
我想解决一个老问题:Write a function that add two [integer] numbers A and B. You should not use + or any arithmetic operators.For a + b in any base, we can treat the plus as two part: 1. a + b without carry; 2. the carry generated by a +b. The a+b then equals to part 1 plus part 2. If part1+part2 generates more carry, we can then repeat this procedure, until there is no carry.

我能理解这个算法,而且一切看起来都很好,所以我在lintcode上用下面粘贴的代码测试了它。class Solution:


@param a: The first integer

@param b: The second integer

@return: The sum of a and b


def aplusb(self, a, b):

while b != 0:

carry = a & b

a = a ^ b

b = carry << 1

return a

但令人惊讶的是,它在测试用例中给了我Time Limit Exceeded错误。所以我在本地运行它并为每个循环打印a,b:(-8, 8)

(-16, 16)

(-32, 32)

(-64, 64)

(-128, 128)

(-256, 256)

(-512, 512)

(-1024, 1024)

(-2048, 2048)

(-4096, 4096)

(-8192, 8192)

(-16384, 16384)

(-32768, 32768)

(-65536, 65536)

(-131072, 131072)


计算是正确的,所以我认为这种算法对于这样的输入不起作用,但是当我在C++中写同样的算法时,它只是工作:class Solution {


int aplusb(int a, int b) {

while (b!=0){

int carry = a & b;

a = a^b;

b = carry << 1;


return a;



