
CAN201 Introduction to Networking Coursework 1
Coursework 1
Large Efficient Flexible and Trusty (LEFT)
Files Sharing
Contribution to Overall Marks 45%
Submission Deadline Monday 7th Dec. 2020, 0:01
Type Individual coursework
Learning Outcome [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
How the work should be submitted?
• You must submit your work through Learning Mall.
File sharing is a commonly used network-based application in our daily life. There are a lot of good
platforms that provided such services, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Baidu NetDisk, iCloud, and
XJTLU BOX. You can install their apps on your PC or mobile phone to share and synchronize your
This project aims at using Python Socket network programming to design and implement Large
Efficient Flexible and Trusty (LEFT) Files Sharing. From the name of this coursework, you may obtain
the requirements of this coursework:
• Format: any format, including hidden files and folders
• Size: single file is up to1GB
• Fast: the faster, the better
• Automatic: the changed files can be synchronized automatically
• Partial update: the partially changed files can be updated partially
• Compression: compression can be used to reduce the total size
• The IP addresses should be set as an argument
• Resume from interruption
• No Error for any files
• Error recovery without retransmission
• Data transmission security
CAN201 Introduction to Networking Coursework 1
You can decide the following items:
Application layer protocol:
• You can design your own protocol. But HTTP is not allowed to be implemented.
Transport layer protocol:
• TCP; or UDP; or Mixed.
• C/S; or P2P; or Mixed.
Port number:
• Any port between 20000 to 30000 can be used;
• You can use one or more ports.
What should be submitted:
• Python 3;
• Your application can be implemented using multiple Python scripts;
• But there is only one application. There is no difference between a “Client” and a “Server”.
A development report:
• A cover page with your full name and student ID;
• 3~ 8 pages, single column, 1.5x line space, 2.54cm margins, Serif font1
, font size:12pt;
• PDF format, LaTeX is recommended;
• Including:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction: project requirement (do not copy from this document), background, literature
    review (try to find research papers, development reports or testing report of similar apps), and
    introduce what you did in this coursework;
  • Methodology: proposed protocols (using FSM or mind map), proposed functions and ideas;
  • Implementation: steps of implementation, program flow charts, programming skills (OOP,
    Parallel…) you used, what difficulties you met and how to solve them;
  • Testing and results: testing environment, testing plan and testing results (screenshot, tables or
    curves for showing performance)
  • Conclusion: what you did and why you did it. Future plan and so on.
  • Reference [IEEE format]
    Meanwhile, you have to follow the compulsory requirement (no tolerance2
    • The file structure of your submission:

• Only ZIP file is allowed to submit.
1 Eg. Times New Roman, Modern No. 20 or Cambria. 2 It means that if you do not follow the compulsory requirement, your work will be marked as zero.
ZIP Compress
CAN201 Introduction to Networking Coursework 1
• The starting Python script file should be named as “”;
• Run command: python3 --ip 3
Allowed Python modules:
• General modules: os, sys, socket, struct, hashlib, math, tqdm, numpy, threading,
multiprocessing, gzip, pycryptodome, zlib, zipfile, time …4
• Any modules for encryption
• Any modules for compression
Marking Criteria
Report (40%)
Marking Criteria Item Mark
Structure (5%) Structure 5%
Contents (30%)
Abstract 2%
Introduction 4%
Methodology 6%
Implementation 7%
Testing and results 8%
Conclusion and reference 3%
Format and language
Report style and format 3%
Language 2%
Marking scheme:

  1. Structure (5%)
  2. Well organized structure: 5%
  3. Reasonable structure: 3% ~ 4%
  4. Disordered structure: 0% ~ 2%
  5. Contents (30%)
    2.1. Abstract (2%)
  6. Appropriate abstract (2%)
  7. No abstract (0%)
    2.2. Introduction (4%)
  8. Excellent (4%)
  9. Lack of necessary parts (1%-3%)
  10. No introduction (0%)
    2.3. Methodology (6%)
  11. Excellent methodology: sufficient and accurate figures and text description (6%)
  12. Reasonable methodology: clear figures and text description (3%-5%)
  13. Incomplete methodology (1%-2%)
  14. No methodology (0%)
    2.4. Implementation (7%)
  15. Excellent implementation: sufficientsteps of the implementation with proper figures or charts(7%)
  16. Eg. python3 --ip, 4 If you think some python module is really required, please let me know before week 9. I will add such module to the white list. Any
    modules in the virtual machine provided for this CW is allowed to use.
