Tutorial 0: Getting Started
Welcome to TenSEAL’s first tutorial of a serie aiming at introducinghomomorphic encryption and the capabilities of the library.
TenSEAL is a library for doing homomorphic encryption operations on tensors. It’s built on top of MicrosoftSEAL, a C++ library implementing the BFV and CKKS homomorphic encryption schemes. TenSEAL provides ease of use through a Python API, while preserving efficiency by implementing most of its operations using C++, so TenSEAL is a C++ library with a Python interface.Let’s now start the tutorial with a brief review of what homomorphic encryption is, but keep in mind that you don’t need to be a crypto expert to use the library.
- Ayoub Benaissa - Twitter: @y0uben11
x = 7
y = 3
x_encrypted = HE.encrypt(x)
y_encrypted = HE.encrypt(y)
z_encrypted = x_encrypted + y_encrypted
# z should now be x + y = 10
z = HE.decrypt(z_encrypted)
这个类是TenSEAL的最基础的类,封装了很多的encryption keys和parameters,在实际使用中,我们只需要将加密的需求传入这个类,就可以实现HE sheme的初始化。
import tenseal as ts
context = ts.context(ts.SCHEME_TYPE.BFV, poly_modulus_degree=4096, plain_modulus=1032193)
在 TenSEALContext初始化完成后,会默认生成秘钥,但是也可以自己指定,这里为了方便学习,暂时先用他生成的秘钥。
import tenseal as ts
public_context = ts.context(ts.SCHEME_TYPE.BFV, poly_modulus_degree=4096, plain_modulus=1032193)
print("Is the context private?", ("Yes" if public_context.is_private() else "No"))
print("Is the context public?", ("Yes" if public_context.is_public() else "No"))
sk = public_context.secret_key()
# the context will drop the secret-key at this point
print("Secret-key dropped")
print("Is the context private?", ("Yes" if public_context.is_private() else "No"))
print("Is the context public?", ("Yes" if public_context.is_public() else "No"))
当在print(“Secret-key dropped”)后执行
sk = public_context.secret_key()
import tenseal as ts
context = ts.context(ts.SCHEME_TYPE.BFV, poly_modulus_degree=4096, plain_modulus=1032193)
plain_vector = [60, 66, 73, 81, 90]
encrypted_vector = ts.bfv_vector(context, plain_vector)
print("We just encrypted our plaintext vector of size:", encrypted_vector.size())
import tenseal as ts
context = ts.context(ts.SCHEME_TYPE.BFV, poly_modulus_degree=4096, plain_modulus=1032193)
plain_vector = [60, 66, 73, 81, 90]
encrypted_vector = ts.bfv_vector(context, plain_vector)
print("We just encrypted our plaintext vector of size:", encrypted_vector.size())
plain2_vector = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
encrypted2_vector = ts.bfv_vector(context, plain_vector)
add_result = encrypted_vector + encrypted2_vector
print("[60, 66, 73, 81, 90] + [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",add_result.decrypt())
sub_result = encrypted_vector - encrypted2_vector
print("[60, 66, 73, 81, 90] - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",sub_result.decrypt())
mul_result = encrypted_vector * encrypted2_vector
print("[60, 66, 73, 81, 90] * [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]",mul_result.decrypt())
对ciphertext ⊙ plaintext(cp)和ciphertext ⊙ ciphertext(cc)运算做时间上的评估,发现时间差异巨大,cp的时间远远短与cc的时间。
from time import time
t_start = time()
_ = encrypted_add * encrypted_mul
t_end = time()
print("c2c multiply time: {} ms".format((t_end - t_start) * 1000))
t_start = time()
_ = encrypted_add * [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
t_end = time()
print("c2p multiply time: {} ms".format((t_end - t_start) * 1000))
#c2c multiply time: 4.381418228149414 ms
#c2p multiply time: 0.5409717559814453 ms
# this should throw an error as the global_scale isn't defined yet
print("global_scale:", context.global_scale)
except ValueError:
print("The global_scale isn't defined yet")
# you can define it to 2 ** 20 for instance
context.global_scale = 2 ** 20
print("global_scale:", context.global_scale)
#The global_scale isn't defined yet
#global_scale: 1048576.0