探索Linux内核:Kconfig/kbuild的秘密-Exploring the Linux kernel: The secrets of Kconfig/kbuild




自从Linux内核代码迁移到Git以来,Linux内核配置/构建系统(也称为Kconfig /kbuild)已经存在了很长时间。然而,作为支撑基础设施,它很少成为人们关注的焦点;甚至在日常工作中使用它的内核开发人员也从未真正过它。



构建内核的第一步始终是Kconfig,Kconfig有助于使Linux内核高度模块化和可定制。 Kconfig为用户提供了许多配置目标:


config 使用基于行的程序更新当前配置
nconfig 使用ncurses基于菜单的程序更新当前配置
menuconfig 使用基于菜单的程序更新当前配置
xconfig 使用基于Qt的前端更新当前配置
gconfig 使用基于GTK +的前端更新当前配置
oldconfig 使用提供的.config作为基础更新当前配置
localmodconfig 更新当前配置禁用未加载的模块
localyesconfig 更新当前配置,将本地mod转换到内核
defconfig 默认来自Arch提供的defconfig的新配置
savedefconfig 将当前配置保存为./defconfig(最小配置)
allnoconfig 新配置,其中所有选项均以“否”回答
allyesconfig 新配置,其中所有选项都被'yes'接受
allmodconfig 尽可能新配置选择模块
alldefconfig 新配置,所有符号都设置为默认值
randconfig 新配置,随机回答所有选项
listnewconfig 列出新选项
olddefconfig 与oldconfig相同,但在没有提示的情况下将新符号设置为其默认值
kvmconfig 为KVM虚拟机内核支持启用其他选项
xenconfig 为xen dom0和虚拟机内核支持启用其他选项
tinyconfig 配置最小的内核


我认为menuconfig是这些选项中最受欢迎的。目标由不同的主程序处理,这些程序由内核提供并在内核构建期间构建。一些目标有一个GUI(为了方便用户),而大多数没有。与Kconfig相关的工具和源代码主要位于内核源代码中的s/kconfig /下。正如我们从s/kconfig/Makefile中看到的,有几个主机程序,包括conf,mconf和nconf。除了conf之外,它们中的每一个都负责基于GUI的配置目标之一,因此,conf处理它们中的大多数。



探索Linux内核:Kconfig/kbuild的秘密-Exploring the Linux kernel: The secrets of Kconfig/kbuild_第1张图片


第一步是读取源根目录下的Kconfig文件,构建初始配置数据库; 然后它通过根据此优先级读取现有配置文件来更新初始数据库:


/lib/modules/$(shell,uname -r)/.config


/boot/config-$(shell,uname -r)






探索Linux内核:Kconfig/kbuild的秘密-Exploring the Linux kernel: The secrets of Kconfig/kbuild_第2张图片


  • auto.conf和tristate.conf用于makefile文本处理。 例如,可以在组件的makefile中看到这样的语句:


  • autoconf.h用于C语言源文件。
  • include / config /下的空头文件用于kbuild期间的配置依赖性跟踪,如下所述。



组件式构建(称为递归make)是GNU make管理大型项目的常用方法。Kbuild是递归make的一个很好的例子。通过将源文件划分为不同的模块/组件,每个组件都由其自己的makefile管理。当开始构建时,顶级makefile以正确的顺序调用每个组件的makefile,构建组件,并将它们收集到最终的执行程序中。


  • Makefile是位于源根目录中的顶级makefile。
  • .config是内核配置文件。
  • arch / $(ARCH)/Makefile是arch makefile,它是top makefile的补充。
  • s/Makefile。*描述了所有kbuild makefile的通用规则。
  • 最后,大约有500个kbuild makefile。

top makefile包含arch makefile,读取.config文件,下载到子目录,在s/Makefile。*中定义的例程的帮助下,在每个组件的makefile上调用make,构建每个中间对象,并将所有中间对象链接到vmlinux中。内核文档Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.txt描述了这些makefile的所有方面。


