每日一词43 cause

意:a reason for having particular feeling or behaving in a particular way.

例:High unemployment rates are cause for worry.


表“理由”时,是不可数名词,前面不能加a/an。最常见搭配有be/give cause for concern/celebration/alarm.

例:The early signals gave/are cause for both hope and worry.

经典句型:give cause for both hope and worry.(XX让我们喜忧参半)

例:Latin Americans are increasingly dissatisfied with politics in their countries. This is cause for worry.

例:The narrowing gap between bonds and stocks is grounds for anxiety, but not yet cause for alarm.


每日一词43 cause_第1张图片



每日一词43 cause_第2张图片

2)Users are increasingly discontent with the way that Internet companies  treat their data. That gave cause for concern.

3) 情景:孩子两岁还无法讲超过50个词,让人十分担忧。

造句:My child could not say more than 50 words until two years old, which was cause for worry.

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