In conjunction with Apple, Google has released an Exposure Notification API that health officials can use (with your voluntary permission) for COVID-19 contact tracing. If you want to verify that the feature is disabled on your phone, here’s how to turn off exposure logging and notifications on Android.
Google与Apple一起发布了Exposure Notification API ,卫生官员可以(在您的自愿许可下)将其用于COVID-19联系人跟踪。 如果您想验证手机上的该功能是否已禁用,请按照以下方法在Android设备上关闭曝光记录和通知。
Google began rolling out the Exposure Notifications API to Android handsets through a Google Play Services update in May 2020. Although there is now a section for COVID-19 Notifications in your phone’s Settings menu, nothing is enabled by default, and you need to manually download an app from your local public health organization before any contact tracing starts working.
Google于2020年5月开始通过Google Play服务更新向Android手机推出Exposure Notifications API。尽管现在手机的“设置”菜单中有一个COVID-19通知部分,但默认情况下未启用任何功能,您需要手动下载在开始任何联系人跟踪之前,请先从您当地的公共卫生组织获得一个应用。
If you’re interested in learning more about how COVID-19 contact tracing works on your Android handset, the API and exposure notifications are identical to that found on Apple’s iPhone.
如果您有兴趣了解有关Android手机上COVID-19联系人跟踪工作原理的更多信息,则API和公开通知与Apple iPhone上的通知和通知相同 。
Start by opening the Settings menu on your device. The easiest way to get there is by swiping down from the top of your phone’s display (once or twice, depending on the handset’s manufacturer) and then tapping on the Gear icon.
首先打开设备上的“设置”菜单。 最简单的方法是从手机显示屏顶部向下滑动(一次或两次,具体取决于手机的制造商),然后点击Gear图标。
Alternatively, swipe up from your device’s home screen to open the app drawer and then locate the “Settings” app.
Next, scroll down and select the “Google” option.
接下来,向下滚动并选择“ Google”选项。
Tap on “COVID-19 Exposure Notifications” found at the top of the list. If the option isn’t shown on your Android handset, it means that your device hasn’t received the May 2020 (or later) Google Play Services update, and the API hasn’t been installed on your phone.
点击列表顶部的“ COVID-19暴露通知”。 如果该选项未在您的Android手机上显示,则表明您的设备尚未收到2020年5月(或更高版本)的Google Play服务更新,并且您的手机上尚未安装该API。
If you have installed a COVID-19 contact tracing app from your local public health organization and manually permitted it to use Google’s and Apple’s Exposure Notifications API, the options in the menu won’t be grayed out. Without you installing an app, the feature is disabled and cannot work.
如果您从本地公共卫生组织安装了COVID-19联系人跟踪应用程序,并手动允许其使用Google和Apple的Exposure Notifications API,则菜单中的选项不会显示为灰色。 如果不安装应用程序,则该功能将被禁用并且无法使用。
Select “Delete Random IDs” to remove any anonymous Bluetooth beacon information that your handset has recorded or tap “Turn Off Exposure Notifications” to disable the contact tracing feature entirely.
选择“删除随机ID”以删除手机已记录的任何匿名蓝牙信标信息 ,或点击“关闭曝光通知”以完全禁用联系人跟踪功能。
To be extremely clear, you do not need to worry about the Exposure Notifications API sending personal health data to health officials or the government. Using the feature is entirely voluntary, and only works if you grant permission to apps provided by your local health organization (which, at the time of writing, no U.S. state has released).
明确地说,您无需担心Exposure Notifications API将个人健康数据发送给卫生官员或政府的情况。 使用该功能完全是自愿的,并且只有在您授予当地医疗机构提供的应用程序的许可(在撰写本文时, 美国还没有发布 )的情况下,该功能才有效。