Describe Business Occasions


  • revenue 收入
  • purchase 购买
  • market share 市场份额
  • region 地区
  • strength 实力、人力
  • overall 总体的
  • profits 利润
  • delay 拖延
  • consequently 因此


  • The purpose of this meeting is to give you an update about IXW's purchase of Sunset Computers. I know you must have a lot of questions. Well, now is the time for answers. Let's start with the good news. Due to the purchase of Sunset, our market share in Asia has increased to 23 percent. And our revenue from the region has increased to nearly 25 percent. This is mainly because of Sunset's strength in China and Korea. However, sales in Europe have decreased slightly. As a result, revenue there fell by 8 percent, while sales in North and South America have been flat. Overall, revenue is up by 5 percent, but our costs have also risen. Consequently, our profits are going to decrease slightly. Let me assure you, we're not looking at layoffs to save money. But it is possible that we'll delay some projects. In the next few weeks, you will be working with your managers to find opportunities to cut expenses. Does anyone have any questions?
  • This meeting is an opportunity to give you some answers.
  • We're not looking at layoffs to save money.
  • The purpose of today's meeting is to give you a company update.
  • The purpose of today's meeting is to talk about our competition. Their increasing market share is a big problem for us. Overall, our revenue and profits are down. We have to find ways to improve our sales. We can not delay. One thing we are thinking about is the purchase of one of our smaller competitors. They have a lot of strength in the South American region. We are also looking at several projects to improve efficiency(效率).


Dialogue 1

Linda: Good afternoon, everyone. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce our new director of engineering. It's my great pleasure to introduce Bob Franklin.
Bob: Hello, everybody. Thank you for that warm welcome. This meeting is an opportunity to tell you a little about myself. I also want to tell you about my plans to improve our engineering department. And finally, I want to give you a chance to ask questions.

Dialogue 2

A: And now let's hear from our sales manager.
B: Thank you. The purpose of today's meeting is to give you a company update.
A: Excellent.
B: As you can see, we had a 14% market share last year.
C: Was that an increase or decrease from the year before?
B: Well, there was no change. It was flat.
A: Flat. Uh... What about revenues?
B: Unfortunately, our revenues decreased.
A: And the profits?
B: Well, as a result, our profits also decreased.
A: What can we do?
B: We have to find a way to increase our sales.

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