默认配置下,Session莫名丢失的原因及解决办法 默认配置下,Session莫名丢失的原因及解决办法
正常操作情况下 Session 会无故丢失。因为程序是在不停的被操作,排除 Session 超时的可能。另外, Session 超时时间被设定成 60 分钟,不会这么快就超时的。

这次到 CSDN 上搜了一下帖子,发现好多人在讨论这个问题,然后我又 google 了一下,发现微软网站上也有类似的内容。


由于 程序是默认配置,所以 Web.Config 文件中关于 Session 的设定如下:
<sessionState mode = 'InProc' stateConnectionString = 'tcpip=' sqlConnectionString = 'data source=;Trusted_Connection=yes' cookieless = 'true' timeout = '60' />

我们会发现 sessionState 标签中有个属性 mode ,它可以有 3 种取值: InProc StateServer?SQLServer (大小写敏感) 。默认情况下是 InProc ,也就是将 Session 保存在进程内( IIS5 aspnet_wp.exe ,而 IIS6 W3wp.exe ),这个进程不稳定,在某些事件发生时,进程会重起,所以造成了存储在该进程内的 Session 丢失。

、配置文件中 processModel 标签的 memoryLimit 属性
Global.asax 或者 Web.config 文件被更改
Bin 文件夹中的 Web 程序( DLL )被修改
、杀毒软件扫描了一些 .config 文件。
更多的信息请参考 PRB: Session variables are lost intermittently in ASP.NET applications


现在请将mode设定为StateServerStateServer是本机的一个服务,可以在系统服务里看到服务名为ASP.NET State Service的服务,默认情况是不启动的。当我们设定modeStateServer之后,请手工将该服务启动。




public class MyClass




PRB: Session variables are lost intermittently in ASP.NET applications


Session variables may be lost intermittently in Microsoft ASP.NET applications.

When this problem occurs on a Microsoft Application Center 2000 cluster, the sessions will drop on the controller when antivirus software scans the Web.config or the Global.asax files. The scan will trigger a replication, causing sessions to be lost on each member server in turn as the file is replaced.


There are many possible causes for this problem. This article addresses one possible cause: session data that is lost because of antivirus software activity.

This problem can occur when antivirus software scans the Web application files. During the scanning process, the antivirus software may mark the Global.asax, the Web.config, and/or the Machine.config files as modified. This modification prompts the Microsoft .NET Framework restart the Web application. If the session data is stored in-process, all session data is lost whenever a Web application is restarted.


To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods:
Configure your antivirus software so that it does not scan .asax and .config files.
Contact the antivirus software manufacturer for instructions.

Configure your Web application to store session data out-of-process. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:


This behavior is by design.


Steps to reproduce the behavior

Note This sample assumes that your Web application stores session data in-process (which is the default behavior).

1. Follow these steps to create a Web application in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET:
a. Open Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
b. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.
c. In the New Project dialog box, click Visual Basic Projects under Project Types, and then click ASP.NET Web Application under Templates.
d. In the Location text box, type http://localhost/TestWeb1.
e. Click OK to create the project. WebForm1.aspx is added to your project by default.
2. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click WebForm1.aspx, and then click View Code.
3. Add the following code to the Page_Load event procedure:

Response.Write("<b>Session Variable Test</b><br> <br>")
If IsNothing(Session("TestVal")) Then
    Response.Write("TestVal old value: <b>nothing</b>")
    Session("TestVal") = 0
    Response.Write("TestVal old value: " & Session("TestVal"))
End If
Session("TestVal") += 1
Response.Write("<br>TestVal new value: " & Session("TestVal"))

4. On the Build menu, click Build Solution.
5. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click WebForm1.aspx, and then click View in Browser.
6. In your browser, click Refresh. Notice that the page displays the initial value of the session variable as nothing.
7. Click Refresh again several times. Notice that the initial value of the session variable changes to a number that increments whenever you refresh the page.
8. Leave the page open in your browser.
9. In Notepad, open the Global.asax file from your project's folder. The Global.asax file of this TestWeb1 project is typically located in the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TestWeb1\Global.asax folder.
10. Move the insertion point to a blank line in the Global.asax file, and then press ENTER to add a second blank line. You must perform this step to mark the file as having been modified.
11. Save your changes to the Global.asax file.
12. In the browser, click Refresh again. Notice that the TestVal session variable displays an initial value of nothing. Your in-process session variables are lost.


For more information, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
303881 ( PRB: Session variables are lost in ASP Web applications
317604 ( How to configure SQL Server to store ASP.NET session state
871042 ( Why is my ASP.NET application restarting?