探索Linux内核:Kconfig/kbuild的秘密-Exploring the Linux kernel: The secrets of Kconfig/kbuild_第3张图片

(该插图基于Richard Y. Steven的博客。它已更新,并在作者允许的情况下使用。)



# In top Makefile

vmlinux: s/link-vmlinux.sh $(vmlinux-deps)

+$(call if_changed,link-vmlinux)

# Variable assignments


export KBUILD_VMLINUX_INIT := $(head-y) $(init-y)

export KBUILD_VMLINUX_MAIN := $(core-y) $(libs-y2) $(drivers-y) $(net-y) $(virt-y)

export KBUILD_VMLINUX_LIBS := $(libs-y1)

export KBUILD_LDS := arch/$(SRCARCH)/kernel/vmlinux.lds

init-y := init/

drivers-y := drivers/ sound/ firmware/

net-y := net/

libs-y := lib/

core-y := usr/

virt-y := virt/

# Transform to corresponding built-in.a

init-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(init-y))

core-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(core-y))

drivers-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(drivers-y))

net-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(net-y))

libs-y1 := $(patsubst %/, %/lib.a, $(libs-y))

libs-y2 := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(filter-out %.a, $(libs-y)))

virt-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(virt-y))

# Setup the dependency. vmlinux-deps are all intermediate objects, vmlinux-dirs

# are phony targets, so every time comes to this rule, the recipe of vmlinux-dirs

# will be executed. Refer "4.6 Phony Targets" of `info make`

$(sort $(vmlinux-deps)): $(vmlinux-dirs) ;

# Variable vmlinux-dirs is the directory part of each built-in.a

vmlinux-dirs := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(init-y) $(init-m)

$(core-y) $(core-m) $(drivers-y) $(drivers-m)

$(net-y) $(net-m) $(libs-y) $(libs-m) $(virt-y)))

# The entry of recursive make


$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$@ need-builtin=1


make -f s/Makefile.build obj=init need-builtin=1

这意味着make将进入s/Makefile.build继续构建每个内置的工作.a。 在s/link-vmlinux.sh的帮助下,vmlinux文件最终位于源根目录下。



探索Linux内核:Kconfig/kbuild的秘密-Exploring the Linux kernel: The secrets of Kconfig/kbuild_第4张图片

根vmlinux被剥离,压缩,放入piggy.S,然后与其他对等对象链接到arch/x86/boot/compressed/vmlinux。同时,在arch / x86 / boot下生成一个名为setup.bin的文件。可能存在具有重定位信息的可选第三文件,具体取决于CONFIG_X86_NEED_RELOCS的配置。




第一个很容易理解,但第二个和第三个呢? 内核开发人员经常会看到如下代码:


__boot_cpu_id = cpu;


当CONFIG_SMP更改时,应该重新编译这段代码。 编译源文件的命令行也很重要,因为不同的命令行可能会导致不同的目标文件。


main.o: defs.h


管理大型项目时,需要大量的这些规则;把它们全部写下来会很乏味和乏味。幸运的是,大多数现代C编译器都可以通过查看源文件中的#include行来编写这些规则。对于GNU编译器集合(GCC),只需添加命令行参数:-MD depfile

# In s/Makefile.lib

c_flags = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE)

-include $(srctree)/include/linux/compiler_types.h

$(__c_flags) $(modkern_cflags)

$(basename_flags) $(modname_flags)


init_task.o: init/init_task.c include/linux/kconfig.h

include/generated/autoconf.h include/linux/init_task.h

include/linux/rcupdate.h include/linux/types.h


然后主机程序fixdep通过将depfile和命令行作为输入来处理其他两个依赖项,然后以makefile语法输出。 .cmd文件,该文件记录命令行和所有先决条件(包括配置) 为目标。 它看起来像这样:

# The command line used to compile the target

cmd_init/init_task.o := gcc -Wp,-MD,init/.init_task.o.d -nostdinc ...


