



#define RECV_PORT    8000
#define QLEN        10
#define MAX_SIZE    1024

char browser_com_buf[256];
int mylisten (void)
    int listenfd;
    int err;
    socklen_t addrlen;
    struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
    char *address = "";
    listenfd = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );   /*creat a new socket*/
    if ( listenfd < 0 )
        printf ( "listen error\n" );
        return -1;
    memset ( &server_addr, 0, sizeof ( server_addr ) );    
    server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;    /*IPV4*/
    server_addr.sin_port = htons ( RECV_PORT );
    server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ( INADDR_ANY );
    addrlen = sizeof ( server_addr );
    err = bind ( listenfd, ( struct sockaddr * )&server_addr, addrlen );
    if ( err < 0 )
        printf ( "bind error\n" );
        return -2;
    err = listen ( listenfd, QLEN );
    if ( err < 0 )
        printf ( "listen error" );
        return -3;
    return listenfd;

int myaccept ( int listenfd )
    int clientfd;
    int err;
    socklen_t addrlen;
    struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
    addrlen = sizeof ( client_addr );
    clientfd = accept ( listenfd, ( struct sockaddr * )&client_addr, &addrlen );
    if ( clientfd < 0 )
        printf ( "accept error\n" );
        return -1;
    return clientfd;

void browser_com_analysis ( char *com, char *buf )
    int i = 0;
    unsigned int flag = 0;
    char *locate;
    locate = strchr ( com, '/' );
    //依次检索com字符串中的每一个字符,直到遇见字符 /,返回第一次出现字符/的位置
    if ( locate == NULL )
        printf ( "not find\n" );
        exit ( 1 );
        while ( *locate != ' ' )
            buf[i++] = *locate;
        buf[i] = '\0';
    //printf ( "%s\n", buf );

int state_estimat ( char *buf )
    int len;
    unsigned int flag = 0;
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    char buf1[256];
    char *image_style = ".jpg";
    char file_name[256] = { "/var/www" };
    struct stat statbuf;
    len = strlen ( buf );
    memset ( buf1, '\0', sizeof ( buf1 ) );
    while ( i < len )
        if ( buf[i] == '.' )
            flag = 1;
        if ( flag == 1 )
            if ( buf[i] == ' ' || buf[i] == '\n' )
                buf1[j++] = buf[i];
    //printf ( "%s%d\n", buf1, len );
    if ( len == 0 )
        printf ( "http have not send comand\n" );
        exit ( 1 );
    //GET 之后只有一个命令/,所以len == 1,在本例中/实际上是/var/www
    else if ( len == 1 )
        return 1;
    else if ( len > 1 )
        //将参数 src 字符串复制到参数 dest 所指的字符串尾部;dest 最后的结束字符 NULL 会被覆盖掉.
        //并在连接后的字符串的尾部再增加一个 NULL。
        strcat ( file_name, buf );
        stat ( file_name, &statbuf );
        //stat()用来将参数file_name 所指的文件状态, 复制到参数statbuf所指的结构中
        if ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IXOTH )   //其他用户具有可执行权限
            return 4;
            if ( strcmp ( buf1, image_style ) == 0 )
                return 2;    //浏览器请求的是图片
            return 3;    //浏览器请求的是文件

