

struct __CFArrayBucket {
    const void *_item;
struct __CFArrayDeque {
    uintptr_t _leftIdx;//数组在deque中开头的位置
    uintptr_t _capacity;//数组容量
    /* struct __CFArrayBucket buckets follow here */
struct __CFArray {
    CFRuntimeBase _base;//runtime基本结构体,每个CF数据都包含
    CFIndex _count;     //数组元素个数
    CFIndex _mutations; //变化次数调用_CFArrayReplaceValues时 +1
    int32_t _mutInProgress;
    __strong void *_store;           /* can be NULL when MutableDeque */



void CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex(CFMutableArrayRef array, CFIndex 
    _CFArrayReplaceValues(array, CFRangeMake(idx, 0), &value, 1);
void _CFArrayReplaceValues(CFMutableArrayRef array, CFRange range, const void **newValues, CFIndex newCount) {
    const CFArrayCallBacks *cb;//release/retain/equil/copyDescription函数指针结构体
    CFIndex idx, cnt, futureCnt;
    const void **newv, *buffer[256];
    cnt = __CFArrayGetCount(array);//cnt 获取数组当前元素个数
    futureCnt = cnt - range.length + newCount; //替换后新的元素个数
    cb = __CFArrayGetCallBacks(array);//获取数组回调
    CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(array);

    if (NULL != cb->retain && !hasBeenFinalized(array)) {
        newv = (newCount <= 256) ? (const void **)buffer : (const void **)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, newCount * sizeof(void *), 0); // GC OK
        for (idx = 0; idx < newCount; idx++) {
            newv[idx] = (void *)INVOKE_CALLBACK2(cb->retain, allocator, (void *)newValues[idx]);
    } else {
        newv = newValues;

    //现在有A、B、C三个区域 A+C是原来的数组从Range.location分割的2部分 B是插入中间的区域
    if (0 < range.length) {
        __CFArrayReleaseValues(array, range, false);
    //如果array->_store不存在 则申请一个内存
    if (NULL == array->_store) {
        if (0 <= futureCnt) {
            struct __CFArrayDeque *deque;
            CFIndex capacity = __CFArrayDequeRoundUpCapacity(futureCnt);
            CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __CFArrayDeque) + capacity * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket);
            deque = (struct __CFArrayDeque *)CFAllocatorAllocate((allocator), size, isStrongMemory(array) ? __kCFAllocatorGCScannedMemory : 0);
            if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(deque, "CFArray (store-deque)");
            deque->_leftIdx = (capacity - newCount) / 2;
            deque->_capacity = capacity;
            //array->_store = deque
            __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&array->_store, (void *)deque);
            if (CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(allocator)) auto_zone_release(objc_collectableZone(), deque); // GC: now safe to unroot the array body.
    } else {        // 如果Deque存在
        if (range.length != newCount) {
            __CFArrayRepositionDequeRegions(array, range, newCount);
    // copy in new region B elements
    if (0 < newCount) {
            struct __CFArrayDeque *deque = (struct __CFArrayDeque *)array->_store;
            struct __CFArrayBucket *raw_buckets = (struct __CFArrayBucket *)((uint8_t *)deque + sizeof(struct __CFArrayDeque));
            objc_memmove_collectable(raw_buckets + deque->_leftIdx + range.location, newv, newCount * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
    __CFArraySetCount(array, futureCnt);
static void __CFArrayRepositionDequeRegions(CFMutableArrayRef array, CFRange range, CFIndex newCount) {
    // newCount elements are going to replace the range, and the result will fit in the deque
    struct __CFArrayDeque *deque = (struct __CFArrayDeque *)array->_store;
    struct __CFArrayBucket *buckets;
    CFIndex cnt, futureCnt, numNewElems;
    CFIndex L, A, B, C, R;

    buckets = (struct __CFArrayBucket *)((uint8_t *)deque + sizeof(struct __CFArrayDeque));
    cnt = __CFArrayGetCount(array);
    futureCnt = cnt - range.length + newCount;
    L = deque->_leftIdx;        // length of region to left of deque
    A = range.location;         // length of region in deque to left of replaced range
    B = range.length;           // length of replaced range
    C = cnt - B - A;            // length of region in deque to right of replaced range
    R = deque->_capacity - cnt - L; // length of region to right of deque
    numNewElems = newCount - B;