# The dependency files

deps_init/init_task.o :=

$(wildcard include/config/posix/timers.h)

$(wildcard include/config/arch/task/struct/on/stack.h)

$(wildcard include/config/thread/info/in/task.h)






在递归make中将包含一个。 .cmd文件,提供所有依赖关系信息并帮助决定是否重建目标。

这背后的秘密是fixdep将解析depfile(.d文件),然后解析内部的所有依赖文件,搜索所有CONFIG_字符串的文本,将它们转换为相应的空头文件,并将它们添加到目标的先决条件。每次配置更改时,相应的空头文件也将更新,因此kbuild可以检测到该更改并重建依赖于它的目标。 因为还记录了命令行,所以很容易比较最后和当前的编译参数。


Kconfig/kbuild在很长一段时间内保持不变,直到新的维护者Masahiro Yamada于2017年初加入,现在kbuild再次正在积极开发。 如果你很快就会看到与本文中的内容不同的内容,请不要感到惊讶。




The Linux kernel config/build system, also known as Kconfig/kbuild, has been around for a long time, ever since the Linux kernel code migrated to Git. As supporting infrastructure, however, it is seldom in the spotlight; even kernel developers who use it in their daily work never really think about it.

To explore how the Linux kernel is compiled, this article will dive into the Kconfig/kbuild internal process, explain how the .config file and the vmlinux/bzImage files are produced, and introduce a smart trick for dependency tracking.


The first step in building a kernel is always configuration. Kconfig helps make the Linux kernel highly modular and customizable. Kconfig offers the user many config targets:

config Update current config utilizing a line-oriented program
nconfig Update current config utilizing a ncurses menu-based program
menuconfig Update current config utilizing a menu-based program
xconfig Update current config utilizing a Qt-based frontend
gconfig Update current config utilizing a GTK+ based frontend
oldconfig Update current config utilizing a provided .config as base
localmodconfig Update current config disabling modules not loaded
localyesconfig Update current config converting local mods to core
defconfig New config with default from Arch-supplied defconfig
savedefconfig Save current config as ./defconfig (minimal config)
allnoconfig New config where all options are answered with 'no'
allyesconfig New config where all options are accepted with 'yes'
allmodconfig New config selecting modules when possible
alldefconfig New config with all symbols set to default
randconfig New config with a random answer to all options
listnewconfig List new options
olddefconfig Same as oldconfig but sets new symbols to their default value without prompting
kvmconfig Enable additional options for KVM guest kernel support
xenconfig Enable additional options for xen dom0 and guest kernel support
tinyconfig Configure the tiniest possible kernel

I think menuconfig is the most popular of these targets. The targets are processed by different host programs, which are provided by the kernel and built during kernel building. Some targets have a GUI (for the user's convenience) while most don't. Kconfig-related tools and source code reside mainly under scripts/kconfig/ in the kernel source. As we can see from scripts/kconfig/Makefile, there are several host programs, including confmconf, and nconf. Except for conf, each of them is responsible for one of the GUI-based config targets, so, conf deals with most of them.

Logically, Kconfig's infrastructure has two parts: one implements a new language to define the configuration items (see the Kconfig files under the kernel source), and the other parses the Kconfig language and deals with configuration actions.

Most of the config targets have roughly the same internal process (shown below):



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探索Linux内核:Kconfig/kbuild的秘密-Exploring the Linux kernel: The secrets of Kconfig/kbuild_第6张图片


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Note that all configuration items have a default value.


The first step reads the Kconfig file under source root to construct an initial configuration database; then it updates the initial database by reading an existing configuration file according to this priority:

/lib/modules/$(shell,uname -r)/.config
/boot/config-$(shell,uname -r)

If you are doing GUI-based configuration via menuconfig or command-line-based configuration via oldconfig, the database is updated according to your customization. Finally, the configuration database is dumped into the .config file.