int find_file ( char *buf, int clientfd )
    int state;
    char my_file_buf[65536 * 2];
    int n;
    char fault[] = { "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\nContent-Type: text/html\nrequest file not found\n\n" };
    char head[] = { "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n" };
    char head2[] = { "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: image/jpg\n\n" };
    char head3[] = { "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n" };
    char file_name[] = { "/var/www" };
    memset ( &my_file_buf, '\0', MAX_SIZE );
    state = state_estimat ( buf );
    if ( state == 1 )  //server send file to browser
        int filefd;
        filefd = open ( "/var/www/index.html", O_RDWR );//返回0表示成功
        //参数 pathname 指向欲打开的文件路径/var/www/index.html.
        if ( filefd < 0 )
            printf ( "find file failed\n" );
            write ( clientfd, fault, strlen ( fault ) );
            close ( clientfd );
            n = read ( filefd, my_file_buf, MAX_SIZE );//成功返回读到的字节数
            //read()会把参数fd 所指的文件传送count个字节到buf 指针所指的内存中
            if ( n < 0 )
                printf ( "read the root file failed\n" );
                exit ( 1 );
            strcat ( head, my_file_buf );//将从文件获取到的内容放到head头内容 的下面
            printf ( "%s", head );
            write ( clientfd, head, strlen ( head ) );//成功返回实际写入的字节数
            //把参数buf 所指的内存写入count 个字节到参数fd 所指的文件内
            close ( clientfd );  
    else if ( state == 2 )   
        printf ( "picture\n" );
        int picture_fd;    
        int n;
        write ( clientfd, head2, strlen ( head2 ) );
        memset ( &my_file_buf, '\0', sizeof ( my_file_buf ) );
        strcat ( file_name, buf );
        picture_fd = open ( file_name, O_RDONLY );   //只读打开图片文件
        if ( picture_fd  < 0 )
            printf ( "open picture failed\n" );
            exit ( 1 );
        n = read ( picture_fd, my_file_buf, sizeof ( my_file_buf ) );
        if ( n < 0 )
            printf ( "read picture data failed\n" );
            exit ( 1 );
        write ( clientfd, my_file_buf, sizeof ( my_file_buf ) );
        close ( clientfd );
    else if ( state == 3 )
        printf ( "file\n" );
        int file_fd;
        int n;
        write ( clientfd, head, strlen ( head ) );//head是“text/html”
        memset ( &my_file_buf, '\0', sizeof ( my_file_buf ) );
        strcat ( file_name, buf );//buf是指浏览器请求的文件名放在file_name /var/www之后
        file_fd = open ( file_name, O_RDONLY );
        if ( file_fd < 0 )
            printf ( "open unCGI-file failed\n" );
            exit ( 1 );
        n = read ( file_fd, my_file_buf, sizeof ( my_file_buf ) );
        if ( n < 0 )
            printf ( "read unCGI-file failed \n" );
            exit ( 1 );
        write ( clientfd, my_file_buf, sizeof ( my_file_buf ) );
    else if ( state == 4 )
        printf ( "executable file\n" );
        pid_t pid;
        pid = fork ();
        if ( pid < 0 )
            printf ( "creat child failed\n" );
            exit ( 1 );
        else if ( pid > 0 )    //parent
            int stateval;
            waitpid ( pid, &stateval, 0 );
            //waitpid()会暂时停止目前进程的执行, wait有信号来到或子进程结束然后彻底清除该子进程
            //如果在调用wait()时子进程已经结束, 则wait()会立即返回子进程结束状态值. 
            close ( clientfd );
        else    //child用来执行该可执行文件并返回结果到浏览器输出
            int err;
            char *argv[1];//char* argv[1]指针数组,只有一个指针元素
            strcat ( file_name, buf );
            argv[1] = file_name;
            dup2 ( STDOUT_FILENO, clientfd );
            err = execv ( "/bin/bash", argv );//执行CGI 如/bin/bash test.sh
            if ( err < 0 )
                printf ( "executable file failed\n" );
                exit ( 1 );
            close ( clientfd );

int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int listenfd, clientfd;
    int filefd, n;
    char recvbuf[MAX_SIZE];
    char data_buf[MAX_SIZE];
    listenfd = mylisten();
    if ( listenfd < 0 )
        exit ( 0 );
    printf ( "listening and listen fd is %d......\n", listenfd );
    while ( 1 )
        clientfd = myaccept ( listenfd );
        printf ( "accept success......\n" );
        if ( clientfd < 0 )
            exit ( 1 );
        memset ( &recvbuf, '\0', MAX_SIZE );
        memset ( &data_buf, '\0', MAX_SIZE );
        n = read ( clientfd, recvbuf, MAX_SIZE );
        printf ( "read OK\n" );
        if ( n < 0 )
            printf ( "read error\n" );
            exit ( 2 );
        filefd = open ( "/tmp/read_html.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC );   //open o new file
        write ( filefd, recvbuf, n );  //save the http information to filefd
        browser_com_analysis ( recvbuf, data_buf );//将收到的命令解析出/+后面有用的保存在data_buf
        find_file ( data_buf, clientfd );//对浏览器的请求内容进行判断,是普通html还是picture或是CGI
    close ( clientfd );    
    return 0;


1、首先在linux中运行该程序,此处我使用的vscode远程连接linux,可以直接运行server,如果你是在centos默认的界面或者vim编辑,可以使用gcc http_sever.c -o http_sever生成可执行文件 和 ./http_sever来执行该文件,可以看到服务器开始listen监听是否有连接请求:


2、打开浏览器,输入自己的服务器IP,例如我的是http:// ,如果端口号不是80,我设置的是8000,则输入,回车向服务器发出请求,即可看到你要加载到浏览器的数据!




