添加<user username="admin"password="admin"roles="admin,manager"/>
即可登录admin /admin
<Connector port="8080"protocol="HTTP/1.1"
Help > Software Updates > Manager Configuration
选择Add > Extension Location 找到你要安装插件的目录就可以了
在D:\Program Files\MyEclipse\eclipse\links下建立文件xxx.link
内容为path=D:/Program Files/MyEclipse/myeclipse
Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Folding:Enable folding
加上参数:eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xverify:none -XX:+UseParallelGC-XX:PermSize=20M
-Xms64M -Xmx200M
如果你的内存是1G的。可以将最后一个参数Xmx200M改为 Xmx512M
Window > Preferences > General >Startup and Shutdown >
Window > Perferences > General >Editors > Text Editors > Spelling > 去掉Enable spellchecking复选框的勾选。
Window - Preferences - General - Workspace
将"Text file encoding"选为"Other" -"UTF-8"
Window -> Preferences -> General-> Content Types
将需要设置的文件设置编码, 最好统一设为UTF-8
设置后, 如Javascript文件可正常显示中文
Window -> Preferences -> MyEclipse-> Files and Editors -> JSP
Window -> Preferences -> MyEclipse-> HTML -> HTML Source
勾选"Clear all blank lines"
1 . Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor ->Content Assist
2. 将"Auto Activation triggers for java"设置为".abc"(默认是"."), 点"Apply"应用
3. 导出目前的Eclipse配置文件: File -> Export ->General -> Perferences, 选择保存路径, 保存得到*.epf文件
4. 用文本编辑器打开刚才保存的*.epf文件, 搜索".abc", 将".abc"部分改为
".abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ(," (以上为自动提示的触发字符,
根据个人习惯设置), 保存此配置文件(个人觉得不太好用,容易出错)
5. 导入此配置文件: File -> import -> General -> Perferences, 导入修改后的配置文件
1, Eclipse:
Windows –> Perferences–> Install/Update -> Automatic Updates
不勾选"Automatically find new updates and notify me"
2, Windows –> Perferences–> MyEclipse... -> Community Essentials
&nb sp; 不勾选"Search for new featuresat startup"
3, Windows –> Perferences–> MyEclipse... -> Maven4MyEclipse
不勾选"Download repository index updates on startup"