Android IPC Compared with Java Native Interface...

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Remote procedure calls (RPC) using Android’s inter-process communications largely
replace the use of the Java Native Interface (JNI) in Android. In almost all cases, a
remote procedure call is efficient enough to make it a superior alternative to loading a
library—especially one that dynamically allocates a significant amount of memory—
into the Java virtual machine’s address space. And if a process exposing an RPC interface
fails, it is less likely to bring down the Android UI with it.
Android inter-process communication behaves a lot like JNI: the caller’s thread is
blocked until the result is returned. Marshalling data across the IPC boundary is about
the same amount of work as data conversions in JNI. But Binder-based remote procedure
calls have a significant advantage over JNI: if non-Java code crashes or runs out
of memory, the caller of a remote procedure call gets an error that must be handled,
but the Java application does not crash. Remote procedure calls are a more robust way
to call “external” libraries and subject the Java application to fewer risks in the form of
clashing memory management strategies and other differences between Java applications
and libraries implemented in languages other than Java.

What Binder Doesn’t Do
There are at least three things Binder doesn’t do, compared with other systems capable
of providing similar functionality:
• Binder does not manage version information.
• Binder does not traverse networks.
• It does not enable applications to discover interfaces.
Some inter-process communications systems enable the two sides of an inter-process
API to negotiate version compatibility. Binder, along with the higher-level mechanisms
built on Binder, does not do this. This means APIs built on Binder should remain compatible
with older versions if the APIs are open for other applications to use, and it
means that consumers of remote APIs should be resilient to failures caused by incompatibilities.
Make sure to handle those exceptions!
Binder-based inter-process communication is also limited to a single node: it won’t take
you across the network to other Android systems. This is a limitation, to be sure, but
it is appropriate to a mobile handset, where endpoint-to-endpoint data connections are
rarely used and often blocked by the routing in a mobile data network.

Binder and Linux
Binder is not a widely used IPC mechanism in Linux. D-BUS is the most widely used
IPC mechanism, and has become commonly used in both server and desktop Linux
distributions and in numerous applications and daemons. In contrast, Binder was developed
by Palm, abandoned, open-sourced as OpenBinder, and subsequently adopted
by Google for Android.
Binder may not be the choice of most other Linux distributions, but it isn’t a bad choice:
Binder is used throughout Android, including performance-critical parts of Android,
such as the Surface Flinger, Android’s system for sharing the screen among multiple
processes. Binder is simple and performant. It is also an example of the ways in which
Android diverges from the typical use of Linux in mobile handsets and other small
Android is not a shrunken desktop Linux. The use of Binder, the way Linux user IDs
are used to “sandbox” applications, the unique 2D graphics library, and other design
decisions are all in the service of making Android an ideal platform for running Android
applications. It is debatable whether every design decision that diverges from standards
was worth it, and developers who have started porting and extending Android actively
debate these issues, but some things are certain:
• Android performs well. None of the unique design decisions that went into Android
were to the detriment of performance. Android performance is good enough
to allow multitasking—something Apple abjures in iPhone so as not to risk the
multimedia user experience.
• Android is not attempting to set a general direction for Linux, or even for embedded
Linux. Android has, of course, charted a radically different course for application
development. Android is consciously different and optimized for a range of smartphone
hardware: big and powerful enough to run a browser, but not encroaching
on the laptop format enough to need a multiwindow user interface. Android, as a
whole, is meant to be just right for its intended purpose.

   Why Android
   Execution Environment
   Components of an Android Application
   Android Activity Lifecycle
   Android Service Lifecycle

Setting Up Your Android Development Environment
   Setting Up Your Development Environment
   Hello, Android
   Writing HelloWorld

Using the Android Development Environment for Real Applications
   Main Sample Application
   Downloading the MJAndroid Code
   Building and Running the MicroJobs Application
   Digging a Little Deeper
   Running an Application

Startup Code and Resources in the MJAndroid Application
   Startup Code and Resources in the MJAndroid Application
   Initialization in MicroJobs
   More Initialization of MicroJobs.

Debugging Android Applications
   Debugging Android Applications
   The Debugger
   Writing your own logcat entries
   Dalvik Debug Monitor Service

The ApiDemos Application
   The ApiDemos Application
   Finding the Source to an Interesting Example
   Adding Your Own Examples to ApiDemos

Signing and Publishing Your Application
   Signing and Publishing Your Application
   Attach an End User License Agreement If Desired
   Getting a Signing Certificate for an Application You Are Going to Ship
   Getting a Signing Certificate While Debugging
   Signing Your Application

Persistent Data Storage
   Persistent Data Storage
   Basic Structure of the MicroJobsDatabase Class
   Reading Data from the Database
   Updating data already in the database
   Content Providers
   Content Providers
   Consuming a Content Provider
   Update data
   Delete data

Location and Mapping
   The Google Maps Activity
   MapView and MyLocationOverlay Initialization
   Pausing and Resuming a MapActivity
   Controlling the Map with the KeyPad
   Connecting to a Location Provider
   Updating the Emulated Location
   Building a View
   Assembling a Graphical Interface
   Wiring Up the Controller
   Listening to the Model
   Listening for Touch Events
   Alternative Ways to Handle Events
   The Menu

A Widget Bestiary
   A Widget Bestiary
   Adapters and AdapterViews

Drawing 2D and 3D Graphics
   Drawing 2D and 3D Graphics
   Matrix transformations
   OpenGL Graphics

Inter Process Communication
   Inter Process Communication
   Getting a Result via Inter Process Communication
   Android Interface Definition Language
   Classes Underlying AIDL
   Android IPC Compared with Java Native Interface

Simple Phone Calls
   Simple Phone Calls
   Exploring the Phone Code Through the Debugger
   Exception Handling

Telephony State Information and Android Telephony Classes
   Telephony State Information and Android Telephony Classes
   Android Telephony Internals
   The android Package
   Exploring Android Telephony Internals

   Wireless Protocols - See more at:

