



英文 中文 被取代的较LOW表达方式
approach 方法,方案 way/method
anticipate 预测,期望 expect
benchmark/fiducialization 基准 reference
context 上下文,语境 case
cryogenics 低温 low temperature
demonstrate 证明 prove
diffuse 扩散 spread out
discrepancy 差别 difference
discrimination 区分,区别 separation
dissipation 耗散 loss
dissociation 解离,电离 --
domain 域,畴 region (with specific pattern)
eliminate 消除 remove
ensemble 系综 system
essential 基本的,重要的 fundamental, important
etching 蚀刻 --
fabricate 建设;捏造 build
faint 微弱的 weak
fragment 碎片 part
genuine 真的 real/true
hierarchy 层级,层次结构 different level
homogeneous 均匀的 uniform
hybrid 混合 mixed/combined
inevitably 不可避免地 have to
isotropic 各向同性的 same for all directions
manifest 表明,显现 behave
maximum likelihood 似然函数方法 most probably
morphology 形态 geometry, shape
novel 新的,新奇的 new
perform 进行(实验) run, do
preliminary 初步的 not mature
primitive 原始的 simple
profile 轮廓 curve, shape, trend
promising 有前途的 good to continue
refinement 细化,改进 improvement
regime/mechanism 机制 model
remnant 遗迹 the feature left
residual 剩余 difference
retrieve 检索 search/find
scenario 情景 picture
sequestered 隔离,分开 separate/apart
significantly/remarkably 显著的 obviously/apparently
spectacular 壮观的 amazing/surprising
substantially 大幅地 highly
suppress 抑制,压低 --
utilize 利用 use
whilst 同时 meanwhile, at the same time


英文 中文 被取代的较LOW表达方式
by virtue of 由于 because
counter part 配对物,对应体 corresponding identity
crash-course 速成课程 learn sth. quickly
demonstrate on site 现场演示 run sth. live
move one step forward 更进一步 next
provided that 假设 under the assumption that
portal to 通向...的入口 path to
reduction principle 化归原则 can be understood more basically
resolve issue 解决问题 solve problem
state of the art 最先进的 the most advanced
