如何用Swift实现LRU Cache(译)以及补充

如何用Swift实现LRU Cache(译)以及补充_第1张图片





A cache LRU () is similar to a dictionary. It stores data associated to a key. The difference between a dictionary and a Cache is that the latter has a limited capacity. Every time we reach the capacity, the Cache deletes the least recently used element.

LRU(Least Recently Used)缓存和字典相似,存储着key和对应的data。和字典不同的是缓存有着容量限制。每次到达容量限制后,缓存会删除最近使用的元素。

In this article, we are going to see how to implement a Cache LRU with Swift.

本文中我们来看下如何用Swift实现一个 LRU 缓存。

Happy Reading!

Getting Started


First of all, we must understand what data structures we should use to implement our Cache LRU. There are different ways to implement it. In this version, we will use:

首先我们要理解实现LRU Cache的数据结构。LRU Cache有许多种实现方式。本文中我们会用到:

Doubly Linked List: This is the core of our implementation. We need this list to store the elements of our cache. We don’t use an Array because it would be slower. The Cache LRU policy is to move the elements recently used in the head very often. If we move an element in the head—at the index 0—in an array, we should perform a shift to right for all the other elements.

双向链表:这是我们实现的核心。我们需要链表存储Cache的元素。我们不用数组的原因是太慢了。LRU 缓存的策略是频繁移动在头部位置最近使用的元素。如果我们移动在头部的元素(也就是Array中index 0的元素),我们会平移其它所有的元素。

Dictionary: The problem of using a doubly linked list is that its lookup complexity is O(n). We can solve this bottleneck using a dictionary—which has a lookup complexity of O(1). We’ll use this dictionary to store the nodes of our list.

Dictionary: 用双向链表的问题在于它的查询复杂度是O(n)。我们用字典可以解决这个瓶颈(查询复杂度为O(1))。我们会用字典存储链表的节点。

In the next section, we are going to see how to implement the doubly linked list. If you already know it, feel free to jump at the section Cache LRU.

在下一节中,我们会看看如何实现双向链表。如果你已经知道,可以跳到Cache LRU这一节。

Doubly Linked List


For this article, we don’t need a complete doubly linked list implementation. For this reason, we’ll implement only the methods used in the Cache.

The first step is to create a new class DoublyLinkedList which accepts a generic value T to store inside the nodes:



final class DoublyLinkedList {


Then, we must create a class for the nodes:

final class DoublyLinkedList {

    final class Node {

        var payload: T

        var previous: Node?

        var next: Node?

        init(payload: T) {

            self.payload = payload



In this implementation, we use a nested Node class. If you use a Swift version older than 3.1, you must create this class outside DoublyLinkedList. Nested classes with generic values are supported from Swift 3.1.


Then, we must provide the information of how many elements are stored in the list:

private(set) var count: Int = 0

The operations on a linked list may be sometimes complex to implement. For this reason, we can store the first and last elements to keep our life easier:

private var head: Node?

private var tail: Node?

Now, we can start implementing the list methods:


We need a method to add a new element in the list. We add it in the head to be compliant with the Cache LRU policy—a new element is the recently used:


func addHead(_ payload: T) -> Node {
    let node = Node(payload: payload)
    defer {
        head = node
        count += 1
    guard let head = head else {
        tail = node
        return node
    head.previous = node
    node.previous = nil
    node.next = head
    return node


The concept of a Cache LRU is keeping the recently element used at the beginning of our list. For this reason, we need a method to move a node at the head:
LRU Cache的概念是将最近用过的元素保存在链表的头部。因此我们需要把节点移到头部的方法:

func moveToHead(_ node: Node) {
    guard node !== head else { return }
    let previous = node.previous
    let next = node.next
    previous?.next = next
    next?.previous = previous
    node.next = head
    node.previous = nil
    if node === tail {
        tail = previous
    self.head = node


When our Cache is full, we need a method to remove the last element—which is the least recently used:

func removeLast() -> Node? {
    guard let tail = self.tail else { return nil }
    let previous = tail.previous
    previous?.next = nil
    self.tail = previous
    if count == 1 {
        head = nil
    count -= 1
    // 1
    return tail

1.The value of this tail is not the same of self.tail. It’s the value of the old tail which comes from the optional binding in the guard at the beginning of this method.

