[翻译] CBStoreHouseTransition


[翻译] CBStoreHouseTransition

What is it?

A custom transition inspired by Storehouse iOS app, also support pop gesture.



  • One class file includes both pop and push transition and pop gesture. 一个类文件包含了pop与push动画效果以及pop手势
  • Fully customizable transition animation. 完全定制的转场动画
  • Works for following iOS custom transition types:  支持以下的iOS定制动画类型
    • UINavigationControllerpush and pop  UINavigationController的push与pop操作
    • UIViewController presentations and dismissals  UIViewController 的dismissal与presentations操作

Which files are needed?

You only need to include CBStoreHouseTransition (.h .m) in your project, it contains both animator and interactive class.

CocoaPods support is coming very soon!

你只需要将CBStoreHouseTransition(.h .m)引入到你的项目当中,他们已经包含了动画器以及交互的实现.


How to use it

For animator object you need to set proper AnimationType to matchUINavigationControllerOperation object.

For interactive transition you need to attach current view controller using:



- (void)attachToViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController; 

A edge pan gesture will be added on the view controller's root view to handle the pop gesture and drive the interactive transition.

Then just return the proper animatior or interactive object in related delegate method, following is a example using CBStoreHouseTransition for UINavigationController.

For more information about iOS custom transition, please refer to WWDC 2013 Custom Transitions Using View Controllers video.



- (void)viewDidLoad { ... self.animator = [[CBStoreHouseTransitionAnimator alloc] init]; ... } - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { ... self.navigationController.delegate = self; self.interactiveTransition = [[CBStoreHouseTransitionInteractiveTransition alloc] init]; [self.interactiveTransition attachToViewController:self]; ... } -(id<UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning>)navigationController:(UINavigationController *)navigationController animationControllerForOperation:(UINavigationControllerOperation)operation fromViewController:(UIViewController *)fromVC toViewController:(UIViewController *)toVC { switch (operation) { case UINavigationControllerOperationPush: //we don't need interactive transition for push self.interactiveTransition = nil; self.animator.type = AnimationTypePush; return self.animator; case UINavigationControllerOperationPop: self.animator.type = AnimationTypePop; return self.animator; default: return nil; } } - (id<UIViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning>)navigationController:(UINavigationController *)navigationController interactionControllerForAnimationController:(id<UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning>)animationController { return self.interactiveTransition; } 

Since we don't need interactive for push transition or when user specificity taps back button, you need to set self.interactive to nil.

You can customize following properties to change the animation behavior:



@property (nonatomic) CGFloat duration; @property (nonatomic) CGFloat rotateAngle; @property (nonatomic) CGFloat relativeDelayLeftView; @property (nonatomic) CGFloat relativeDelayRightView; @property (nonatomic) CGFloat percentageAdjustFactor;