But the .config file is not the final fodder for kernel building; this is why the syncconfigtarget exists. syncconfig used to be a config target called silentoldconfig, but it doesn't do what the old name says, so it was renamed. Also, because it is for internal use (not for users), it was dropped from the list.

Here is an illustration of what syncconfig does:



探索Linux内核:Kconfig/kbuild的秘密-Exploring the Linux kernel: The secrets of Kconfig/kbuild_第7张图片


syncconfig takes .config as input and outputs many other files, which fall into three categories:

  • auto.conf & tristate.conf are used for makefile text processing. For example, you may see statements like this in a component's makefile: 
    obj-$(CONFIG_GENERIC_CALIBRATE_DELAY) += calibrate.o
  • autoconf.h is used in C-language source files.
  • Empty header files under include/config/ are used for configuration-dependency tracking during kbuild, which is explained below.

After configuration, we will know which files and code pieces are not compiled.


Component-wise building, called recursive make, is a common way for GNU make to manage a large project. Kbuild is a good example of recursive make. By dividing source files into different modules/components, each component is managed by its own makefile. When you start building, a top makefile invokes each component's makefile in the proper order, builds the components, and collects them into the final executive.

Kbuild refers to different kinds of makefiles:

  • Makefile is the top makefile located in source root.
  • .config is the kernel configuration file.
  • arch/$(ARCH)/Makefile is the arch makefile, which is the supplement to the top makefile.
  • scripts/Makefile.* describes common rules for all kbuild makefiles.
  • Finally, there are about 500 kbuild makefiles.

The top makefile includes the arch makefile, reads the .config file, descends into subdirectories, invokes make on each component's makefile with the help of routines defined in scripts/Makefile.*, builds up each intermediate object, and links all the intermediate objects into vmlinux. Kernel document Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.txtdescribes all aspects of these makefiles.

As an example, let's look at how vmlinux is produced on x86-64:



探索Linux内核:Kconfig/kbuild的秘密-Exploring the Linux kernel: The secrets of Kconfig/kbuild_第8张图片

(The illustration is based on Richard Y. Steven's blog. It was updated and is used with the author's permission.)


All the .o files that go into vmlinux first go into their own built-in.a, which is indicated via variables KBUILD_VMLINUX_INITKBUILD_VMLINUX_MAINKBUILD_VMLINUX_LIBS, then are collected into the vmlinux file.

Take a look at how recursive make is implemented in the Linux kernel, with the help of simplified makefile code:

# In top Makefile vmlinux: scripts/link-vmlinux.sh $(vmlinux-deps) +$(call if_changed,link-vmlinux) # Variable assignments vmlinux-deps := $(KBUILD_LDS) $(KBUILD_VMLINUX_INIT) $(KBUILD_VMLINUX_MAIN) $(KBUILD_VMLINUX_LIBS) export KBUILD_VMLINUX_INIT := $(head-y) $(init-y) export KBUILD_VMLINUX_MAIN := $(core-y) $(libs-y2) $(drivers-y) $(net-y) $(virt-y) export KBUILD_VMLINUX_LIBS := $(libs-y1) export KBUILD_LDS := arch/$(SRCARCH)/kernel/vmlinux.lds init-y := init/ drivers-y := drivers/ sound/ firmware/ net-y := net/ libs-y := lib/ core-y := usr/ virt-y := virt/ # Transform to corresponding built-in.a init-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(init-y)) core-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(core-y)) drivers-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(drivers-y)) net-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(net-y)) libs-y1 := $(patsubst %/, %/lib.a, $(libs-y)) libs-y2 := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(filter-out %.a, $(libs-y))) virt-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(virt-y)) # Setup the dependency. vmlinux-deps are all intermediate objects, vmlinux-dirs # are phony targets, so every time comes to this rule, the recipe of vmlinux-dirs # will be executed. Refer "4.6 Phony Targets" of `info make` $(sort $(vmlinux-deps)): $(vmlinux-dirs) ; # Variable vmlinux-dirs is the directory part of each built-in.a vmlinux-dirs := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(init-y) $(init-m) \ $(core-y) $(core-m) $(drivers-y) $(drivers-m) \ $(net-y) $(net-m) $(libs-y) $(libs-m) $(virt-y))) # The entry of recursive make $(vmlinux-dirs): $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$@ need-builtin=1

