

R语言概述 (Overview of R Language)

The 'R' is one of the most elegant languages, which is used for software design, and it is a software made for statistical interpretation, graphical depiction, and commentary. R is a programming language, which is made by the two renowned scientists, Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman, through the University of Auckland in New Zealand in 1993. The R Core Team is presently developing this language. This indoctrination language was named as R only based on the first letter of the first name of the two authors who introduced the language R (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka), and partially an activity on the fame of the Bell Labs Language S. R is generously accessible under the GNU ("GNU's Not Unix") Common Public License, and pre accumulated binary forms are provided for several operational systems like Linux, Windows, and Mac.

“ R”是最优雅的语言之一,用于软件设计,它是用于统计解释,图形描绘和注释的软件。 R是一种编程语言,它是由两个著名的科学家提出, 罗斯·哈卡和罗伯特绅士 ,通过奥克兰的新西兰在1993年将R核心团队大学目前正在制定这门语言。 这种灌输语言被命名为只根据两位作者谁介绍的语言R(罗伯特绅士和罗斯·哈卡),以及部分活动在贝尔实验室的语言S. R的名气的名字的第一个字母R可以在GNU(“ GNU的非Unix”)通用公共许可证下轻松访问,并且为几种操作系统(如Linux,Windows和Mac)提供了预先累积的二进制格式。

R is a deduced computer linguistic system, which permits the branching and looping as well as it allows modular programming to use functions. R allows amalgamation with the dealings and processes written in languages such as C, C++, .Net, Python, or FORTRAN languages for effectiveness. Including companies such as Uber, Google, Airbnb, Facebook, along with with with the speculative systems delegates this language.

R是一种推导的计算机语言系统,它允许分支和循环以及允许模块化程序使用功能。 R允许与诸如C , C ++ ,.Net, Python或FORTRAN语言之类的语言编写的交易和流程合并。 包括Uber,Google,Airbnb,Facebook等公司,以及带有这种语言的投机系统。

R语言的由来 (Origin of R Language)

Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman are the two scientists who transcribed the programming code of R in the beginning. They have written the language at the Constituent part of Statistics of the University of Auckland in Auckland of New Zealand. This language had made its former presence in the year 1993. An enormous collection of personalities and entities had made their contribution to R by sending a vast number of code and bug reports. There has been a core group created in the mid of 1997(which is known as the 'R' core group). A lot number of people joined in the group who can amend the documentation of the source code of language R.

罗斯·伊卡(Ross Ihaka)和罗伯特·金特尔曼(Robert Gentleman)是最初抄写R编程代码的两位科学家。 他们已经在新西兰奥克兰的奥克兰大学统计部门的组成部分编写了该语言。 这种语言在1993年就已经存在。通过发送大量的代码和错误报告,大量的个性和实体为R做出了贡献。 在1997年中期创建了一个核心小组(称为“ R”核心小组)。 许多人加入了该小组,他们可以修改语言R的源代码的文档。

R语言的功能 (Features of R Language)

As specified previously, language R is a language used for program design, and it has a software environment for statistical study, graphics exemplification, and reportage. The following are the essential characteristics of R:

如前所述,语言R是用于程序设计的语言,它具有用于统计研究,图形例证和报告文学的软件环境。 以下是R的基本特征:

  • Utilization of many conditionals loops, user-defined recursive utilities, and input & output facilities are included in the language. R is well-established, humble, and operative user interface design language.

    该语言包括许多条件循环的使用,用户定义的递归实用程序以及输入和输出功能。 R是一种完善的,不起眼的,可操作的用户界面设计语言。

  • R has a piece of operative information which is easy to handle and has a facility of storage,


  • The language R provides a set of operatives for calculations on arrays, lists, vectors, and matrices.


  • R provides a vast, comprehensible, and assimilated assortment of apparatuses for the persistence of data analysis.


R has created its name as the world's furthermost extensively used statistics programming language. It is one of the best choices of data given by scientists and supported by a vivacious and brilliant communal of suppliers. R is educated by many numbers of students in their respective academies and is organized in mission perilous commercial presentations.

R已成为世界上使用最广泛的统计编程语言的名称。 这是科学家给出的最佳数据选择之一,并得到了活跃而辉煌的供应商社区的支持。 R由各自学院中的许多学生教育,并以危险的商业演示文稿的形式进行组织。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/r/overview-of-r-programming-language.aspx

