// NewXClientPool creates a fixed size XClient pool.
func NewXClientPool(count int, servicePath string, failMode FailMode, selectMode SelectMode, discovery ServiceDiscovery, option Option) *XClientPool {
pool := &XClientPool{ // 连接池对象
count: uint64(count),
xclients: make([]XClient, count),
servicePath: servicePath,
failMode: failMode,
selectMode: selectMode,
discovery: discovery,
option: option,
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {// 创建client,数量跟count相同
xclient := NewXClient(servicePath, failMode, selectMode, discovery, option)
pool.xclients[i] = xclient
return pool
// XClientPool is a xclient pool with fixed size.
// It uses roundrobin algorithm to call its xclients.
// All xclients share the same configurations such as ServiceDiscovery and serverMessageChan.
type XClientPool struct {
count uint64 // 池子中保存的连接数量
index uint64 // 从池子里获取连接时,用来定位获取哪个连接
xclients []XClient // 客户端对象
servicePath string // rpc服务名称
failMode FailMode // rpc调用失败后的处理方式
selectMode SelectMode // 路由策略
discovery ServiceDiscovery // 服务发现
option Option
serverMessageChan chan<- *protocol.Message
// NewXClient creates a XClient that supports service discovery and service governance.
func NewXClient(servicePath string, failMode FailMode, selectMode SelectMode, discovery ServiceDiscovery, option Option) XClient {
client := &xClient{ // 创建client对象
failMode: failMode,
selectMode: selectMode,
discovery: discovery,
servicePath: servicePath, // rpc服务名称,一个暴露出来的服务会提供多个方法
cachedClient: make(map[string]RPCClient),
option: option,
// 获取注册的服务配置
pairs := discovery.GetServices()
servers := make(map[string]string, len(pairs))
for _, p := range pairs {
servers[p.Key] = p.Value
filterByStateAndGroup(client.option.Group, servers)
client.servers = servers
if selectMode != Closest && selectMode != SelectByUser {
// 设置路由方式
client.selector = newSelector(selectMode, servers)
client.Plugins = &pluginContainer{}
// 目前固定返回nil
ch := client.discovery.WatchService()
if ch != nil {
client.ch = ch
go client.watch(ch)
return client
// 从连接池中获取一个连接
// Get returns a xclient.
// It does not remove this xclient from its cache so you don't need to put it back.
// Don't close this xclient because maybe other goroutines are using this xclient.
func (p *XClientPool) Get() XClient {
// 每次获取时,index自增
i := atomic.AddUint64(&p.index, 1)
// 取模
picked := int(i % p.count)
return p.xclients[picked]
// Call invokes the named function, waits for it to complete, and returns its error status.
// It handles errors base on FailMode.
func (c *xClient) Call(ctx context.Context, serviceMethod string, args interface{}, reply interface{}) error {
if c.isShutdown { // 异常处理
return ErrXClientShutdown
if c.auth != "" {// 如果设置了认证信息
var err error
k, client, err := c.selectClient(ctx, c.servicePath, serviceMethod, args)
if err != nil {
if c.failMode == Failfast {
return err
var e error
switch c.failMode {// 以下是不同失败模式的处理逻辑
case Failtry: // 在这种模式下, rpcx如果调用一个节点的服务出现错误, 它也会尝试,但是还是选择这个节点进行重试, 直到节点正常返回数据或者达到最大重试次数。
case Failover: // 在这种模式下, rpcx如果遇到错误,它会尝试调用另外一个节点, 直到服务节点能正常返回信息,或者达到最大的重试次数
retries := c.option.Retries
for retries >= 0 {
if client != nil {
// TODO 构造请求,发送数据,还没看懂是在哪里给reply赋值的???
err = c.wrapCall(ctx, client, serviceMethod, args, reply)
if err == nil {
return nil
if _, ok := err.(ServiceError); ok {
return err
if uncoverError(err) {
c.removeClient(k, client)
//select another server
k, client, e = c.selectClient(ctx, c.servicePath, serviceMethod, args)
if err == nil {
err = e
return err
case Failbackup:
default: //Failfast
err = c.wrapCall(ctx, client, serviceMethod, args, reply)
if err != nil {
if uncoverError(err) {
c.removeClient(k, client)
return err
// selects a client from candidates base on c.selectMode
func (c *xClient) selectClient(ctx context.Context, servicePath, serviceMethod string, args interface{}) (string, RPCClient, error) {
// 根据我们配置的路由模式,选择正确的Select函数,此处是interface,类似运行时多态
var fn = c.selector.Select
if c.Plugins != nil { // 插件处理
fn = c.Plugins.DoWrapSelect(fn)
// 调用所选路由模式的Select函数,返回一个rpc服务地址
k := fn(ctx, servicePath, serviceMethod, args)
if k == "" {
return "", nil, ErrXClientNoServer
// 通过k去获取一个rpc客户端,有缓存处理,如果已经存在,则直接返回,不会创建新的客户端
// 新连接的创建逻辑也在这里
client, err := c.getCachedClient(k)
return k, client, err