的同学最终会出现比跑得慢的同学多跑一圈并且相遇的情形。 这里设置为快指针跑两步时,慢指针跑一步,两者速度比为2:1。


class Solution(object):

    def hasCycle(self, head):

        fast = slow = head

        while slow and fast and fast.next:

            slow = slow.next

            fast = fast.next.next

            if fast == slow:

                return True

        return False

  1. Leetcode 142:
    Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null.
    Note: Do not modify the linked list.
    Follow up:
    Can you solve it without using extra space?

分析:此题在 Leetcode 141的基础上,添加了若有环即返回其环起始位置的步骤。同 Leetcode 141分析中所述,若设定快指针每跑两步,慢指针跑一步,两者速度比为2:1,即在相同时间内,两者跑得距离之比也为2:1。如图,当有环时,设置b点为环的起始位置,m点为快慢指针第一次相遇的位置,hb距离为x1,b到m距离为x2,m到b的距离为x3。由于同一起点出发,在相同时间内两者跑的距离之比为2:1,所以当他们在m点相遇时有 x1+x2+x3+x2 = 2(x1+x2),即x1 = x3。

Leetcode 141,Leetcode 142环形链表快慢指针解法_第1张图片



class Solution(object):

    def detectCycle(self, head):

        slow = fast = head

        while fast and fast.next:

            slow = slow.next

            fast = fast.next.next

            if slow == fast:

                while slow != head:

                    slow = slow.next

                    head = head.next

                return head

        return None

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