Finally, we can add a typealias for our Node type to use in the Cache implementation:

typealias DoublyLinkedListNode = DoublyLinkedList.Node

The final version of our list implementation should be like this:

typealias DoublyLinkedListNode = DoublyLinkedList.Node
final class DoublyLinkedList {
    final class Node {
        var payload: T
        var previous: Node?
        var next: Node?
        init(payload: T) {
            self.payload = payload
    private(set) var count: Int = 0
    private var head: Node?
    private var tail: Node?
    func addHead(_ payload: T) -> Node {
        let node = Node(payload: payload)
        defer {
            head = node
            count += 1
        guard let head = head else {
            tail = node
            return node
        head.previous = node
        node.previous = nil
        node.next = head
        return node
    func moveToHead(_ node: Node) {
        guard node !== head else { return }
        let previous = node.previous
        let next = node.next
        previous?.next = next
        next?.previous = previous
        node.next = head
        node.previous = nil
        if node === tail {
            tail = previous
        self.head = node
    func removeLast() -> Node? {
        guard let tail = self.tail else { return nil }
        let previous = tail.previous
        previous?.next = nil
        self.tail = previous
        if count == 1 {
            head = nil
        count -= 1
        return tail

Cache LRU

It’s time to implement our Cache. We can start creating a new CacheLRU class:

final class CacheLRU {

The generic value Key must be Hashable since it’s the key of the value stored in the doubly linked list.

A Cache stores data associated to keys like a dictionary. Unfortunately, our doubly linked list accepts only a value payload and not also a key. To solve this problem, we can create a struct which wraps the value and its key. In this way, our list nodes will store the object CachePayload which contains both value and key:

final class CacheLRU {
    private struct CachePayload {
        let key: Key
        let value: Value

Then, we should add the two data structures—a doubly linked list and a dictionary:

private let list = DoublyLinkedList()
private var nodesDict = [Key: DoublyLinkedListNode]()

As we saw in Introduction, Cache LRU has a limited capacity. We can inject this capacity in the init method and store it in a private property:
正如概述所说,LRU 缓存有着容量限制。我们可以在init方法里初始化这个属性,并使用私有property存储。

private let capacity: Int
init(capacity: Int) {
    self.capacity = max(0, capacity)

We use the method max to avoid invalid capacity values less than zero.

Now, we can implement the two Cache methods to get and set the elements:


With the method set, we can add/update an element for a specific key. The value is always moved at the beginning of the list as recently used element:

func setValue(_ value: Value, for key: Key) {
    // 1
    let payload = CachePayload(key: key, value: value)
    // 2
    if let node = nodesDict[key] {
        node.payload = payload
    } else {
        let node = list.addHead(payload)
        nodesDict[key] = node
    // 3
    if list.count > capacity {
        let nodeRemoved = list.removeLast()
        if let key = nodeRemoved?.payload.key {
            nodesDict[key] = nil

1.Create a payload object to wrap key and value to be stored in the list.
2.If the list already stores an element for that specific key, we update the value and move it at the beginning of the list. Otherwise, we create a new node and add it as head of the list.
3.If we exceeded the capacity of the cache adding the new element, we remove the last element of the list.


With the method get, we can retrieve an element for a specific key. Every time we retrieve an element, it is moved at the beginning of the list as recently used element:

func getValue(for key: Key) -> Value? {
    guard let node = nodesDict[key] else { return nil }
    return node.payload.value

The final version of our Cache implementation should be this:

final class CacheLRU {
    private struct CachePayload {
        let key: Key
        let value: Value
    private let capacity: Int
    private let list = DoublyLinkedList()
    private var nodesDict = [Key: DoublyLinkedListNode]()
    init(capacity: Int) {
        self.capacity = max(0, capacity)
    func setValue(_ value: Value, for key: Key) {
        let payload = CachePayload(key: key, value: value)
        if let node = nodesDict[key] {
            node.payload = payload
        } else {
            let node = list.addHead(payload)
            nodesDict[key] = node
        if list.count > capacity {
            let nodeRemoved = list.removeLast()
            if let key = nodeRemoved?.payload.key {
                nodesDict[key] = nil
    func getValue(for key: Key) -> Value? {
        guard let node = nodesDict[key] else { return nil }
        return node.payload.value

We can use this cache like this:

let cache = CacheLRU(capacity: 2)
cache.getValue(for: 5) // nil
cache.setValue("One", for: 1)
cache.setValue("Eleven", for: 11)
cache.setValue("Twenty", for: 20)
cache.getValue(for: 1) // nil. We exceeded the capacity with the previous `setValue`  and `1` was the last element.
cache.getValue(for: 11) // Eleven

You can find a Gist with the Cache LRU implementation here.
你可以在Gist连接里查看Cache LRU的实现


That’s all for our Cache LRU.
到此就是Cache LRU介绍的全部了。

Nowadays, we have a lot of memory available for our Apps. Despite this, we may need a Cache with a limited capacity to save memory space. For example, when we have to cache objects which are space-consuming like the images.


I’ve figured out that Array is faster than linked list. Since the pure version of Cache LRU uses a doubly linked list, I leave the current implementation. But, keep in mind that with a Swift Array we would have a faster implementation.
我发现数组比链表快。由于LRU缓存基础版本使用了双向链表,所以我将保留当前的实现。但是请留意,Swift 数组有着更快的实现。


Swift数组内部实现可能和C++ deque类似,并不是数组就比链表快,deque可以在内存占用空间和速度做比较好的平衡,原文评论中也有人指出使用heap堆也可实现LRU。

你可能感兴趣的:(如何用Swift实现LRU Cache(译)以及补充)