The recursive make recipe is expanded, for example:

make -f scripts/Makefile.build obj=init need-builtin=1

This means make will go into scripts/Makefile.build to continue the work of building each built-in.a. With the help of scripts/link-vmlinux.sh, the vmlinux file is finally under source root.

Understanding vmlinux vs. bzImage

Many Linux kernel developers may not be clear about the relationship between vmlinux and bzImage. For example, here is their relationship in x86-64:



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The source root vmlinux is stripped, compressed, put into piggy.S, then linked with other peer objects into arch/x86/boot/compressed/vmlinux. Meanwhile, a file called setup.bin is produced under arch/x86/boot. There may be an optional third file that has relocation info, depending on the configuration of CONFIG_X86_NEED_RELOCS.

A host program called build, provided by the kernel, builds these two (or three) parts into the final bzImage file.

Dependency tracking

Kbuild tracks three kinds of dependencies:

  1. All prerequisite files (both *.c and *.h)
  2. CONFIG_ options used in all prerequisite files
  3. Command-line dependencies used to compile the target

The first one is easy to understand, but what about the second and third? Kernel developers often see code pieces like this:

#ifdef CONFIG_SMP __boot_cpu_id = cpu; #endif

When CONFIG_SMP changes, this piece of code should be recompiled. The command line for compiling a source file also matters, because different command lines may result in different object files.

When a .c file uses a header file via a #include directive, you need write a rule like this:

main.o: defs.h recipe...

When managing a large project, you need a lot of these kinds of rules; writing them all would be tedious and boring. Fortunately, most modern C compilers can write these rules for you by looking at the #include lines in the source file. For the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), it is just a matter of adding a command-line parameter: -MD depfile

# In scripts/Makefile.lib c_flags = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE) \ -include $(srctree)/include/linux/compiler_types.h \ $(__c_flags) $(modkern_cflags) \ $(basename_flags) $(modname_flags)

This would generate a .d file with content like:

init_task.o: init/init_task.c include/linux/kconfig.h \ include/generated/autoconf.h include/linux/init_task.h \ include/linux/rcupdate.h include/linux/types.h \ ...

Then the host program fixdep takes care of the other two dependencies by taking the depfile and command line as input, then outputting a ..cmd file in makefile syntax, which records the command line and all the prerequisites (including the configuration) for a target. It looks like this:

# The command line used to compile the target cmd_init/init_task.o := gcc -Wp,-MD,init/.init_task.o.d -nostdinc ... ... # The dependency files deps_init/init_task.o := \ $(wildcard include/config/posix/timers.h) \ $(wildcard include/config/arch/task/struct/on/stack.h) \ $(wildcard include/config/thread/info/in/task.h) \ ... include/uapi/linux/types.h \ arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/types.h \ include/uapi/asm-generic/types.h \ ...

..cmd file will be included during recursive make, providing all the dependency info and helping to decide whether to rebuild a target or not.

The secret behind this is that fixdep will parse the depfile (.d file), then parse all the dependency files inside, search the text for all the CONFIG_ strings, convert them to the corresponding empty header file, and add them to the target's prerequisites. Every time the configuration changes, the corresponding empty header file will be updated, too, so kbuild can detect that change and rebuild the target that depends on it. Because the command line is also recorded, it is easy to compare the last and current compiling parameters.

Looking ahead

Kconfig/kbuild remained the same for a long time until the new maintainer, Masahiro Yamada, joined in early 2017, and now kbuild is under active development again. Don't be surprised if you soon see something different from what's in this article.