    CAN201 Introduction to Networking Coursework 1
  17. Reasonable methodology: clear steps of the implementation with figures or charts (4%-6%)
  18. Incomplete implementation (1%-3%)
  19. No implementation (0%)
    2.5. Testing and results (8%)
  20. Excellent: sufficient testing plan for different cases, sufficient results to show the performance with
    proper analysis (7%-8%)
  21. Acceptable: clear testing plan, clear results to show the performance with analysis (3%-6%)
  22. Lack of testing plan, results or analysis (1%-2%)
  23. No testing and results (0%)
    2.6. Conclusion and reference (3%)
  24. Excellent conclusion and reference with the correct format (2%-3%)
  25. Acceptable conclusion and reference (1%)
  26. No conclusion or incorrect reference (0%)
  27. Format and language (5%)
    3.1. Report style and format (3%)
  28. Beautiful and clear typography: 3%
  29. Acceptable typography: 2%
  30. Bad typography: 0% ~ 1%
    3.2. Language (2%)
  31. Accurate and concise language: 2%
  32. Unclear and confusing language: 0% ~ 1%
    • Code (60%)
    Code running environment:
    • It will be published to you at the first day of week 7;
    • You have to test your app using the provided virtual machine without any modification;
    • The app that cannot be executed properly in this virtual machine will be marked as zero.
    Code testing steps:
  33. Your app (you have only one app with single python code file or multiple python codes) will
    be copied to 3 virtual machines: VMA, VMB and VMC, with the same settings;
  34. For each virtual machine, your app will be started as:
    python3 --ip, 5
  35. The VMA will be started and it will be running6
    . It should run without any error (RUN_A).
  36. I will add File 1 around 10MB to the “share” folder in the current working directory7 of VMA.
  37. The VMB will be started without error (RUN_B). Your app in VMB will get the File 1 and
    put it in the “share” folder in the current working directory8
    . I will check the md5 of File 1
    (MD5_1B) record the time consuming (TC_1B).
  38. The VMC will be started without error (RUN_C). Your app in VMC will get the File 1. I will
    check the md5 of File 1 (MD5_1C) record the time consuming (TC_1C).
  39. I will add File 2 around 1GB and a folder (any name) with 50 small files to the “share” folder
    in the current working directory of VMB.
  40. These are other hosts’ IP addresses. xxx is from 0~254. 6 The code will run until being killed by Control-C. A “while True:” loop can be used for this. 7 Generally, it is the folder where your app is started. Pleased do not change it in your codes. 8 Actually, all the files for sending and receiving should be located in the “share” folder of the current working dire
    CAN201 Introduction to Networking Coursework 1
  41. File 2 and the folder with 50 small files should start to be synchronized to VMA and VMC.
  42. After 2 seconds of step 7, the app on VMA will be killed by me.
  43. All the files and the folder will be synchronized on VMC. I will check the md5 of File 2
    (MD5_2C) and md5 of every file in the folder (MD5_FC) and record the time consuming of
    File 2 (TC_2C) and the folder (TC_FC).
  44. I will restart the app on VMA. All the files and the folder will be synchronized on VMA. I
    will check the md5 of File 2 (MD5_2A) and md5 of every file in the folder (MD5_FA) and
    record the time consuming of File 2 (TC_2A) and the folder (TC_FA).
  45. I will add File 3 around 200MB with random binary data to the “share” folder in the current
    working directory of VMC.
  46. File 3 will be synchronized on VMA and VMB.
  47. I will replace around 0.1% continuous area9 with other random binary data for File 3 on VMC.
  48. The updated File 3 will be partially synchronized on VMA and VMB. I will check the md5
    of File 3 on VMA and VMB (MD5_3A, MD5_3B) and record the time consuming of File 3
    on VMA and VMB (TC_3A, TC_3B).
  49. Compression will not be tested directly. But the File 2 will be easy to compress to a very small
    size. If you implement the compression, you will get benefit from TC_2A and TC_2C.
  50. Data security will not be tested directly. I will check your code. As encryption will waste time,
    please use “--encryption yes” argument to switch on the encryption function. (ENC)
    Marking Criteria Item for testing Mark
    If you cannot get 6% of Phase 1, your app will not go to the testing of the next phase.
    If you cannot get >=8% of Phase 2, your app will not go to the testing of the next phase.
  51. To make the situation easier, the change will start from the first bytes of the file.
    CAN201 Introduction to Networking Coursework 1
    If you cannot get >=12% of Phase 3, your app will not go to the testing of the next phase.