    CFIndex wiggle = deque->_capacity >> 17;
    if (wiggle < 4) wiggle = 4;
    if (deque->_capacity < (uint32_t)futureCnt || (cnt < futureCnt && L + R < wiggle)) {
        // must be inserting or space is tight, reallocate and re-center everything
        //得到新的数组容量大小 capacity = 1<<(futureCnt + wiggle) 如果小于4就直接等于4
        CFIndex capacity = __CFArrayDequeRoundUpCapacity(futureCnt + wiggle);
        CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __CFArrayDeque) + capacity * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket);
        CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(array);
            Boolean collectableMemory = CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(allocator);
        //如果空间不够 重新分配deque
        struct __CFArrayDeque *newDeque = (struct __CFArrayDeque *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, size, isStrongMemory(array) ? __kCFAllocatorGCScannedMemory : 0);
        struct __CFArrayBucket *newBuckets = (struct __CFArrayBucket *)((uint8_t *)newDeque + sizeof(struct __CFArrayDeque));
        CFIndex oldL = L;
        CFIndex newL = (capacity - futureCnt) / 2;
        CFIndex oldC0 = oldL + A + B;
        CFIndex newC0 = newL + A + newCount;
        newDeque->_leftIdx = newL;
        newDeque->_capacity = capacity;
        if (0 < A) objc_memmove_collectable(newBuckets + newL, buckets + oldL, A * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
        if (0 < C) objc_memmove_collectable(newBuckets + newC0, buckets + oldC0, C * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
        //把重新分配的deque array->_store = newDeque
        __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&array->_store, (void *)newDeque);
            if (!collectableMemory && deque) CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, deque);
            if (CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(allocator)) auto_zone_release(objc_collectableZone(), newDeque);
    //在空余长度足够的情况下 移动分割出的短的部分 
    if ((numNewElems < 0 && C < A) || (numNewElems <= R && C < A)) {    // move C
        // deleting: C is smaller
        // inserting: C is smaller and R has room
        CFIndex oldC0 = L + A + B;
        CFIndex newC0 = L + A + newCount;
        //如果替换右边的长度 > 0
        if (0 < C) objc_memmove_collectable(buckets + newC0, buckets + oldC0, C * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
        // GrP GC: zero-out newly exposed space on the right, if any
        if (oldC0 > newC0) memset(buckets + newC0 + C, 0, (oldC0 - newC0) * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
    } else if ((numNewElems < 0) || (numNewElems <= L && A <= C)) { // move A
        // deleting: A is smaller or equal (covers remaining delete cases)
        // inserting: A is smaller and L has room
        CFIndex oldL = L;
        CFIndex newL = L - numNewElems;
        deque->_leftIdx = newL;
        if (0 < A) objc_memmove_collectable(buckets + newL, buckets + oldL, A * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
        // GrP GC: zero-out newly exposed space on the left, if any
        if (newL > oldL) memset(buckets + oldL, 0, (newL - oldL) * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
    } else {
        // now, must be inserting, and either:
        //    A<=C, but L doesn't have room (R might have, but don't care)
        //    C_leftIdx = newL;
        if (newL < oldL) {
            if (0 < A) objc_memmove_collectable(buckets + newL, buckets + oldL, A * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
            if (0 < C) objc_memmove_collectable(buckets + newC0, buckets + oldC0, C * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
            // GrP GC: zero-out newly exposed space on the right, if any
            if (oldC0 > newC0) memset(buckets + newC0 + C, 0, (oldC0 - newC0) * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
        } else {
            if (0 < C) objc_memmove_collectable(buckets + newC0, buckets + oldC0, C * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
            if (0 < A) objc_memmove_collectable(buckets + newL, buckets + oldL, A * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));
            // GrP GC: zero-out newly exposed space on the left, if any
            if (newL > oldL) memset(buckets + oldL, 0, (newL - oldL) * sizeof(struct __CFArrayBucket));




Boolean CFArrayContainsValue(CFArrayRef array, CFRange range, const void *value) {
    CFIndex idx;
    const CFArrayCallBacks *cb = CF_IS_OBJC(CFArrayGetTypeID(), array) ? &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks : __CFArrayGetCallBacks(array);
    for (idx = 0; idx < range.length; idx++) {
        const void *item = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, range.location + idx);
        //如果地址相等bicb->equal函数返回相等([NSObject isEquil])
        if (value == item || (cb->equal && INVOKE_CALLBACK2(cb->equal, value, item))) {
            return true;
    return false;
