32-7 Writing a Letter of Congratulation to the Boss


Stanley Fontana, formerly Assistant Personnel Manager of Consolidated Supply Corporation, was recently promoted to the position of Vice President and Personnel Director. He received several letters of congratulation, and the following is typical. It came from the Supervisor of Recruitement and Placement in the Personnel Division.


The Letter:

Your elevation to Vice President and Personnel Director was great news! Athough the announcement was no surprise, count me among those who yelled 'Hallelujah' when the news became official.

I'm not only pleased at this advancement for you. I'm also happy that the Personnel Division has come to mean so much to the company that its new titualr head has been awarded the title of Vice President.

You must know how I feel about this, Stan. I really enjoy working with you, you're one in a million when it comes to imagination, ideas, and human relationships. You're responsible for my being in the company, and I've never regretted the decision to join you.

