ios 按时间排序_如何按应用而不是时间对iOS通知进行排序

ios 按时间排序_如何按应用而不是时间对iOS通知进行排序_第1张图片

ios 按时间排序

ios 按时间排序_如何按应用而不是时间对iOS通知进行排序_第2张图片

By default, iOS shows notifications in the order you received them. That can be handy, of course, but if you get a lot of notifications, you may find it easier to group notifications by the app they come from. You can also sort notifications manually so that the apps you care about always show their notifications first on your list. Here’s how to do that in iOS.

默认情况下,iOS以收到通知的顺序显示通知。 当然,这可能很方便,但是如果您收到大量通知,则可能会发现按通知来源的应用将通知分组更为容易。 您还可以手动对通知进行排序,以便您关心的应用始终始终在列表中首先显示其通知。 这是在iOS中执行此操作的方法。

iOS lets you manage notifications pretty well. You can turn them on or off altogether. You can control what apps do and don’t send notifications. And for each app that you allow to send notifications, you can control whether the notifications appear on your lock screen and in the notification center, whether they play a sound when a notification appears, and even whether they display a badge on the app’s icon that shows how many unread notifications there are. Put together, these options give you a decent amount of control.

iOS使您可以很好地管理通知 。 您可以完全打开或关闭它们。 您可以控制哪些应用可以发送和不发送通知。 对于允许发送通知的每个应用,您可以控制通知是否显示在锁定屏幕上和通知中心中,是否在通知出现时播放声音,甚至在应用图标上显示徽章显示有多少未读通知。 综合起来,这些选项可为您提供不错的控制权。

By default, notifications are displayed in chronological order.


ios 按时间排序_如何按应用而不是时间对iOS通知进行排序_第3张图片

If you receive a lot of notifications from particular apps, though, and you want to keep seeing those notifications, you may find it more useful to group notifications by app instead of when you received them. On your iOS device, fire up your Settings app. On the main Settings page, tap Notifications.

但是,如果您收到来自特定应用程序的大量通知,并且希望继续查看这些通知,则可能会发现按应用程序分组通知而不是收到通知时更为有用。 在iOS设备上,启动“设置”应用。 在“设置”主页面上,点击“通知”。

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On the Notifications page, switch the “Group By App” toggle to the on position.


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Now, when you view notifications, they are nicely arranged by the app doing the notifying.


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One of the big advantages to this is that you can now easily scan and clear all notifications from a particular app. Just tap the X to the right of the app’s name.

这样做的一大优点是,您现在可以轻松扫描并清除来自特定应用程序的所有通知。 只需点击应用名称右侧的X。

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And then tap the Clear button to make all notifications from that app go away.


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If you really get a lot of notifications, the other setting you can change that might make things easier for you is the sort order in which notifications are displayed. Back on the Notifications pages, tap the “Sort Order” option.

如果您确实收到大量通知,则可以更改的其他设置可能会让您更轻松,这是显示通知的排序顺序。 返回“通知”页面,点击“排序顺序”选项。

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On the Sort Order page, tap Manual.


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Use the handles to the right of an app to drag it higher or lower on the list. You’ll see notifications from the apps you gave priority earlier in the list so that you get to the important stuff first without being bothered by all your other notifications. You can use this feature along with the group by apps feature or on its own.

使用应用程序右侧的手柄将其拖动到列表上方或下方。 您会在列表的前面看到来自您优先级较高的应用程序的通知,这样您就可以先了解重要内容,而不会被其他所有通知所困扰。 您可以将此功能与按应用程序分组功能一起使用,也可以单独使用。

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And that’s all there is to it. It’s super easy change whether notifications are shown chronologically or grouped by app, so play with the setting and see what you prefer. Or, just switch back and forth between the views when you need to. For even better control, you can manually sort the order in which app notifications are displayed.

这就是全部。 无论是按时间顺序显示通知还是按应用分组通知,这都是非常容易的更改,因此请尝试设置并查看您喜欢的设置。 或者,仅在需要时在视图之间来回切换。 为了获得更好的控制,您可以手动对应用通知的显示顺序进行排序。


ios 按时间排序
