转自: http://www.cnblogs.com/BlackWalnut/p/4508093.html
%{ #include#include "util.h" #include "tokens.h" #include "errormsg.h" #include "iostream" #include "tiger.tab.h" int charPos=1; int count = 0 ; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" int yywrap (void ) #else extern int yywrap (void ) #endif { charPos = 1 ; return 1 ; } void adjust(void) { EM_tokPos=charPos; charPos+=yyleng; } %} %state COMMENT %state CONST_STRING %% [\"] {adjust(); BEGIN CONST_STRING;} " " {adjust(); continue;} \n {adjust(); lineNum++; continue;} \t {adjust(); continue;} "," {adjust(); std::cout << "COMMA" << std::endl ; return COMMA;} : {adjust(); std::cout << "COLON" << std::endl ; return COLON;} ; {adjust(); std::cout << "SEMICOLON" << std::endl ; return SEMICOLON;} "(" {adjust(); std::cout << "LPAREN" << std::endl ; return LPAREN;} ")" {adjust(); std::cout << "RPAREN" << std::endl ; return RPAREN;} "[" {adjust(); std::cout << "LBRACK" << std::endl ; return LBRACK;} "]" {adjust(); std::cout << "RBRACK" << std::endl ; return RBRACK;} "{" {adjust(); std::cout << "LBRACE" << std::endl ; return LBRACE;} "}" {adjust(); std::cout << "RBRACE" << std::endl ; return RBRACE;} "." {adjust(); std::cout << "DOT" << std::endl ; return DOT;} "+" {adjust(); std::cout << "PLUS" << std::endl ; return PLUS;} "-" {adjust(); std::cout << "MINUS" << std::endl ; return MINUS;} "*" {adjust(); std::cout << "TIMES" << std::endl ; return TIMES;} "/" {adjust(); std::cout << "DIVIDE" << std::endl ; return DIVIDE;} "=" {adjust(); std::cout << "EQ" << std::endl ; return EQ;} "<>" {adjust(); std::cout << "NEQ" << std::endl ; return NEQ;} "<" {adjust(); std::cout << "LT" << std::endl ; return LT;} "<=" {adjust(); std::cout << "LE" << std::endl ; return LE;} ">" {adjust(); std::cout << "GT" << std::endl ; return GT;} ">=" {adjust(); std::cout << "GE" << std::endl ; return GE;} "&" {adjust(); std::cout << "AND" << std::endl ; return AND;} "|" {adjust(); std::cout << "OR" << std::endl ; return OR;} := {adjust(); std::cout << "ASSIGN" << std::endl ; return ASSIGN;} for {adjust(); std::cout << "FOR" << std::endl ; return FOR;} array {adjust();std::cout << "ARRAY" << std::endl ; return ARRAY;} if {adjust(); std::cout << "IF" << std::endl ; return IF;} then {adjust(); std::cout << "THEN" << std::endl ; return THEN;} else {adjust(); std::cout << "ELSE" << std::endl ; return ELSE;} while {adjust(); std::cout << "WHILE" << std::endl ; return WHILE;} to {adjust(); std::cout << "TO" << std::endl ; return TO;} do {adjust();std::cout << "DO" << std::endl ; return DO;} let {adjust();std::cout << "LET" << std::endl ; return LET;} in {adjust();std::cout << "IN" << std::endl ; return IN;} end {adjust();std::cout << "END" << std::endl ; return END;} of {adjust(); std::cout << "OF" << std::endl ; return OF;} break {adjust(); std::cout << "BREAK" << std::endl ; return BREAK;} nil {adjust(); std::cout << "NIL" << std::endl ; return NIL;} function {adjust();std::cout << "FUNCTION" << std::endl ; return FUNCTION;} var {adjust(); std::cout << "VAR" << std::endl ; return VAR;} type {adjust();std::cout << "TYPE" << std::endl ; return TYPE;} [0-9]+[a-zA-Z]+ {adjust(); /*error!!!!*/ } [0-9]+ {adjust(); std::cout << "INT" << std::endl ; yylval.ival=atoi(yytext); return INT;} [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* {adjust(); std::cout << "ID" << std::endl ; yylval.sval=string(yytext);return ID;} "/*" {adjust();count++; BEGIN COMMENT;} [\"] {adjust(); BEGIN INITIAL ; } [^\"]* {adjust(); yylval.sval = string(yytext);std::cout << "STRING" << std::endl ; return STRING; } "*/" {adjust();count--; if(count == 0) BEGIN INITIAL;} . {adjust();} \n {adjust();}
#ifdef __cplusplus static int yyinput (void ); #else static int input (void ); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" int yywrap (void ) #else extern int yywrap (void ) #endif { charPos = 1 ; return 1 ; }
%{ #include#include "util.h" #include "errormsg.h" #include "absyn.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "iostream" int pos ; extern int yylex(void); /* function prototype */ A_exp absyn_root ; void yyerror(char *s) { EM_error(EM_tokPos, "%s", s); } %} // ’‚∏ˆunion æÕ «”Ô∑®∑÷Œˆ∆˜÷–µƒ$∑˚∫≈∫ÕÕ‚ΩÁ¡™œµµƒΩËø⁄ ’‚¿Ô÷ª”√–¥“ª–©∑«÷’Ω·∑˚±Ì¥Ô Ω “‘º∞ ÷’Ω·∑˚±Ì¥Ô Ω÷–”–»∑∂®÷µµƒ≤ø∑÷ œÒ≤Ÿ◊˜∑˚÷Æ¿‡µƒæÕ≤ª”√¡À %union { int ival; float fval ; string sval; S_symbol symbol; A_var var ; A_exp exp ; A_dec dec ; A_ty ty ; A_decList decs ; A_expList expList; A_field tyfield; A_fieldList tyfields; A_fundec fundec; A_fundecList fundecList; A_namety tydec; A_nametyList tydecList; A_efield fild; A_efieldList fildlist ; } %type lvalue %type exp %type dec %type ty %type decs %type expseq %type expList %type tyfield %type tyfields %type fundec %type fundecList %type tydec %type tydecList %type fild %type fildlist %token ID %token STRING %token INT %token COMMA COLON SEMICOLON LPAREN RPAREN LBRACK RBRACK LBRACE RBRACE DOT PLUS MINUS TIMES DIVIDE EQ NEQ LT LE GT GE AND OR ASSIGN ARRAY IF THEN ELSE WHILE FOR TO DO LET IN END OF BREAK NIL FUNCTION VAR TYPE UMINUS %start program %right FUNCTION TYPE %right OF %right DO ELSE THEN %nonassoc ASSIGN %left OR %left AND %nonassoc EQ NEQ LT LE GT GE %left PLUS MINUS %left TIMES DIVIDE %left UMINUS %% /* This is a skeleton grammar file, meant to illustrate what kind of * declarations are necessary above the %% mark. Students are expected * to replace the two dummy productions