





ritual adj. [ˈrɪtʃ(u)əl]

n. 习惯;例行公事;老规矩

the daily ritual of meal times 固定不变的进餐时间

They particularly set rituals for both work and recovery. 他们为工作和休息都安排了固定时间。

n. 程序;仪规;礼节;(尤指)宗教仪式

religious rituals 宗教仪式

adj. 仪式上的;庆典的

ritual chanting 礼仪上的圣咏演唱

adj. 习惯的;老套的;例行公事的

ritual expressions of sympathy 例行公事地表示同情

liberate [ˈlɪbəˌreɪt] v.解放;释放;使自由

Writing poetry liberated her from the routine of everyday life. 写诗使她从日常生活的例行公事中解脱出来。

Goals properly understood their role is to liberate us to enjoy the present. 目标的作用,正确来说的理解是:让我们更自由地享受当下。

properly [ˈprɑpərli] (adv.) 正确地

properly understood their role 后置定语,与主语是被动关系(省略了主语)

liberate sb to do sth 使某人自由地做某事

enjoy the present 享受当下

torn  [tɔrn] adj. 难以做出抉择的

I know what they taste like. I'm just torn, OK? 我知道它俩的味道。我只是犹豫不决。

be torn between... 因为...而犹豫不决

I'm torn between staying and going. 我在去留问题上犹豫不决。

obsess [əbˈsɛs]

v. 使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷

She's completely obsessed with him. 他让她神魂颠倒。

The need to produce the most exciting newspaper story obsesses most journalists. 大多数记者梦寐以求的就是要写出最撼动人心的新闻报道来。

v. 困扰

A perfectionist focuses on the half empty part of the glass, because he is obsessed by failure , obsessed by deviations from that straight narrow. 完美主义者只会注意到杯中没装满水的那半部分,他会被失败以及偏离正轨所困扰。

deviation [ˌdiviˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 背离,偏离

straight narrow 诚实正当的生活

exert  [ɪɡˈzərt] v.


He needs to exert himself to try to find an answer. 他必须尽力找到一个答案。

In order to be successful he would have to exert himself.他必须努力才能成功


He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan. 他利用他的所有权力让他们接受这个计划。

The moon exerts a force on the earth that causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力引起潮汐。

clincher [ˈklɪn(t)ʃər] n.起决定作用的事实; 定论

Here are the clinchers. 重点在这里。

This latter piece of logic was the clincher.


realm [rɛlm]

n. 王国; 国度; 领域; 界; 范围

You step out of the realm of reality and enter a fantasy land. 你走出现实的王国,步入一片梦幻之地。

in the realm of 在…领域内

in the realm of literature 在文学领域内

This applies in the realm of interpersonal relationships, friendships, and leadership. 这种方法也适用于人际关系、友情、领导能力等领域。

apply [əˈplaɪ] v. 把…施于

interpersonal [ˌɪn(t)ər'pərs(ə)n(ə)l] adj. 人际的;人际交往的

beyond/within the realms of possibility 超出/在可能范围

A successful outcome is not beyond the realms of possibility. 最后取得成功并非没有可能。

cultivate [ˈkəltəˌveɪt] v.


The people cultivate mainly rice and beans. 这里的人们主要种植水稻和豆类。


It helps if you go out of your way to cultivate the local people. 主动结交当地人大有好处。


She cultivated an air of sophistication. 她养成了一派精明练达的气度。

sophistication [səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 诡辩; 复杂; 老练; 有教养

You must do some practice to evoke it, train it, and cultivate it. 你必须做一些练习唤醒它,训练它并且培养它。

sophisticate [səˈfɪstɪkeɪt]

v.使(人; 思想; 态度; 期望)不再单纯; 使老于世故; 使(设备、技术等)更复杂先进; 讲话; 通过诡辩误导

Books of casuistry, which sophisticate the understanding and defile the heart.



Sophisticate in communication and coordination skills. 有良好的沟通和协调能力。

n.老于世故的人; 精通时尚和文化的人

The other is who chooses to live a life with childlike innocence after he or she has been a sophisticate long enough. 另一种类型是在他或她久经世故后选择带着一颗童心去生活。

sophistication [səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃn]

n. 诡辩; 复杂; 老练; 有教养

A casual atmosphere with a dash of  sophistication. 有些造作的休闲气氛

Is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and  versatility.正在步入一个新时代,一个极为成熟和多样化的时代。

sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd]

adj. 复杂的; 精密的; 老练的; 不落俗套的; 深刻的; 精通的; 精通文化的

sophisticated technology 尖端技术;工艺精良;先进技术

sophisticated system 精密系统

sophisticated method 复杂的方法

sophisticated machine 复杂的机器

sophisticated equipment 尖端设备