below with an actual grammar. */ program: exp { absyn_root = $1 ; } decs : dec { $$ = A_DecList($1 , NULL) ; } | dec decs { $$ = A_DecList($1 , $2) ; } dec : tydecList { $$ = A_TypeDec(pos , $1) ; } | VAR ID ASSIGN exp { $$ = A_VarDec(pos , S_Symbol($2) , NULL , $4) ; } | VAR ID COLON ID ASSIGN exp { $$ = A_VarDec(pos , S_Symbol($2) , S_Symbol($4) , $6) ; } | fundecList { $$ = A_FunctionDec(pos , $1) ; } tydecList : tydec { $$ = A_NametyList($1 , NULL); } | tydec tydecList { $$ = A_NametyList($1 , $2) ; } tydec : TYPE ID EQ ty { $$ = A_Namety(S_Symbol($2) , $4 ) ;} ty : LBRACE tyfields RBRACE { $$ = A_RecordTy(pos , $2); } | LBRACE RBRACE { $$ = A_RecordTy(pos , NULL); } | ARRAY OF ID { $$ = A_ArrayTy(pos , S_Symbol($3)); } | ID { $$ = A_NameTy(pos , S_Symbol($1)) ; } tyfield : ID COLON ID { $$ = A_Field(pos, S_Symbol($1) , S_Symbol($3)); } tyfields : tyfield { $$ = A_FieldList($1 , NULL) ; } | tyfield COMMA tyfields { $$ = A_FieldList($1 , $3); } fundecList : fundec { $$ = A_FundecList($1 , NULL); } | fundec fundecList { $$ = A_FundecList($1 , $2); } fundec : FUNCTION ID LPAREN tyfields RPAREN COLON ID EQ exp { $$ = A_Fundec( pos, S_Symbol($2) , $4 , S_Symbol($7) , $9 ) ; } | FUNCTION ID LPAREN RPAREN COLON ID EQ exp { $$ = A_Fundec( pos, S_Symbol($2) , NULL , S_Symbol($6) , $8 ) ; } | FUNCTION ID LPAREN tyfields RPAREN EQ exp { $$ = A_Fundec( pos, S_Symbol($2) , $4 , NULL , $7 ) ; } | FUNCTION ID LPAREN RPAREN EQ exp { $$ = A_Fundec( pos, S_Symbol($2) , NULL , NULL , $6 ) ; } lvalue: ID { $$ = A_SimpleVar(pos , S_Symbol($1) ) ; } | lvalue DOT ID { $$ = A_FieldVar(pos, $1 ,S_Symbol($3) ); } | ID LBRACK exp RBRACK { $$ = A_SubscriptVar(pos , A_SimpleVar(pos , S_Symbol($1) ) , $3); } fild : ID EQ exp { $$ = A_Efield( S_Symbol($1) ,$3 ) ; } fildlist : fild { $$ = A_EfieldList( $1 , NULL ); } | fild COMMA fildlist { $$ = A_EfieldList( $1 ,$3 ) ; } //expseq ∫Õ explist ∑÷±”√”⁄±Ì æ ±Ì¥Ô Ω∂”¡– ∫Õ ∫Ø ˝µ˜”√ µ´ «º«¬ºÀ˚√«µƒ ˝æ›Ω·π𠱓ª—˘µƒ “ÚŒ™À˚√«÷ª”–÷–º‰µƒ÷’Ω·∑˚∫≈≤ª“ª—˘ expseq : exp { $$ = A_ExpList( $1 , NULL ); } | exp SEMICOLON expseq { $$ = A_ExpList( $1 , $3 ) ; } expList : exp { $$ = A_ExpList($1 , NULL ) ; } | exp COMMA expList { $$ = A_ExpList($1 , $3) ; } // - exp exp : MINUS exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_minusOp , A_IntExp(pos , 0) , $2 ); }%prec UMINUS //var |lvalue { $$ = A_VarExp(pos , $1 ); } //nil | NIL { $$ = A_NilExp(pos); } | LPAREN RPAREN { $$ = A_NilExp(pos); } //const int | INT { $$ = A_IntExp(pos , $1) ; } //const string | STRING { $$ = A_StringExp(pos , $1); } // expression sequence | LPAREN expseq RPAREN { $$ = A_SeqExp( pos , $2 ) ; } //CALL FUNCTION |ID LPAREN RPAREN { $$ = A_CallExp( pos, S_Symbol($1) ,NULL ); } |ID LPAREN expList RPAREN { $$ = A_CallExp(pos , S_Symbol($1) ,$3) ; } //OPERATOR |exp PLUS exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_plusOp , $1 , $3 ); } |exp MINUS exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_minusOp , $1 , $3 ); } |exp TIMES exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_timesOp , $1 , $3 ); } |exp DIVIDE exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_divideOp , $1 , $3 ); } |exp EQ exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_eqOp , $1 , $3 ); } |exp NEQ exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_neqOp , $1 , $3 ); } |exp LT exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_ltOp , $1 , $3 ); } |exp LE exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_leOp , $1 , $3 ); } |exp GT exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_gtOp , $1 , $3 ); } |exp GE exp { $$ = A_OpExp( pos , A_oper::A_geOp , $1 , $3 ); } |exp AND exp { $$ = A_IfExp( pos , $1 , $3 , A_IntExp(pos ,0)); } |exp OR exp { $$ = A_IfExp( pos , $1 , A_IntExp(pos , 1) ,$3 ); } //RECORD |ID LBRACE RBRACE { $$ = A_RecordExp(pos, S_Symbol($1) , NULL); } |ID LBRACE fildlist RBRACE { $$ = A_RecordExp(pos,S_Symbol($1) , $3); } //ARRAY |ID LBRACK exp RBRACK OF exp { $$ = A_ArrayExp(pos , S_Symbol($1) , $3 ,$6) ; } //assign |lvalue ASSIGN exp { $$ = A_AssignExp(pos , $1 , $3) ; } //if...then....else |IF exp THEN exp ELSE exp { $$ = A_IfExp( pos , $2 , $4 , $6 ) ;} |IF exp THEN exp { $$ = A_IfExp( pos , $2 , $4 , NULL) ;} //while |WHILE exp DO exp { $$ = A_WhileExp(pos, $2 , $4 );} //for |FOR ID ASSIGN exp TO exp DO exp { $$ = A_ForExp( pos, S_Symbol($2) , $4 , $6 , $8); } //break | BREAK { $$ = A_BreakExp( pos ) ; } //let | LET decs IN expseq END { $$ = A_LetExp( pos , $2 , A_SeqExp( pos , $4 ));} | LET decs IN END { $$ = A_LetExp( pos , $2 ,NULL) ;}
1.使用bison生成文件时,输入-b 生成的文件可以进行debug,使用-v可以得到一个.output文件,这个文件里就记录了所有的状态信息,方便查看各种移进规约冲突等的位置。
2.当出现$$ 未定义标示符的时候,说明你的bison没有加union 和 %type 语句,如果再加上%token 就可以生成.h文件中定义了一个枚举和一个联合,因为在联合中的类型都是自己定义的,所以在生成的.h文件中还要加得到的.h文件还要加上在程序中使用的相应的头文件 如#include "symbol.h" ,#include "absyn.h"。生成的这个.h文件很重要这两个是实现bison生成的语法分析器和flex生成的词法分析器交互的数据结构。
联合有两个作用,第一个定义一个栈,将语法分析过程中的数据都存放到这个栈中,使用这个栈生成最后的抽象语法分析树。第二个作用是定义了一个变量 yyval,这个变量 yylval 的类型是YYSTYPE(这个类型就是联合)。这个变量将词法分析过程中的值记录下来放入栈中,如{adjust(); std::cout << "ID" << std::endl ; yylval.sval=string(yytext);return ID;}中记录ID的实际命名时什么,还有一个作用就是使用它记录了语法分析器中的动作(每条规则后面的c++程序)中的值返回值。找到这个变量的定义,发现上面有一个注释:该变量返回动作中的值,也就是说它里面记录了动作(每条规则后面的c++程序)中的值,并压入栈中。看看bison生成的代码可以知道,yyval也就是$$,他的每个动作都是使用栈顶的内容生成一个新的内容,老的内容被移出去,然后赋值给yylval,最后由这个yylval值在赋值给栈顶。从而完成了抽象语法数的构建。这样可以知道,在整个过程中,词法分析器中使用的内容是由.h文件定义的类型,以及在.c文件中定义的变量来生成的。
词法分析器向语法分析器发送的是一个个的终结符,如 中的return